Obama - Gay, Crack Head, Man-HO?

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Some interesting opinions indeed. However strong your beliefs may be, I doubt very much if anybody is willing to die for them. Theses terrorists are fanatics and are willing to die for their cause. All it takes is for one of these freaks to get into this country and touch off some sort of dirty bomb before he/she visits Allah. Sure we can end the war and all the soldiers can come home and sing Kumbaya with us - but how long does that last?

Kind of ironic quote:

"The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace."
--Minoru Yamasaki, chief architect

I'm and independent. Not really impressed with any of the candidates, but have always been a little more conservative than anything. It all just gets old after a while. Pay your taxes, press 1 for English and wait to die. Hopefully we can do better than that.

Maybe if the US sent Britain some toothbrushes or a Peace Corp team of orthodontists...

Yeah, swap them for some dietitians or something.. nah, we're not that far behind ya on fat people.. how about some of those soldiers in silly hats that stand around outside buckingh... nah fuck it, do ya want the queen? She's not much older than John McCain, plenty of miles left in the old girl yet... Or maybe a prince or two? Sure we could spare em.. want the ginger one?

Second thoughts, send em with a load of medics and food to the Gaza strip. Genuinely put time, money and expertise into improving the quality of life in places like Gaza and the west bank and it will do a lot more to stop terrorism than invading every Muslim country on the planet could.
C'mon George, your Cheerios are getting soggy...."Just a sec, I've got to e-mail Cheney this link to Wickedfire. Those gay webmasters know nothing of the axis of evil..."

I would just like to point out, that the name “Iraq” was not mentioned until Turbolapp brought it up. Popeye only stated, “We are at war because we were attacked . . . by the Muslim threat.” It is the Muslim extremist we fight in all corners of the globe, including Iraq.

But, speaking of Iraq, we now know our intelligence on Iraq was faulty and they had no WMDs when we invaded. I would also remind everyone that an overwhelming majority of Americans supported that invasion at the time it occurred. However, many now try to claim they did not.

What should we have done after discovering there were no WMDs? Just said, “Opps, we’re sorry. Here’s your country back without its infrastructure, leader, or military. Have a nice day?” What do you think would have happened to it then? But we are there now trying to rebuild it and fighting Al Quaeda, not Iraq. What is your solution?

Obama and Clinton have theirs – get out as quickly as possible. They both hope to give Al Quaeda the victory they could not win militarily.

McCain wants to continue the fight for Iraq’s liberty by waiting until Iraq is strong enough to resist Al Quaeda on their own, hopefully through a democratic government.

I, for one, believe Popeye was right. We are at war with Muslim extremists who are intent on destroying us and anyone who wants to “forgive” a Muslim extremist is a fool.
We are at war because we were attacked. Everyone seems to forget about 3000+ Americans slaughtered by the Muslim threat. Of course unless it killed your loved one...who gives a fuck..right???

For what it's worth I know someone who lost their father in the world trade centre (British) and I'm pretty sure he's against the Iraq war (afganistan might be another matter).

Believe it or not Saddam Hussein and Iraq did fuck all on september 11th yet the American government used the who 9/11 thing as emotional propoganda to justify a completely unjustifiable (at the time) war.

Now look at the great mess we've made of that. Way to go Bush + co!
What should we have done after discovering there were no WMDs? Just said, “Opps, we’re sorry. Here’s your country back without its infrastructure, leader, or military. Have a nice day?” What do you think would have happened to it then? But we are there now trying to rebuild it and fighting Al Quaeda, not Iraq. What is your solution?

Well, a public apology would definitely have been a good start.

How about not dismissing the army, police, etc that wanted to work just because they were members of a party they had to join to advance their career. But no, they ignored advice from many experts and made many armed men into enemies by denying them jobs.

How about giving the reconstruction work to Iraqi companies? Putting the money into their economy rather than it being syphoned off to fatcat shareholders in the west.

You don't seriously believe that it was about WMDs do you? Or how about the not preparing for the aftermath and occupation? Ignoring all the advice again was another "mistake"? The war-mongers aren't stupid, I'm sure this is going according to plan, might be taking longer to destabilise other countries than they would have liked, but if they keep at it it'll happen sooner or later.

The solution? Well, it's long and complicated, but has to start by replacing US forces with a UN peace keeping force, drawing heavily on surrounding states including Saudi Arabia and Iran.
The other thing to consider is with a directional change in leadership in this country we then allow everyone involved (the west, the east and the middle east) to "save face". Our leadership can say, "Look, that was a different administration with an entirely different foreign policy, I'm not like that, I want to try work the problems out peacefully not jump into countries guns blazing" The other countries can save face as well by saying "well we didn't like you're other guy but we'll give this guy a try" If we replace this administration with another republican one, I fear the world will just shrug and say, "eh, more of the same".
The other thing to consider is with a directional change in leadership in this country we then allow everyone involved (the west, the east and the middle east) to "save face". Our leadership can say, "Look, that was a different administration with an entirely different foreign policy, I'm not like that, I want to try work the problems out peacefully not jump into countries guns blazing" The other countries can save face as well by saying "well we didn't like you're other guy but we'll give this guy a try" If we replace this administration with another republican one, I fear the world will just shrug and say, "eh, more of the same".

And from what McCain has said it will be more of the same.

It would be nice if everyone thought like that, but it seems a lot of people can't seem to join the dots between America's actions overseas and the impact at home and so many people happily lap up whatever the media feeds them.

Probably more out of concern for re-election than anything genuine, but here I think politicians are counting down the days til Bush has gone, they certainly don't want to associate themselves with him any more.
Fuck..I didnt want to post in this thread again..but I must. We are not gona pull out of IRAQ no matter who gets in office. The troops might come home some months earlier than scheduled but we wont pull out.

