Official Bitching About Forum Changes Thread

Potentialeight, you da real mvp.

My predictions for 2016: WickedFire is flooded with Indian shitlords, potentialeight breaks the record for most $18.99 transactions processed in a year, Jon accidentally commits suicide, means to commit success, KioppaMatt smiles.

Good luck bros.
There, you people can bitch about the forum changes here instead of doing it in every other thread.

Well since I started the thread, I guess I'll say what I think, though I don't know if I'd qualify it as bitching.

I decided to give it a couple of months to see what happened and give the changes the benefit of the doubt when they were first put into place. There were some pretty big plans laid out, and while they sounded great for the most part, I haven't really seen much progress on any of it, and I still don't see much progress on it right now. I stopped my subscription after a couple of months because I wasn't getting enough out of it to justify it.

With that having been said, I could see how someone would get enough value out of their signature alone if they had an established account. I'm just at the point right now where I have to turn down a lot of work because I just can't get to it all, so that aspect of the situation doesn't really benefit me. Other people seem to realize this as well based on the offers I've been given to rent my signature space.

Jon has stated in a different thread that he had personal issues that have kept him from doing what he wanted to do with the forum changes. That's fair enough, but the timing is very unfortunate because every day that goes by without some kind of progress on those plans is another nail in the coffin for the forum.

One of the issues is that many of the people who were posting the content that a lot of people seemed to like left to go elsewhere. They seemed to resent having to pay to access content and to answer questions on content they had previously posted for free. To give Jon the benefit of the doubt, I understand that things change, but I can also definitely understand contributing members feeling like that.

The other side of this part of the situation is that, in theory, the paywall could provide an incentive for contributing members to post more content since it wouldn't be as widely available. I know I saw more than one person comment on this potential benefit in previous threads. Unfortunately, it doesn't look like this has had a meaningful effect. Other than the sticky, there is one thread in the "Insider Information" sub-forum that was last posted in almost two weeks ago and that is largely devoid of any meaningful content. The last post in the "Enlightened Members" section came from Jon himself about three months ago, and only one other thread in that section has seen a post in the past six months.

Now here's the thing: I don't know Jon, I don't know if anything he's said about himself is true, and I don't really care. I don't know if his plans for the forum were genuine or if this was just a desperate money grab. Again, I don't really care. What I do care about is that I've met some people through this forum that have helped me to have a better life and build a business faster than I probably would have been able to otherwise, and it kind of sucks to see it going out like this.

So here's the part where I think I'm supposed to offer suggestions on how to turn things around. My only suggestion would be to follow through on the plans that were outlined before since they seemed pretty good. It might also be helpful to add support for YouTube links that start with "https" since people seem to still be fucking that up.
I finally went and reset my password ( didnt know what it was ) after weeks on end just to post in this thread.
Jon is the problem, period.

I used to root for him, but wall-of-text after wall-of-text, his misguidedness and ego became hard to ignore. As a member of a community, you'd normally look forward to the appearances of the founder. But everytime Jon posts here, it's actually cringe-worthy and hardly ever productive.

When the community became vocal - like we're doing now - even those who meant well were banned for speaking out. Like... wat? That's not how you run a business and that's definitely not how you thrive a community.

Jon is the problem. But who cares, this place is dead.

On to better pastures now. Or mountains, I mean.
Surprised this has not been mentioned yet...but Jon...if the $16 Million dollar offer for this forum was real, then you shoulda taken it:

I just got off of the phone with a pretty well known person who runs a company that snaps up big properties and he offered me $16 million for WickedFire. The whole offer was $16M over 3 years or $11 million at one shot. Needless to say, I turned him down without even thinking twice about it.

I am not posting this to brag either. I told him I'd be posting about it and he seemed okay with it and said "are you sure you don't want to think it over for a week?". He had sounded pretty surprised about me turning him down too. By far one of the strangest business phone conversations I've had in a long time.

While we were chatting for the whole 12 minutes or so that it lasted for, I brought to his attention that we have ZERO revenue here, and that we are under a year old. Even if we had revenue coming in, I doubt it would go anywhere over the $2M/year mark. He said something to the tune of "I've been hearing a lot about your forum, and if it's grown that quickly at such an early stage, I'm kind of shocked that no one has made a similar offer for it sooner". Well, we did have an offer about a month ago for a few million dollars, but I laughed at the person because I didn't think he was serious.

