% of time you waste

Read "time tactics of very successful people" you can find it on amazon. I used to work a normal "job" until I started working for myself and found myself like a fish out of water working from home..

It really comes down to discipline. You need to set daily goals of what you need to get done. It sounds gay, but you need to have a calendar, and set daily goals, long term goals, etc and just fucking do it and stop being lazy. Stop taking the path of least resistance or you will be a bum.

You want some motivation? Set this as your wallpaper.. because this is going to be your future unless you get to work!

Agreed that no time is wasted time.

% of time not working:
without weed = 80%
with weed = 60%

I do a shit load more work when blazing simply because I don't care what I'm doing so it's easy to sit down and start working, and I usually focus nonstop on one or two things for 3 hours straight without any other thoughts distracting me.
I don't waste any time ever since I read "Four Hour Work Week" Now I'm just a productivity machine...
when things are going good , 80% not working 20% work
when shit hits the fan 10% wasted 90% work