I don't care what clinton or Obama says. Once in office. Once briefed. Once they settle down and start worrying about conseqences rather than getting elected they will realize we CAN'T get out.

Regardless if we needed to be there in the first place or not. We are there. We are now responsible to see it through. Do you think Obama is gona pull out and have the blood of thousands of Iraqi innocents on his hands.

No president will make the same mistake as we did in Nam. No president will allow another Cambodia to happen. If they do then they are sorry excuse for a human being.

Mark my word on this. The troops WILL NOT COME home no matter who is in office.
And from what McCain has said it will be more of the same.

It would be nice if everyone thought like that, but it seems a lot of people can't seem to join the dots between America's actions overseas and the impact at home and so many people happily lap up whatever the media feeds them.

Probably more out of concern for re-election than anything genuine, but here I think politicians are counting down the days til Bush has gone, they certainly don't want to associate themselves with him any more.

Bush is hated for two reasons:

1) Left wing media
2) Left wing activist

In 20 years Bush will be looked at by historians as a great president.

1) He stood strong and showed leadership that helped hold country together after the worst terrorist attack on American soil.
2) He inacted policy that kept our economy from recession post 9/11
3) He hunted down hundreds of terrorist and brought them to justice.
4) He ousted one of the most ruthless dictators in the world
5) He liberated 2 middleeastern countried from the tyranny of dictatorship and allowed them to hold democratic elections
6) He greatly increased social spending. Spending more on social programs than any president in history (one for the libs. I am not to happy bout this)
7) He oversaw an economy that allowed more citizens to purchase homes than ever before in history (including the highest percentage of minority home ownership in history)
8) He oversaw policy that overcame the nuclear proliferation of North Korea

Im tired of typing but the list goes on and on. George Bush has far more accomplishments than any president since the great Ronald Reagen.

I believe he never had a chance with the far left loons due to the fact they believed he "stole" both campaigns from them. That and the fact that the leftest elite are very biggoted to individuals from the south.

For example: Al Gore was hammered by the lefty elite for being a dumbass (and he was and still is) but once he aligned himself more to the left and started feeding on their ideology...WHAM he is the smartest person on earch. He is Captain Planet and wins a fuckin Nobel Peace Prize. I guess though he did as he stated "invent the Internet"

I personally cant back Bush due to his border policy but I don't think he is a bad a president as the Michael Moores and Cindy Sheehans make him out to be.
Fuck..I didnt want to post in this thread again..but I must. We are not gona pull out of IRAQ no matter who gets in office. The troops might come home some months earlier than scheduled but we wont pull out.

I don't care what clinton or Obama says. Once in office. Once briefed. Once they settle down and start worrying about conseqences rather than getting elected they will realize we CAN'T get out.

Regardless if we needed to be there in the first place or not. We are there. We are now responsible to see it through. Do you think Obama is gona pull out and have the blood of thousands of Iraqi innocents on his hands.

No president will make the same mistake as we did in Nam. No president will allow another Cambodia to happen. If they do then they are sorry excuse for a human being.

Mark my word on this. The troops WILL NOT COME home no matter who is in office.

You're right the new president is going to have a FUCKING mess on their hands to clean up. Thanks Bush. Thanks for bumblefucking this country and skating out and leaving it for someone else to deal with. You're wrong about Bush being remembered as a great president. The only thing he will be remembered for is Iraq and his miserable failure. It's his legacy.

Well, after wading through all your liberal diatribes, you finally got around to the “[w]hat is your solution?” part of the question and all you could come up with is dump it on the United Nations? Please, we have been to the UN on multiple occasions and the one thing we have learned is that they are great at wasting our money and doing nothing. You’ll have to do better than that.


“Save Face?” Who really cares about that at this point? The issue is not one of “saving face” it is an issue of doing the right thing. Unfortunately, figuring out what the “right thing” is has been difficult.

What it boils down to for Americans, is, if you believe we should abandon Iraq, vote for the Democrats or, if you believe something else, vote for the Republicans.

Oh, and I’m not surprised you are for Obama, which is evident from your statement “we didn't like you're other guy [Bush] but we'll give this guy [Obama] a try.” Alas, poor Hillary.


Again, we agree completely with the exception that I believe if a Democrat is elected to the Presidency, our troops WILL come home – for exactly the reason you stated.
Regardless if we needed to be there in the first place or not. We are there. We are now responsible to see it through.

I agree completely.

They need to put on blue helmets and start working with neighbouring countries to be seen as a peace-keeping force, rather than an occupying power.

If peace is desired then America needs to withdraw from Iraq as occupier, but America certainly as a responsibility to provide the majority of troops and resources to any UN-led peace keeping force that would be needed.

Well, after wading through all your liberal diatribes, you finally got around to the “[w]hat is your solution?” part of the question and all you could come up with is dump it on the United Nations? Please, we have been to the UN on multiple occasions and the one thing we have learned is that they are great at wasting our money and doing nothing. You’ll have to do better than that.

I doubt we will agree, but if you look at the history of UN action compared to US unilateral action you'll see that the UN does a much better job than America on her own. Of course it isn't perfect, and it does need reform, but at the moment it's the best shot we (the world) have got at peace.

Compare the situation in Afghanistan and Iraq with the situations in Sierra Leone and Bosnia at similar periods after the conflicts there. While you are at it, have a look at the finances too - the US government does a much better job at wasting taxpayers money than the UN!
What's so special about the UN's work in Afghanistan? Civilian deaths reached an all time high last year, the Taliban are increasing their territorial strongholds and now poppy production is through the roof. Look around the US and the UK - fucking heroin junkies everywhere. How many lives are being destroyed on the homefront? Kumbaya baby.
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