Obama bends over to suck on the Japanese Emperor's Zamboni


Living The Dream
Oct 27, 2009
WTF is going on with this guy? Anybody else from the USA pissed off about this?


Obama Draws Fire for Bow to Japanese Emperor - FOXNews.com

This is called Mixy Culture dumbass!
*hand shakes* <=== Western Style
*bows* <=== Eastern Style

But..i dont think you can do both..looks mad awkward. Obama you wins!
Okay, I'm definitely showing my age here but I remember when Ron and Nancy Reagan visited Britain and they had an audience with the queen and they didn't so much as nod their heads and everybody understood that the president of the US doesn't bow to ANYBODY. It's a protocol thing.
Heads of state ALWAYS have protocol advisers in this sort of situation but it looks like someone will probably lose their job over this because it's definitely a diplomatic boo-boo (but nothing more than that. In the 21st century, who really cares about that, excluding WWII vets who fought in the Pacific who are probably really pissed)
Just culture... no need to get angry at photo news that doesn't really have a direct impact on your life.

Edit: maybe the Jap emp shit on your lawn? Then I understand.
I don't care what the fuck is customary over there in Japan (or anywhere else). It's the fucking United States of fucking America. No US president should ever bow to fucking anybody. We're the fucking super power here and this mother fucker needs to show it. He acts like a little fucking pussy who got the shit kicked out of him repeatedly.

I don't care what the fuck is customary over there in Japan (or anywhere else). It's the fucking United States of fucking America. No US president should ever bow to fucking anybody. We're the fucking super power here and this mother fucker needs to show it. He acts like a little fucking pussy who got the shit kicked out of him repeatedly.


This is the type of attitude that pushes people to fly aircraft into large buildings
Obowma bows the the Arabs too,

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZoJtoOqdvxo]YouTube - Obama bows to king of Saudi Arabia?[/ame]
I've never met someone who actually makes any real money who gives 2 shits about things like this. Yet the $40k/year whiners join militias, spend hours reading about he's a secret muslim (who cares?) etc etc etc.

Go make money, get into the Gulfstream category, then whine about taxes, not about what the fuck he does to foreign leaders.

And no, Japan isn't going to invade because of this. Idiots and party lines are perhaps worse than fat women and acai.
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Even though I very much dislike Obama. I have to point out thatthis article is of course, courtesy of FoxNews heh...
It's the Japanese culture for the American President to act like a bitch. Doh!!!!

I don't care what the fuck is customary over there in Japan (or anywhere else). It's the fucking United States of fucking America. No US president should ever bow to fucking anybody. We're the fucking super power here and this mother fucker needs to show it. He acts like a little fucking pussy who got the shit kicked out of him repeatedly.



It isn't like every time the president bows the U.S. loses a nuke. It's only a custom... Shit, I'd bow to a Japanese person, it's fucking customary.

We shake hands, they bow. Big fuckin' woop.

I'd be more concerned if he was sucking his dick.
Not exactly a novel idea:
Bush bowed to Arab leaders on several occasions. Get over it, it's called showing respect in some cultures.

However, it's been said, that every time a president bows to someone, God kills a kitten.
