Offer: 500 word unique articles / $10

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Mike Panic

New member
Jul 22, 2009
Rating - 100%
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Spent a few months away from WF doing other work and now I'm back and ready to start cranking out unique content again. For a reference to what I've done, please see my older, previous thread:

I am a network administrator for a living and thrive on writing tech articles, computers, networking, handheld devices, netbooks, wi-fi, new technology, cloud computing, etc. I'm also very good at writing how-to, top 10 and similar style articles that tend to perform well with social media sites. Additionally, I am a professional photographer and can write on almost any aspect of digital cameras, photography, post processing or hardware used to do so. I am not a jack of all traits, there are some topics I simply can't write about and will have to decline them.

Over the last 6 months or so I have written articles for WF members that include weight loss (acai, colon, etc.), fitness, and various other topics. I've also done user feedback / ratings for online stores. I've also written for UK based sites, meaning the grammer is correct for UK English, i.e. tyres not tires.

Typical turn-around is 24 hours, rush jobs are handled based on current work-load and desired delivery date. A rush fee may be applied.

I'm offering 500 word articles, this doesn't mean I will charge you extra if it comes in at 524 or even 550. If I feel the article needs to be more then 600 words I will contact you to discuss your needs and will adjust pricing to fit or trim the article.

I am available to write longer, more complicated articles, please PM me for details and quote.

Payment is to be made to my verfied (since 1999) Paypal account upon receipt of job. I will eat the 3% processing fees for WickedFire members.

When you are interested in hiring me, I need the following pieces to write you a quality article:

  • The title of the article you want written
  • Rough idea on what it will be used for (promoting / focus on one product or service, social networking / viral marketing, top 5 / 10 list, etc.)
  • If you need photos (only royalty free images will be used)
  • When you need the job.
My goal is to provide you with the best quality article, this may not always be the cheapest and I don't plan on scraping the bottom of the bucket to compete with others. I look forward to working with many of you in the soon to near future.

This offer will last for as long as possible. Please check the last post though, depending on number of orders I may need to be a temp

Send me a PM with your IM and samples, I should have some work for you depending on what niches your comfortable in writing for.
Ordered received in hours. Fricken good quality.

Already placed another order.

Get in quick if you want this guy, cos I have a feeling he will be in high demand pretty soon.

This isn't "content" - these are proper articles for the same price that some "content" writers charge.
Thank you for the positive feedback again Rob, and your new order for three articles has been filled.

Rob has also provided me with more work, however I can still take on additional clients / jobs for the time being as well.
Three new excellent articles with creative commons images and links all added straight to my wordpress blog for $10 each. And this isn't some spam content blog I am talking about - this is a blog with a lot of existing fans and community and I give a shit about what is posted there.

Anyone who is looking for a solid writer and doesn't try this guy out is an idiot. He goes well beyond expectations.

Have given him another 10 articles and will be trying out other stuff too.

Highest recommendation.
Rob -still cranking out your content. Your niche is a serious passion / side-business of mine so you kind of lucked out offering me the job, and I thoroughly enjoy filling your order.

spock49 - your PM has been replied to, look forward to working with you soon!
Was not able to handle my order request however very straightforward about not having knowledge of the subject. I respect this...rather than trying saying yes and producing less-than-acceptable work.
Just wrapped up spock49's job and continuing work on Rob's yard long list of articles. Thanks for the positive feedback manzano, hopefully we can work together in the future on some articles I'm more comfortable writing.

Still taking on jobs.
Zero grammar errors.
Zero spelling errors.
Zero re-write.

Job done right, THE FIRST TIME.

Just get your shit done with Mike instead of explaining what you want over and over again to a hurr durr.
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