Obama Administration Targeting White Males With Propaganda Video


WF Bronze Member
May 13, 2011
Gone Baby Gone

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It's designed to brainwash you into thinking whites are the enemy, as well as to provide a "reporting" mechanism to bring the Feds in on them. The Soviet Union did the same thing, had brothers "reporting" on sisters, mothers on fathers, children on parents, etc..

What a fucking creep Obama is.
You expect less of janet napolitano? For a second I could have sworn this video starred Eric Holder as well. It's also kinda funny how they leave the unibomber up there for awhile along with timothy mcveigh and just flash jihad jane for a brief second.
Aren't you the fuckers who are always telling Muslims to stop bitching about being profiled all the time? Yet one video with white guys as the criminal and you start crying racist.
They can't be racist, you guys have the monopoly on that.
More realistically, the producers were sick and tired of having to listen to people and minority organizations bitch & moan because there was a black or mexican guy being depicted as a criminal in one of their videos. So they got fed up, and came to the decision, "fuck it, just make them all white then!"
like it or not, white men created western civilization. all the basic institutions, legal and political ideas, etc. that underlie our societies in U.S. and europe are the creation of a largely constant (white, European) group of people. I'm neither white nor a man, and I'm fine with this. other cultures and groups (particularly Asians) achieved great things, too.

no, not all muslims are terrorists but a huge percentage of them sympathize at least somewhat with terrorists (you can look up polls, studies.) denying that there is a deep conflict between muslims (as a group) and the west is absolutely foolish. do you think white immigrants to muslim countries could get away with this kind of shit? No, and they shouldn't. it is totally reasonable for a country/society to defend itself and its values. i don't know why the u.s. and europe, which has lead the world for the last 2 millenia or so, is so culturally self-hating and suicidal
I think Obama watched V for Vendetta on Netflix the night before this vid was made and thought it was International news. With a bucket of fried chicken, probably.
and on a related note, if it wasn't for blacks and hispanics there would be so little crime (particularly street, violent crime) in the U.S. its hard to imagine. this isn't being racist, just look up the statistics. I have friends that are both, and I would feel mean and uncomfortable bringing this up to them, but when it comes down to it, is it really helping anything/anyone by denying the facts? it's safe for anyone to walk through white parts of town but white folks (and, to maybe a somewhat lesser extent, anyone else) would have to be crazy to go into huge portions of many american cities. pretty crazy, liberal guilt is a powerful force
It's designed to brainwash you into thinking whites are the enemy, as well as to provide a "reporting" mechanism to bring the Feds in on them. The Soviet Union did the same thing, had brothers "reporting" on sisters, mothers on fathers, children on parents, etc..

What a fucking creep Obama is.

Amen, brother. Finally, somebody gets it.
Now, I understand cultural diversity and all that good shit. Not all terrorists are Arab and not all criminals are black. But this shit is obvious to the point of just being straight up racist. Every single perpetrator in this video is a white male, and every single "good citizen" is non-white. What exactly is the message being sent in this video?

Homeland Security: White Men Are The Enemy - YouTube

U Mad Bro?

edited to add: Department of Homeland Security produced this video as part of a program called "See Something, Say Something". Here's a link to the video on the official DHS website: DHS | "If You See Something, Say Something™" Campaign
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They can't be racist, you guys have the monopoly on that.
You're being sarcastic right? you bring up a good point -- deep down, its probably true that many white people think they are better than others but, really, what group doesn't? it's just natural human psychology to identify with and feel a sense of pride with your race/culture, etc. not doing so is what's odd/abnormal i'd think.

however, no group has institutionalized guilt, self-hatred like whites. if you go to asia they have no problem saying they don't want other groups to come in and alter/change their culture. this is a healthy reaction. simply defending your own people does not mean you hate others.

as a "minority" american, i find all the forced equality, affirmative action stuff kind of embarrassing and insulting. it puts an asterix after any achievement a non-white makes and sends the message that no matter what, you are a victim as long as you're not white. there's nothing that destroys someone as much as taking on the perpetual victim identity.

asians are the one minority that never embraced the whole victim paradigm in the U.S. and look how we are doing? better than whites in many ways. have you been to a college campus recently? if it wasn't for affirmative action and sports, there wouldn''t be nothin but asian and maybe some jews at good U.S. universities lol ;)

and it's not like asians weren't discriminated against here (look at japanese internment and the treatment of chinese immigrants in 1800s and early 1900s, for example.) as a group, though, we decided to work hard and do our own thing rather than whine and complain
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Oh shit guys it was a black guy looking at a WHITE VAN. Do you know how fucking racist that is? He was talking on a BLACK PHONE. HOLY SHIT CONSPIRACY.