I know for a fact that this offer was legitimate and that the person/company is reputable, so there is no issue about that. I just find it pretty surreal to turn down an offer like that and not be phased out by it.

2007 is going to be a weird year, and surreal in so many ways I think

Just Sayin'
^ Wow I just went down the memory lane there. That thread resulted in this:

Edit, 3,319 members!!!! 97k posts $4800 per member??? this guy needs to have a look at my 50 member forum, 250k anyone?

97,422 members, and hes willing to pay 16million? how the fuck does someone that dumb have 16million dollars laying around? what the fuck?? are webmasters even that hot of a niche? fuck

16 million? 2 million? why do I have trouble believing you. nobody offers 16 million for a site that is making $0.

and bull shit.. like you wouldn't take the money... if you were smart you would take the 16 mil, just like any other businessman, start another forum like wickedfire with a different name, for like 1000 bucks, and being that you have a VERY loyal fan base, you would have no problem at all getting that one off the ground. heck everyone here would follow you over there.

i'm sorry but i'm not as gullible as the other forum members on this board.. maybe someone made an offer like this as a joke, but theres no way they could be serious.


Yeah no offense to you Jon, but that's rather hard to believe.

Are you doing this for a linkbait?

That offer is about as real as the WickedFire trademark ;)

this is ridiculous some of you idiots believe this

Jon clarified:
I just want to make it clear here..
The biggest reason I didn't sell, is because I don't need the money. Plain and simple. Had I not made my first million dollars in the adult industry many years ago, and if I were in a different position, I most likely would have sold it. But when you get to the point where cash like that is offered to you, and you already have a ton of it saved up and collecting interest, plus all of your other investments paying you every few months to a year, you start aiming a lot higher.

I don't expect the usual fucktwats who don't believe anything anyone else says like Rob, or Engaged, or wickedDude.. But that's your call, and you can disagree all ya like. Especially Engaged, who used to IM me every fucking day with updates on his potential Google job. I never judged him or called him out on any of it, and if anything I remember offering a shitload of advice too. Thanks Brandon, I appreciate you always flipping me the bird you douche. WickedDude, another douche who always has something arrogant or foolish to say. [...]

/vent #2

I even mentioned it on the phone "We have zero revenue. Technically, we are not even in the black or close to it from all of the cash I've been putting into it, and will continue to pour into it." And they still seemed to be interested in buying. I still have no real idea why someone would offer that much for this, but I'm also not asking them to understand my reasoning for rejecting the offer either, so maybe it was a good decision on my part, maybe not.

Some members still had questions:


Stop living in a fucking illusion. Or actually, maybe I'll forgive you by saying you probably have some mental disorder that you cannot distinguish between your actual dreams and what's happening in real life.
Come on man. Stop with your shit already

(And who the FUCK WOULD buy a forum where every 3rd post is about 7search activation, ebooks, and porn?)

illusion - I think you miss the point. The statement of a 16m offer goes to the credibility of the owner of this site. That number is so over the top that without anything to back it up makes it very hard to believe.

on sitepoint didnt you say that you made about 500k a year? i remember you saying this somewhere. maybe it has gone up, i dont know. but someone making 500k a year would take 16 mil. in a heartbeat.

With 16 million you could retire right now and never have to work again. Like many others, I find this VERY hard to believe.

Can't you understand why people are skeptical? Are you just trying to create some buzz at your forum?

Again, after reading through all of these posts.. I never said I thought WF was worth what I was offered. Not even once! So why the hell are people bashing me? Did I make the insane offer? Nope! I came right out from the start of the conversation, and even told the person who set up the call from the beginning that I WAS NOT INTERESTED IN SELLING. But he kept telling me "just listen to what they have to say", so I figured, alright, doesn't cost me anything to listen, I'll just sit there and turn them down regardless.

Um, Jon, I think you miss the point, it is not that there was an offer for wicked fire, but that you want us to believe someone offered you 16m for it!

