Nunchucks anyone?


Senior Member
Jul 15, 2009
The title says it all. Anyone do their thing with nunchucks? Was planning on trying something new in the gym or at home, how good is it?

Can I seriously injure myself, is it worthwhile to learn, or just a bunch of swinging sticks with a chain in between?

It has no value outside of being fun to fuck around with. You can knock yourself out cold with them too.
This is one of the most badass videos I've ever seen. Never mind the expertise he is displaying, it shows what one can do when you reach high levels of self-mastery.

[ame=]Bruce Lee- Ping Pong (Full Version) - YouTube[/ame]
The title says it all. Anyone do their thing with nunchucks? Was planning on trying something new in the gym or at home, how good is it?

Can I seriously injure myself, is it worthwhile to learn, or just a bunch of swinging sticks with a chain in between?

Yeah. You can beat the shit out of yourself with them. They're interesting like poi is interesting.

They're pretty far down on the list if you get to choose one weapon. Or several even, since they take up the space of 5 weapons, and are about the usefulness of .5 weapons. (Because even if you get them out of your fucking pocket somehow, you have a lot of swinging to do. If I had chucks, I'd rather cut them in half with my knife and have two sticks.)
Are you even allowed to own them anymore?

Under US federal law, you can for it is not banned.

Some states however ban nunchucks under their weapions laws for, at one point in time, it was viewed as a criminal tool. That is only in a few states though and most states do not care or view them as exercise tools.
I didn't realize it has the matches part at the end, but I was under the impression that the ping pong game was real.

Nah, the whole thing is a CGI + real people mix-up made by Nokia for their phone that was all about how bad ass the camera is.

Also, Nunchucks are illegal to purchase and wield in Tennessee, but I think it's governed statewide, not Federally.
I do nunchucks, have done for years. There is basically 2 different styles of using them, one is doing crazy stuff like spinning them round your hands, wrists, neck, arms, legs etc, which once you've done them for a while, you can get really fast at doing it.

.... and it also looks cool as fuck when they become a continual spinning mass flying around your body, and feels great when you get into a flow with them.

The second style is to learn the combat techniques, using longer, heavier wooden (or heavy metal) chucks. Combat techniques are much slower, powerful moves and will cause you serious damage when you fuck up. Learning the grips and momentum of the nun chuck is key here.

They can be absolutely devastating weapons, especially when using the simplest of moves. If you hit somone full force, full swing with a heavy pair of chucks you will easily break an arm, wrist or leg etc. If you were to just swing them as hard as you could off someones head, cracking a skull and killing someone would be quite easy, and even if an attack is blocked, you're still going to seriously damage a limb.

Of course, using them as a weapon isnt that practical, it's not as if you can carry them around with you for self defence. You can get telescopic ones that are easier to carry, but they suck.

All in all, they are great fun, build up your muscle tone in your arms and upper torso, and increase your dexterity. Mastering 2 at a time is much harder, but looks and feels cool as hell when you eventually get it down.
I'll take a fucking Louisville Slugger over a couple sticks and twine any day of the week. When was the last time you saw some nunchucks destroy a guy's knee? Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'll take a fucking Louisville Slugger over a couple sticks and twine any day of the week. When was the last time you saw some nunchucks destroy a guy's knee? Yeah, that's what I thought.

You are crazy. Nunchucks can bust someone's melon apart in a heart beat.

Come at me bro. My Nunchucks are faster too. (I don't have any nunchucks, don't hurt me, bro.)