But yeah that's hilarious.

A critical element of the DHS mission is ensuring that the civil rights and civil liberties of persons are not diminished by our security efforts, activities, and programs. Consequently, the "If You See Something, Say Something™" campaign respects civil rights or civil liberties by emphasizing behavior, rather than appearance, in identifying suspicious activity.Factors such as race, ethnicity, national origin, or religious affiliation alone are not suspicious. For that reason, the public should report only suspicious behavior and situations (e.g., an unattended backpack in a public place or someone trying to break into a restricted area) rather than beliefs, thoughts, ideas, expressions, associations, or speech unrelated to terrorism or other criminal activity. Only reports that document behavior reasonably indicative of criminal activity related to terrorism will be shared with federal partners.

It seems pretty obvious why they chose a bunch of white males to be terrorists in the video.
You're being sarcastic right? you bring up a good point -- deep down, its probably true that many white people think they are better than others but, really, what group doesn't? it's just natural human psychology to identify with and feel a sense of pride with your race/culture, etc. not doing so is what's odd/abnormal i'd think.

however, no group has institutionalized guilt, self-hatred like whites. if you go to asia they have no problem saying they don't want other groups to come in and alter/change their culture. this is a healthy reaction. simply defending your own people does not mean you hate others.

as a "minority" american, i find all the forced equality, affirmative action stuff kind of embarrassing and insulting. it puts an asterix after any achievement a non-white makes and sends the message that no matter what, you are a victim as long as you're not white. there's nothing that destroys someone as much as taking on the perpetual victim identity.

asians are the one minority that never embraced the whole victim paradigm in the U.S. and look how we are doing? better than whites in many ways. have you been to a college campus recently? if it wasn't for affirmative action and sports, there wouldn''t be nothin but asian and maybe some jews at good U.S. universities lol ;)

and it's not like asians weren't discriminated against here (look at japanese internment and the treatment of chinese immigrants in 1800s and early 1900s, for example.) as a group, though, we decided to work hard and do our own thing rather than whine and complain

Awesome post.
For extra fun, maybe I'll put together a thread detailing how white males are cast in subservient roles in every single commercial on TV. They are bumbling, helpless, clueless, limp wristed, ineffectual betas in every single commercial on television, and the protagonist is either a female or non-white male.

If you haven't noticed it before, you will now. The white male is not allowed to ever be shown in a position of dominance over females or minorities in any commercials - there are several reasons for this but you can figure that out for yourselves.
Hold up.

Middle-aged black women who don't take no nonsense make the best courtroom judges on sitcoms. That's proven.

Also, I believe Michael Keaton's dad on Family Ties set the stampede of white retard dads on television. The flood has not receded.
Aren't you the fuckers who are always telling Muslims to stop bitching about being profiled all the time? Yet one video with white guys as the criminal and you start crying racist.
They can't be racist, you guys have the monopoly on that.
Amen, brother. Finally, somebody gets it.
Are you off your Meds, medicalhumor?

You can't both call them racist fuckers and agree with them... I call foul!
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For extra fun, maybe I'll put together a thread detailing how white males are cast in subservient roles in every single commercial on TV. They are bumbling, helpless, clueless, limp wristed, ineffectual betas in every single commercial on television, and the protagonist is either a female or non-white male.

If you haven't noticed it before, you will now. The white male is not allowed to ever be shown in a position of dominance over females or minorities in any commercials - there are several reasons for this but you can figure that out for yourselves.
this is very true and very unfortunate. in general, young men today (having been exposed to this their whole lives and having it re-enforced at school) have been taught that being a normal, decent guy is equivalent to being a castrated, pathetic chump.

This leads them to think that the only way you can be "a man" and someone who is respected and liked by women is by pretending to be an exaggerated thug, player, or criminal.

this sucks for girls, who are stuck with either feminized uber-nerd betas on one side or deluded kids who think they are gang bangers on the other

I want a guy who can feel like and act like a man without looking and talking like he's in a rap video and/or just spent a few years in prison. the anti-male propaganda that dominates pop culture has made this much tougher.
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