North Korean Aggression

I know right? I thought for a second I was at HuffPo or foxnews while reading this thread..

Ron Paul on the 'Korean Threat' « Blog

It's not as simple as the lamestream media makes it out to be, "Kim, evil dictator, makes threats, we must war!"

While I agree with Ron from a financial standpoint, everyone interested should check out this video that Shady posted in a NK thread the other day. It does a good job of explaining why no amount of threats, sanctions, or even military action is going to stabilize that region. It's an interesting take on things that I hadn't seen or thought about: Book Discussion on [The Cleanest Race] - C-SPAN Video Library

Ok.... Let's look at the effects of UN sanctions for a minute. Currently three countries are under heavy sanctions. PRNK, Iran, and Cuba. The economies is all three are suffering. It's the people who are suffering the most. They are paying the price for their heads of state politically posturing.

Instead of sanctions maybe the world should try a little helping hand instead. I realize that human rights is at the forefront of most of these sanctions. However these sanctions do the opposite. It's the common people in those countries that are paying the price. No wonder they hate us.
South Korea has an air force that was funded by the US, as well as other defensive weapons. NK would have their hands full with best Korea way before they ever had a shot at American assets going east.

The US Navy alone could take out their entire infrastructure. NK has a laughable navy. The US coast guard is a Top 5 navy in the world by itself. No country could stand a conventional war against the US like NK seems to be planning, not even China.
Ok... Let's look at North Korea logically. That country reminds me of any person that has been in prison 20-30 years. They have been kept away from the outside world all that time. How would they react to that isolation? How is North Korea reacting to it.

Yes a lot of it is North Korea's fault for not being a part of the global community. No great nation on this earth ever got so great going it alone.

Had North Korea opened up trade relations with the global community they would be just as properious as South Korea. Instead they wanted to be left alone with their own ideology.
I always like to see what MM is pumping out during times like these. I was surprised to find this headline this morning:

So many people suck the cock of FDR, so I love pointing this out to them. I also like to remind them how he put Hugo Black, a Klan member, on the Supreme Court.

President Warren G. Harding, President Woodrow Wilson, President McKinley, President Calvin Coolidge, and President Harry S. Truman.

All members of the KKK

maybe obama bribed Kim of NK to distract attention to covertly pass now some horrible bills hurting good american people?
just a thought