North Korean Aggression


New member
Mar 13, 2010
Gump Town
Looks like NK's leader is becoming more and more aggressive towards South Korea and the U.S.

Hopefully he understands that any attack right now would mean a very strong retaliation from those attacked. Both the South Koreans and the Americans are on the alert.

I truly hope this is all just posturing by Chairman Kim. That said his military is untested for the most part and he might want to make a political statement to his people.

If NK was to attack the U.S. would President Obama have the balls to do the right thing? Yes it's true we can't afford another war, however I believe this war would be over in less than three days.


I wonder if Kim WANTS to be attacked by the USA. Think about it. He launches a missile at say Hawaii and we bomb the shit out of them then rebuild it using American tax dollars.
If NK was to attack the U.S. would President Obama have the balls to do the right thing?

Of course he would, and he's proven that without any shadow of a doubt. It's just that he doesn't do it while acting like a cowboy with down's syndrome like his predecessor.

As for what will happen, who knows. I'm curious as to how the US will react though, if NK starts firing. Just some surgical strikes at NK military installations, or fuck it, and just turn Pyongyang into a parking lot?
I think the U.S. would have some restraint if attacked. Of course that depends on the level of the attack. If NK just dropped a couple of coventional bombs on one of our Pacific bases then I think we would take out their missile bases.

However if they nuke Los Angeles then I feel we should level their Capitol. That and a two for one on military lives lost.

Some may ask what China and Russia would think about such an action. I really don't think either country would get involved in this fray.
Of course he would, and he's proven that without any shadow of a doubt. It's just that he doesn't do it while acting like a cowboy with down's syndrome like his predecessor.

As for what will happen, who knows. I'm curious as to how the US will react though, if NK starts firing. Just some surgical strikes at NK military installations, or fuck it, and just turn Pyongyang into a parking lot?

Agreed... Obama has advisors that are cooler heads with more intelligence then the old Bush/Rove regime we used to have. I don't agree with a lot of what comes from Obama but I do believe he would handle this in the right way.
I can't help but think the two B2 bombers the US flew over N Korea prior to this latest outburst from the fat retard son of the last fat retard cunt to rule N Korea inflamed the situation somewhat.

Retard v Retard

I'm shorting a logical resolution.
Kim Jong Un needs to make a name for himself and so by prodding the US he's creating a legacy as a fearless leader. He probably wants to buy the formula for Twinkies, so this is his way of getting in on the action.
I can't help but think the two B2 bombers the US flew over N Korea prior to this latest outburst from the fat retard son of the last fat retard cunt to rule N Korea inflamed the situation somewhat.

Retard v Retard

I'm shorting a logical resolution.

True, I'm sure the PRNK sees this as an aggressive action. However with their leader's actions of late I think it's prudent to show a little might to stave off nasty situation. I don't think Kim understands just how far behind the times his military really is.
I don't think Kim understands just how far behind the times his military really is.

Yeah, I don't get that either. Do the NK leadership not understand what they're up against, or are they just delusional with anger, or writing so much propaganda they're starting to believe it themselves, or what?

They're thinking it's a good idea to start a missile war with the US? I could see if they wanted guerilla warfare on their home turf or something, but they seem to be thinking exchanging missiles is a good idea. Talk about getting absolutely decimated.
True, I'm sure the PRNK sees this as an aggressive action. However with their leader's actions of late I think it's prudent to show a little might to stave off nasty situation. I don't think Kim understands just how far behind the times his military really is.

If NK ever did anything to properly fuck up the region China would smite them before the US had a chance. IMO.

China's in charge there.
When do they tell us to start hating Koreans?

No reason to hate the Koreans. There is a reason that the PRNK has a hard on for the South and America. All the world knows is the propoganda that we have been feed. I think if we all just sit down and talk about the problem a lot could be accomplished.

That said however if you have a loose cannon like Kim anything can happen. He proved as much with sinking the South Korean ship and shelling it's island.
It's funny that they would target the U.S. bases and islands first instead of targeting South Korea which is a much more realistic target for them. I guess it's because most of their people have family down south.
It's funny that they would target the U.S. bases and islands first instead of targeting South Korea which is a much more realistic target for them. I guess it's because most of their people have family down south.

No... for the North is a matter of go large or go home.