Oh you're Jewish? Merry Christmas!


New member
Jul 2, 2008

Claims to respect all religions.
Disregards that and wishes everyone a Merry Christmas.

aren't you supposed to post the part where you come in and white-knight and make him feel stupid to show everyone on FB how enlightened you are?
aren't you supposed to post the part where you come in and white-knight and make him feel stupid to show everyone on FB how enlightened you are?

No it's my half-brother and pretty much all of my immediate family has "liked" it. Which is strange because for the 37 years I've been here my parent have never gone to church.

Just an example of how very religious people lack logic and reasoning skills. They go on a tirade how everything needs to be CHRIST-like but then make a false claim that they respect all other religions. If they did respect all other religions they would keep everything HOLIDAY-like.
Whatevs, it's not like he purposely offended other religion, maybe just didn't think this through..
Oh, speaking of Jews, anybody else is getting crapload of cloudflare errors today? One would think that Jon could upgrade the servers a bit with all those BST millions..
Not a Christian either - but the "happy holidays" thing really pisses me off. It started off as an American phenomenon (separation of Church and State?), but now it's spread over here.

I went to a school with a loads of non-Christians, and quite a few of the Muslims used to give us Christmas cards. Of course, that was before 2001, so they we hadn't decided they were all terrorists yet. Now if they tried to give a white person a card, they'd probably find themselves detained without trial for a month or something.

Anyhow, it's Yuletide. the Christians only stole the solstice festival off the Pagans. Cutting bits of tree up and decorating them goes back a lot longer than 2000 years.
Same. I'm not a Christian either but I like Christmas.
I don't understand the drama. It's just the name. I remember when Bush renamed French Fries to Liberty Fries and I've never heard anyone calling 'Liberty fries' to French Fries. lolz
OP is a retard. That Facebook post isn't about "keeping the Christ in Christmas", it's about the bullshit level of political correctness that this country continues to promote.

How the fuck are you offended by that Facebook post mocking political correctness, yet you spend time on WickedFire?
He makes his kids tithe 10% of their money - even gift cards on their birthday. They're 5 and 8. It's 100% about Christ.
Jesus was born when the shepherds and sheep were in the fields, so December is not even his birth month. And HE didn't even celebrate his own birthday. Merry Paganmas!
The Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano made some interesting observations.
Regarding the date when Christmas is celebrated, the Catholic newspaper said:

“The real date of Jesus’ birth, from the historical viewpoint, lies concealed beneath a veil of uncertainty as regards Roman history, the imperial census of that time and research in the subsequent centuries. . . . The date of 25 December, as is well known, was chosen by the Church of Rome in the fourth century. This date in pagan Rome was dedicated to the Sun god . . . Although Christianity had already been affirmed in Rome by an Edict of Constantine, the myth of . . . the Sun god was still widespread, especially among soldiers. The above-mentioned festivities, centred on 25 December, were deeply rooted in popular tradition. This gave the Church of Rome the idea of impressing a Christian religious significance on the day by replacing the Sun god with the true Sun of Justice, Jesus Christ, choosing it as the day on which to celebrate his birth.”

At first this December 25th holiday was a “beast” living outside of Christianity.

Under the subheading “Relation to the Roman Saturnalia,” The Christian Encyclopedia (in Korean) observes regarding Christmas:

The pagan Saturnalia and Brumalia were too deeply entrenched in popular custom to be set aside by Christian influence. The recognition of Sunday (the day of Phœbus and Mithras as well as the Lord’s Day) by the emperor Constantine . . . may have led Christians of the fourth century to feel the appropriateness of making the birthday of the Son of God coincide with that of the physical sun. The pagan festival with its riot and merrymaking was so popular that Christians were glad of an excuse to continue its celebration with little change in spirit or in manner.”
I would just like to wish everyone a merry Christmas this holiday season. Wut?

See what I did there?