Nootropics users: FDA bans Piracetam

Jack3d is just creatine + caffeine marketed as something new and awesome. It's shitty, 90% of the hype for it is viral marketing and the other 10% is from noobs that don't know how to read ingredient lists or have never been on any sort of stimulant before.

RE: piracetam, creatine is a nootropic too, and there are plenty of others. I'll still be stocking up, but this isn't too big a deal for nootropic users.

Wrong. I'm not saying Jack3d is the end all be all, but it's more than good marketing. It's a great mix of AAKG, Creatine, Beta Alanine, Caffeine, 1,3 Dimethylamylamine, and Schizandrol A. No bullshit maltodextrin inside, tastes great, and it's cheap.

AAKG works.
Creatine works.
Beta Alanine works.
Caffeine works.
1,3 Dimethylamylamine... not many studies on it, but everyone in here who uses it knows it's crazy awesome for long-term focus and mood enhancement without crashing.
Schizandrol A - ???

I've tried to create my own homemade Jack3d, and have constantly fallen short. I can't figure the formula out, and maybe there's something to the Schizandrol A after all.

That said, the only way Jack3d would get banned is if 1,3 gets banned. If so, I'd be stocking up on 1,3 like a mofo. That shit is for real.
It's kinda in between. Piracetam is being marketed the same way you would market drugs, and it's technically not a supplement (food). The crack down is most definitely as a result of Efficacy and Safety of Piracetam Taken for 12 Months in Subjects Suffering From Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - Full Text View - So someone wants to make it a drug and the FDA is clearing out competition, but they are somewhat justified in doing this. So both are in the wrong. There's been no actual ban and this news is 6 months old at least. The FDA stopped by some suppliers 6 months ago but they haven't pulled shit. So take it with a grain of salt.

Mike (smart powders) is legit and probably the best in the industry. He started bulknutrition back in the day before selling it off, been around for a long time.

Hey, your link there isn't too informative, but I found a bit more here: - Drug Details

Now can anyone see any COGNITIVE results from this study? All I see is the safety markers. Maybe I'm not reading it right (should have taken some piracetam before reading this crazy shit! ;))

Edit: Oh shit, it was just a SAFETY study. That's why there's just safety results. Above PDFs are good stuff then
That said, the only way Jack3d would get banned is if 1,3 gets banned. If so, I'd be stocking up on 1,3 like a mofo. That shit is for real.

Haha, same here. I now swear by 1,3.


I'm at 75mg doses 3 times per day. Taking it with ginkgo, vinpocetine, and taurine (similiar to machinecontrol's instant focus product but I get all the stuff seperately for 1/4 price at a local vitamin cottage) = crazy productivity.
Haha, same here. I now swear by 1,3.


I'm at 75mg doses 3 times per day. Taking it with ginkgo, vinpocetine, and taurine (similiar to machinecontrol's instant focus product but I get all the stuff seperately for 1/4 price at a local vitamin cottage) = crazy productivity.

Holy shit dude that's a LOT. I haven't dared go over 75mg in a DAY. How big are you? Maybe I should do more. But I'm not in the mood for a heart attack until about 40 more years.. heh

My source of 1,3 (besides Jack3d) lately has been Instant Focus from machinecontrol. So I've been getting that stuff in... but vinpocetine doesn't have any studies proving its efficacy, does it?

I also read here on WF that 75mg of 1,3 before smoking herb is the bomb. I love stims before smokin - I get super talkative and ridiculous. Might try later today, but gonna be having too many beers in the mix too to really assess.

My problem with 1,3 is that there are barely any long-term safety studies on it. Piracetam has tons of em.
Holy shit dude that's a LOT. I haven't dared go over 75mg in a DAY. How big are you? Maybe I should do more. But I'm not in the mood for a heart attack until about 40 more years.. heh

My source of 1,3 (besides Jack3d) lately has been Instant Focus from machinecontrol. So I've been getting that stuff in... but vinpocetine doesn't have any studies proving its efficacy, does it?

I also read here on WF that 75mg of 1,3 before smoking herb is the bomb. I love stims before smokin - I get super talkative and ridiculous. Might try later today, but gonna be having too many beers in the mix too to really assess.

My problem with 1,3 is that there are barely any long-term safety studies on it. Piracetam has tons of em.

I'm not too sure on the vinpocetine efficacy, but if I find anything later I'll link it here. I've been taking vinpocetine daily for years though (before ever hearing about 1,3), can't remember what I read to get me started at the moment.

And yea that was me in the bump when high thread that said 75mg of 1,3 + some good ol' cannabis is the shit. I love it, however I'm on a tolerance break from the weed right now.

I'm 6'3 and 250 lb and the 75mg of 1,3 doesn't even feel like the big of an overkill. It does make me sweat a little when I take 100mg or more of 1,3 though.

