Obama - Gay, Crack Head, Man-HO?

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The guy has been offered $10k for a poly and $100k if he is stating the truth
well last time I checked(could be wrong), arnold also used drugs back in his day and he's a perfectly good governor now :)
well last time I checked(could be wrong), arnold also used drugs back in his day and he's a perfectly good governor now :)

he's also a Nazi lover :anon.sml:
skulls and crossbones doesn't actually mean he loves nazi's... skulls and crossbones also means mortality and the belief that everyone dies at one point and to not be afraid of it.
yea he is the gov of California...not the president of the US. This if true (which I wouldnt doubt it) would really hurt his run. Speaking for myself I would rather not have a gay, crackhead man-ho for a President.
A gay president would be interesting. (wasn't Lincoln gay?)

Bush was a coke head and no one seemed to care about that.
A gay president would be interesting. (wasn't Lincoln gay?)

Bush was a coke head and no one seemed to care about that.

About Lincoln:

I think that is a rumor because he roomed with another man, and they did share a bed. But that was another time, and I think people did that in rooming houses then.

About Bush: sigh
^^Yes they shared a bed for 4 years.

But It's true, we will never know for sure, unfortunately we don't get the benefit of DNA evidence such as the controversy with Thomas Jefferson and Sally...whatshername.

While we're mulling it over, we can ponder this poem that Lincoln wrote
when he was twenty, about a boy marrying a boy:
I will tell you a Joke about Jewel and Mary
It is neither a Joke nor a Story
For Rubin and Charles has married two girls
But Billy has married a boy
The girlies he had tried on every Side
But none could he get to agree
All was in vain he went home again
And since that is married to Natty
So Billy and Natty agreed very well
And mama's well pleased at the match
The egg it is laid but Natty's afraid
The Shell is So Soft that it never will hatch
But Betsy she said you Cursed bald head
My Suitor you never Can be
Beside your low crotch proclaims you a botch
And that never Can serve for me
Gay? Nothing wrong with that. Drugs? Not really any of my business ( or yours). And he has admitted to coke anyway. Ho? If consensual, cool. Just a market transaction.

Now when Republicans ( well some Dems too of course) who publicly HATE gays and try to write hate legislation and support murdering pot smokers with SWAT teams and that type of thing- When THEY turn out to be flaming homo crackheads- THAT"S a big deal.
Gay? Nothing wrong with that. Drugs? Not really any of my business ( or yours). And he has admitted to coke anyway. Ho? If consensual, cool. Just a market transaction.

Now when Republicans ( well some Dems too of course) who publicly HATE gays and try to write hate legislation and support murdering pot smokers with SWAT teams and that type of thing- When THEY turn out to be flaming homo crackheads- THAT"S a big deal.

It matters because the MAJORITY of US citizens are not code pink leftwing nuts.
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