Obama Administration Targeting White Males With Propaganda Video

this is very true and very unfortunate. in general, young men today (having been exposed to this their whole lives and having it re-enforced at school) have been taught that being a normal, decent guy is equivalent to being a castrated, pathetic chump.

This leads them to think that the only way you can be "a man" and someone who is respected and liked by women is by pretending to be an exaggerated thug, player, or criminal.

this sucks for girls, who are stuck with either feminized uber-nerd betas on one side or deluded kids who think they are gang bangers on the other

I want a guy who can feel like and act like a man without looking and talking like he's in a rap video and/or just spent a few years in prison. the anti-male propaganda that dominates pop culture has made this much tougher.

Science confirms chicks dig bad boys - The Globe and Mail

No, sorry.

You're just a minority. Which makes sense since every chick I know wants to be a "kindergarden teacher" or some other brainless common job while you chose Interwebs for monies.

I fear for children in 5-10 years when there'll be 10 pre-school teachers to a classroom.
those studies, while not worthless, don't provide any context for the data. in general, women want whatever will benefit them more, provide more resources. yes, when women feel that society takes care of their basic safety/survival and that they don't really need men for anything, they will go for who ever seems most dominant and exciting (in other words, who is subconsciously thought to have the highest quality sperm.)

there is definitely some truth to the position that the ultimate female fantasy is to have one sexy, dominant man impregnate her and then trick a sweet, caring nice guy into taking care of her and committing his resources to her.

civilization is dependent on and only exists when a good percentage of women choose relatively "normal" (non criminal/thug) men. in a certain sense this is "unnatural" but so is just about everything about civilization. it seems that when a society becomes t0o rich and comfortable, people are free to act impulsively and things devolve. its a natural cycle, i suppose.

that fact that i want a normal (although certainly still masculine) man is not strange when you look beyond the immediate scope of mainstream pop culture. the u.s. has become "ghetto-ized" to a huge degree in recent decades. you even hear grandmothers use "pimpin" as a positive descriptor in daily conversation. this is not normal in the context of much of the rest of the world or human history.

my main point, though, wasn't that women don't like guys "with an edge" but that the lack of positive male images in pop culture has had a definite effect on how males view themselves in relation to women and society. specifically, it has lead guys to exaggerate their masculinity or give up on it alltogether.
my main point, though, wasn't that women don't like guys "with an edge" but that the lack of positive male images in pop culture has had a definite effect on how males view themselves in relation to women and society. specifically, it has lead guys to exaggerate their masculinity or give up on it alltogether.

This is a good point and I would also add that pop culture is also trying to change women into being men. The two roles are reversing and we have mannish women who want to be dominant men and we have submissive men who are freaking cowards in every sense of the word. The two sexes are starting to merge. All by design of course and the sheep love it.
This is a good point and I would also add that pop culture is also trying to change women into being men. The two roles are reversing and we have mannish women who want to be dominant men and we have submissive men who are freaking cowards in every sense of the word. The two sexes are starting to merge. All by design of course and the sheep love it.

This, and +1 to Photoshop Girl kicking ass in here.

I think the next election is going to be interesting re campaigning styles and subconscious influence - tip of the iceberg here imo we're going to see a lot of it.

Divide and conquer, again (now by race, gender, class in society, religion, and thought processes).
This is a good point and I would also add that pop culture is also trying to change women into being men. The two roles are reversing and we have mannish women who want to be dominant men and we have submissive men who are freaking cowards in every sense of the word. The two sexes are starting to merge. All by design of course and the sheep love it.
definitely. I'm not so sure it's by design, though, in the sense that there is some group of shadowy figures somewhere orchestrating social changes.

much of this is typical of any late-stage civilization in decline. if you look at the tail end of ancient rome, to use the most obvious example, the men became increasingly weak and soft and the women more strident. traditional gender roles began to collapse. not as dramatically as what we are seeing now, perhaps, but it was certainly still pronounced. its just the natural side effect of decadence.

the situation for women in mainstream society is that, in order to be considered successful, you really have to take on the traditional male AND the traditional female roles. women who decide to be just wives and mothers are looked down on by other women as weak and stupid and not independent. women who only focus on their work or profession are seen as bitchy, unfeminine, and probably lesbians. you can't win

no reasonable person could be expected to do both well. from what I've seen, the many who try end up literally crazy (or, at least, unpleasant people who don't fulfill either identity nearly as well as they constantly tell themselves.)

i don't mean this as a complaint. i think I largely see through much of this bullshit and thus makes choices to avoid it. a huge percentage of women seem incapable of looking critically even a little bit at the leftist/feminist worldview, though. i want to understand *why* things are the way they are, rather than than just blame different groups and get all emotionally fanatical and I seem to be largely alone in this, or at least i was in college
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no reasonable person could be expected to do both well. from what I've seen, the many who try end up literally crazy (or, at least, unpleasant people who don't fulfill either identity nearly as well as they constantly tell themselves.)

My wife found a good medium.. She has a college degree (R.N.) with a few years experience, and now she stays home to raise our child and the next one coming up. Once they get older, if I die, if we divorce, she'll have her career in the future. I think it's a good balance between the 2 extremes.

If a woman is going to have children, it's in their best interest she's there with them to raise them and not only be a part time parent while working a full time job. But on the other hand, to not have a degree or something to fall back on in these shitty economic times as a safety net isn't ideal either.
agreed, that does sound like a very reasonable plan. i will say that my above statements were perhaps a bit intense and meant as a macro scale attempt at analysing society rather than something that directly applies to individual people's situations. there definitely isn't any best or easy answer to how to plan your life and just recognizing a problem doesn't necessarily lead to a solution.

the "unpleasant people" I had in mind in my previous post were primarily the upper and upper middle class grade grubbing, achievement-obsessed people I went to college with, now that i think about it
For extra fun, maybe I'll put together a thread detailing how white males are cast in subservient roles in every single commercial on TV. They are bumbling, helpless, clueless, limp wristed, ineffectual betas in every single commercial on television, and the protagonist is either a female or non-white male.

If you haven't noticed it before, you will now. The white male is not allowed to ever be shown in a position of dominance over females or minorities in any commercials - there are several reasons for this but you can figure that out for yourselves.
i noticed in all those cell phone, best buy, and home improvement store commercials, the salesman is almost always shorter than the customer.
When I watched the video above some of the cuts bothered me. So I looked at the original video from DHS here: [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jAV1dbGPB4]"If You See Something, Say Something (TM)" Public Awareness video. - YouTube[/ame]

It's 2 minutes longer then the one posted above and if you look at it closely, you'll see why. One of the guys testing security that is not in the video above is *gasp* 'black', in another scene the law enforcement agent is white.

While there are a high number of white perps in this video and they are definitely trying to send a message, someone edited it for their own cause and is trying to stir up a bunch of shit with incorrect info.

Folks who are to busy to do research themselves just trust the source and what they see and make up their own 'mind'.

Sorry, folks.. while this video is bullshit and I don't like DHS brainwashing etc..

I ain't buying the outrage about the video above.

/end thread














and on a related note, if it wasn't for blacks and hispanics there would be so little crime (particularly street, violent crime) in the U.S. its hard to imagine. this isn't being racist, just look up the statistics.

Blacks and hispanics have higher violent crime rates, but the majority is still committed by whites, as whites are still over 70 percent of the population.

Most violent crime takes place among people who already know each other, and not among strangers on the streets.

If you want to pick out a group to remove for the most dramatic decrease in crime, that would be males. A female only USA would have very little violent crime.