Offer: 500 word unique articles / $10

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Nearly three dozen articles produced in the last few days, finishing up the last one from Rob's monster order now and my plate will be totally cleared off. Thank you to everyone for your business and the continual repeat orders I've been receiving!

Taking on more work with turnarounds by tomorrow afternoon / evening now.
Update: Due to two large re-orders from Rob and ly2 from DP, I cannot accept work with a next day turnaround time. I'm on a 3-5 day turnaround for most articles, but please check first, if you aren't pressed for a deadline I can accept the work with a delivery date towards this weekend or early next week.

If you need something fast, please let me know the time you need it turned around in when you contact me, I may be able to accommodate you but a rush fee may need to be applied.

I'll update this post as I clear my work load. Thanks for the repeat business, great comments and all the positive iTrader feedback everyone!
Update: The large orders I spoke of previously are now larger orders from the same two WF people (thanks guys!) but means I am not available currently to write for anyone else until these jobs are completed. My estimate to complete current jobs is middle of next week.

If your work is not time sensitive please drop me a PM and we'll get the ball rolling and I can quote you an accurate turn around time. If you need an article immediately and cannot wait, contact me for an exact price quote with rush fee, which may be 100% higher then my standard rates.
It's been an AMAZINGLY busy month for me and thanks to several WF members supplying me with large, repeat jobs I've all but been a stranger to this forum - for anyone who's been trying to hire me, blame ROB - it's all his fault, lol. I'm finishing up the last of the work now, including totchan24's work and looking to start taking work on for April.

Same deal, 500 word articles for $10, 1-2 day turnaround. My iTrader feedback should speak for itself now, so let the orders flow in!
Thank you to my existing clients who gave me work and new clients I've taken on. I'm currently pretty busy through mid next week, however I can still take jobs that don't need a delivery date prior to Friday April 16th, the earliest I can deliver.

If you need one or two specific pieces written that simply cannot wait, please contact me and I will reply quickly with what my current status is, however a rush charge may be added to the order.
Long term job with Rob and two other clients continue but have time to take on some more work. Please see all the new / recent iTrader feedback and contact me via PM to get the ball rolling.
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