People saying not to bash Jon well isnt that what WF is meant to be about saying what you think and not kissing ass. When that prdeal guy posted his domain for sale at $25k he got bashed non stop, by members, mods and admins and that was alot more believable than this.
He thinks WF revenue can reach $2m/year ffs lol..

given that sitepoint makes ~3million a year (or was it 2?), and this place is like 100 times less in almost every way (economically), we're either talking about a bogus offer or a bogus admin.

By vouching for the legitimacy of this offer, Jon has put himself in a much more fucked up position then he should be in, if this offer was really made.

I just wasted 30 minutes of my life by reading this. fuck!

LOL, and if you thought this was real well, just lol.

Nice linkbait jon. Fucking moron.

This is pretty disappointing. I have never talked to Jon or have done business with him, but he had a pretty good reputation before all this. I had just heard a few good things from others.

But after this and a few other world class posts, I just cannot take him seriousley; I think he is going to ruin his reputation.

Look at the DigitalPoint thread -- everyone is taking him for a total joke.

Jon, Dude, even if you got a $16million offer, you need to keep that shit private. If you had half a brain you knew people would not take you seriousley and many discussions/questioning would rise from it, which is why I think you did it to create buzz. Just look at what it has done for WF so far... you are the talk of the town.

I know, I haven't paid the bill and he isn't online. And who cares he helped people? They can google fucking something to learn how to earn more theres a hell of a lot of topics to learn from. And I don't like someone who brags about post count. He is just raising his e-penis because he needs fucking tards like you to jerk off his ego every once and a while.

Again.. why the hell would I lie? I'm still not really able to understand why people think I am lying. I was offered something, however how insane it sounded, I turned it down, came here, and told everyone about it. That's it! I didn't want links, I didn't think it would turn into something huge, if people don't believe me, fine. But don't come here saying I'm a liar when I don't have a history for it whatsoever.


I wouldnt call anyone a liar without proof, im just thinking that it all seems very far fetched. You have brought together a group of very unique people and what you have done here so far is great, but I would hate to find out that youve outright lied to all of your members over something so silly. (not saying you are). It would be easy enough for me to say Ill give you 21M for WF, the offer would obviously carry no weight, but would be a 21M offer none the less.

Jon - I am trying to be sensitive here but you are making it hard. Your last post is like a kid on the playground saying, "golly gee willickers guys I really did hit 10 home runs yesterday you should have seen it, to bad I was in another town and playing in another league!"
How would you expect people to respond?
Sure this could be link bait, if it is, dude you loose all kinds of respect from a lot of people.

Saying that you don't care if people believe you etc. makes no sense, you posted the info - you wanted people to respond, did you really think you would have everyone saying, ataboy jon? The sad thing is you have no way of proving the claim unless the person reveals himself. But since you don't care if people believe you why did you post it in the first place?

as for scheme - guys ignore him, he is from dallas so he has been exposed to way to much hair spray he can't think straight!

i hate this thread
let's just delete the thing and move on...

(See post below as well - char limit reached)
Three days after posting the original thread, Jon clarified that the offer was not just for WickedFire, but for his whole portfolio of companies:

Well, apparently the people who made the offer were shown the thread I made reporting on the $16M and decided to call and clarify a mistake that was made. Here goes:

The offer was actually for the ENTIRE company, not just WickedFire. The parent company of WickedFire is Coastal Synergy. Apparently there was a miscommunication, and the offer was for the whole thing. Which includes the four other major properties/projects that we own and operate. WickedFire is just one of the five. The others include the major publication we are in the process of acquiring (will be announced soon via press release on PRWeb), our private affiliate program (launched last week with a goal of over 255 niches), WickedFire, our major shopping forum and deals/coupon site (we manage with the owner), and our MFA project that has over 100k pages for roughly 6k niches.

Now what really pissed me off here is that they claim they were under the impression that WF was the parent company, not Coastal Synergy. So the offer wasn't just for the forum, but for everything which has a value of roughly $7M total (as of December 2006).

So if they see this post now, I hope they understand what kind of shit they had me go through, being bashed, and whatnot. But also, what kind of fucking company makes an offer to someone when they don't even know who the parent company is!?!!?!?!? Not to mention, to have AT LEAST told me that it wasn't JUST for the forum, but for ALL of our projects.