As far as the lack of research regarding safety of longterm 1,3 use... I smoke a pack and a half per day + cannabis all day + caffeine galor so I'm already planning on not living past 50 haha.
I'm not too sure on the vinpocetine efficacy, but if I find anything later I'll link it here. I've been taking vinpocetine daily for years though (before ever hearing about 1,3), can't remember what I read to get me started at the moment.

And yea that was me in the bump when high thread that said 75mg of 1,3 + some good ol' cannabis is the shit. I love it, however I'm on a tolerance break from the weed right now.

I'm 6'3 and 250 lb and the 75mg of 1,3 doesn't even feel like the big of an overkill. It does make me sweat a little when I take 100mg or more of 1,3 though.

As far as the lack of research regarding safety of longterm 1,3 use... I smoke a pack and a half per day + cannabis all day + caffeine galor so I'm already planning on not living past 50 haha.

Allright buddy, I'm in. Did 1.5 scoops of Jack3d and then had a morning swim. Now it's 9 hours later and I just rocked three 1,3's and about to hit the pipe. Off the piracetam today. Will let you know how it goes. Sorry for the offtopic. Back to the party now :drinkup:
I was *this* close to putting piracetam in Instant Focus before my manufacturer talked me out of it due to FDA concerns.
Piracetam + 1,3= AMAZING combo. Vinpocetine+Ginkgo synergize pretty OK as a vasodilator to increase cerebral blood flow, nothing quite like a racetam though.

Here's what most people don't know about nootropics like Piracetam- because they increase cerebral blood flow so well, they synergize well with just about anything.

Take an attack dose of Piracetam and smoke some herb- you will magically turn shitty weed into top quality weed.

Mix a strong dose of Piracetam with psychedelics.... you will see God. There's nothing else like it, and that's why I love *racetams.

As for 1,3 and weed...Don't know why you would mix stimulants and depressants like that, except maybe smoking to come down off the 1,3 high.
did not see that it was about to get banned -- all the letter said was he needed to relabel some shit - but fuck probably sold 300x orders - Marketing for dumbasses who are too fuckin stupid to read = Win (get hooked on phonicks cocksucker)
Bad news, folks. Just got this email from Marc at PrimaForce/Scivation:

Dear Sir,

You are correct. We are not making this any longer. If you would like to
purchase some direct from us, I can help you out. I am not sure if I will
have any left in a day or so!

Thank you,

:( Just ordered 1000g more on Amazon.
This is fucking retarded. Piracetam is a great supplement. I still have some in my cupboard somewhere. Hey that reminds me, what's the shelf life on this stuff like? I think my stuff is like a year old.

I guess the adderall people don't want competition.
This is fucking retarded. Piracetam is a great supplement. I still have some in my cupboard somewhere. Hey that reminds me, what's the shelf life on this stuff like? I think my stuff is like a year old.

I guess the adderall people don't want competition.

If you store it in a cool and dry place it's supposed to last almost indefinitely from what I've heard.

For those planning to stock up big time (I bought 12 KG) you could vacuum seal certain amounts (I plan to bag it all up into individual KGs)


For all the people pointing out the obvious - that the letter doesn't mention the word 'ban' - if you spend any time around nootropic and herbal forums you know there has been talk of this happening for quite a while. As I mention in my OP it's now being classified as a drug instead of a dietary supplement and it will be a pain in the ass to sell/buy it.

Even if it is all a scam by Mike to sell a bunch of his product (I highly doubt it, but it's been done before by tons of manufacturers) all the people who use it regularly (like me) aren't spending more $ than usual to stock up - less in fact since it's on clearance sale.
It's kinda in between. Piracetam is being marketed the same way you would market drugs, and it's technically not a supplement (food). The crack down is most definitely as a result of Efficacy and Safety of Piracetam Taken for 12 Months in Subjects Suffering From Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - Full Text View - So someone wants to make it a drug and the FDA is clearing out competition, but they are somewhat justified in doing this. So both are in the wrong. There's been no actual ban and this news is 6 months old at least. The FDA stopped by some suppliers 6 months ago but they haven't pulled shit. So take it with a grain of salt.

Mike (smart powders) is legit and probably the best in the industry. He started bulknutrition back in the day before selling it off, been around for a long time.


Ages Eligible for Study: 50 Years to 89 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Both
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No

So no one under the age of 50 was able to participate in that study?
Thanks for the mention on 1,3 . I just ordered some - looking to try it for the first time.

Any thoughts on PEA (Phenylethlamine HCI)? I read some good reviews, but it has zero effect on me. I've went up to 4 grams in one dose and no effect.

Ages Eligible for Study: 50 Years to 89 Years
Genders Eligible for Study: Both
Accepts Healthy Volunteers: No

So no one under the age of 50 was able to participate in that study?

It's a study on dementia/alzheimers.
Got my order today. Took 2 servings. Fuck this is working man :) I can't even be on this forum now. Feel like I'm wasting time. Wanna do some work real hard :)
so ... the product you are trying to order no longer exists...

where can I get some?

edit: nm found it on

re-edit: nm they don't ship to Canada - where can I get some that ships to Canada?