I'm not trying to play the role of the victim here either. I know the offer was legitimate, and that the company making it was real too. They apologized enough over the phone today too, which is great and all, but I will say that now I believe if someone were ever to come to me from that company again, I will simply hang up on them before they can make any type of offer, because anyone willing to pitch that kind of cash out offer should know at least what they are talking about, who the parent company is, and define CLEARLY next time what it is they were trying to buy.

In some ways I feel lied to, and made a fool of, but in other ways I'm kind of glad to have learned the truth about it before it got too out of hand. Let's face it, $16M for a forum that doesn't generate any revenue is definitely tough to believe, but now that it's been explained that it was for our WHOLE company, I believe it a hell of a lot more, but also question whom they hired to do the research. Although I am pretty impressed that they were able to name all of our projects, even the ones I never mentioned on here or anywhere else.

Either way, I'm glad I rejected it and didn't come back to learn that I was selling my whole company for a price I will beat in less than a year's term.

I'm closing the other thread, because all of this is just plain pointless now.. If you want to continue your bashing sprees, do it here, or save it to when you see me in person in Vegas in under 2 weeks.

One guy questioned even this:
I have to give it to you, this explanation is creative. But it just doesn't add up. I quote from the old post:

"I brought to his attention that we have ZERO revenue here, and that we are under a year old. Even if we had revenue coming in, I doubt it would go anywhere over the $2M/year mark. He said something to the tune of "I've been hearing a lot about your forum, and if it's grown that quickly at such an early stage, I'm kind of shocked that no one has made a similar offer for it sooner". Well, we did have an offer about a month ago for a few million dollars, but I laughed at the person because I didn't think he was serious."

So the guy was actually buying the parent company, but talked the entire time about WF and how fast it is growing?

That said, lets just move on. This is just causing rifts in the community.

Then the thread devolved into discussion of Stephen King, Starwars, Arbitrage and other things, just like every other WF thread does. So, that was it.
In my opinion, WF is dead and beyond the possibility of revival.

Lots of issues, main one being the environment that was allowed to foster here, and even worse, was actually encouraged. When you have a bunch of grown men acting like 12 year old kids, calling each other names, that doesn't bode well for online business and proper business relationships.

I'll admit, I'm guilty of doing that myself. When I first joined years ago, I viewed WF as a place of business. Later on, I viewed it as a stress reliever. This wasn't a place to do business. It was a place to act like an asshole, and get away with it, so that's exactly how I treated it.
In my opinion, WF is dead and beyond the possibility of revival.

Lots of issues, main one being the environment that was allowed to foster here, and even worse, was actually encouraged. When you have a bunch of grown men acting like 12 year old kids, calling each other names, that doesn't bode well for online business and proper business relationships.

I'll admit, I'm guilty of doing that myself. When I first joined years ago, I viewed WF as a place of business. Later on, I viewed it as a stress reliever. This wasn't a place to do business. It was a place to act like an asshole, and get away with it, so that's exactly how I treated it.

the environment you describe is one of the things i thought set this place apart. i've been a part of a lot of forums, but more than any other forum i've ever seen, WF in its day was sharp... you bring bullshit, you get hammered mercilessly. posting was full-on fucking dangerous.

on no other forum did i have to think twice on whether my post was gonna pass the sniff test of the collective... and as a result i didn't post alot of stuff that would have been WaFo staple material but WF pink slip.
No bitching from me, just This subscription has been cancelled.

I gotta say though, as much as I loved this forum through the years no other came even close to this place. And I basically live on the internet and frequented dozens of other forums/communities.
^ Wow I just went down the memory lane there. That thread resulted in this:

Some of the old threads are just a freakin' awesome read. I often go back and trawl through them. This forum has always been the most entertaining forum I've ever been part of. Even now, as it seems to be dying, there is just some highly entertaining stuff being posted.

  • pathological egocentricity
  • superficial charm
  • lack of remorse or shame
  • compulsive lying
  • highly manipulative

don't mind me, just listing off some of the traits of a psychopath