Nootropics users: FDA bans Piracetam


Chronic Crypto
Mar 17, 2008
The FDA has banned Piracetam - it is now classified as a drug and cannot be sold as a dietary supplement.

Americans just lost yet another freedom...

Anyways - the main purpose of this thread is to let everyone who uses/planned to use piracetam know that they should stock up on it as fast as possible. Retailers have 15 days to comply and so a lot of them (like are running a clearance sale.

Don't forget to get some choline to stack with it.


The FDA has banned Piracetam - it is now classified as a drug and cannot be sold as a dietary supplement.

Americans just lost yet another freedom...

Anyways - the main purpose of this thread is to let everyone who uses/planned to use piracetam know that they should stock up on it as fast as possible. Retailers have 15 days to comply and so a lot of them (like are running a clearance sale.

Don't forget to get some choline to stack with it.


"Symptoms of general excitability, including anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, agitation, nervousness, and tremor, are occasionally reported. Headache from large doses of piracetam may be alleviated by coadministration of an acetylcholine biosynthetic precursor, or a drug with cholinergic effects, such as choline bitartrate, choline citrate, choline alfoscerate, lecithin, cyprodenate or centrophenoxine." wiki

But they allow prescription drugs that cause suicidal thoughts and death...
"Symptoms of general excitability, including anxiety, insomnia, irritability, headache, agitation, nervousness, and tremor, are occasionally reported. Headache from large doses of piracetam may be alleviated by coadministration of an acetylcholine biosynthetic precursor, or a drug with cholinergic effects, such as choline bitartrate, choline citrate, choline alfoscerate, lecithin, cyprodenate or centrophenoxine." wiki

All those symptoms can apply to caffeine as well. Should they ban caffeine too? I really hope your answer isn't yes...
All those symptoms can apply to caffeine as well. Should they ban caffeine too? I really hope your answer isn't yes...

I think you missed what he wrote underneath the quote.

I didn't. The "your" was aimed at FDA, not dallasncents. I probably could have been less vague.

Everyone, save yourself over $20:
Primaforce Piracetam

and get it with this to prevent headaches from the piracetam:
Primaforce Choline Citrate

Have you used this provider before (Smart Powders) and can you confirm that it's a reliable supplier?

Also have people here noticed a positive productivity boost from it?

I've never got piracetam because I've always been worried about the lack of research done. But with a 15 day limit I'm thinking of stocking up just in case I ever decide I want to use it.

Also does anybody know how to get provigil?
Smart Powders is legit. I've ordered from Mike several times. He gives you a certificate with the lab results, so you know what your getting is real.

I've read somewhere where it was hinted that a pharmaceutical company is coming out with a prescription that contains piracetam, so that's why the FDA is pushing this through... they have to clear the way for the drug companies and eliminate competition.

So far none of the other racetams are targeted, but it's a shame, because piracetam is the most affordable one.
Have you used this provider before (Smart Powders) and can you confirm that it's a reliable supplier?

Also have people here noticed a positive productivity boost from it?

I've never got piracetam because I've always been worried about the lack of research done. But with a 15 day limit I'm thinking of stocking up just in case I ever decide I want to use it.

Also does anybody know how to get provigil?

Yes, I've used them several times before without complaint. I usually order PrimaForce brand from Mike versus their own smart powders brand, though thats just because I've been using primaforce stuff for a while.

And the focus you get from it is pretty good. I take it in 4,500 milligram doses.
Yes, I've used them several times before without complaint. I usually order PrimaForce brand from Mike versus their own smart powders brand, though thats just because I've been using primaforce stuff for a while.

And the focus you get from it is pretty good. I take it in 4,500 milligram doses.
Smart Powders is legit. I've ordered from Mike several times. He gives you a certificate with the lab results, so you know what your getting is real.

I've read somewhere where it was hinted that a pharmaceutical company is coming out with a prescription that contains piracetam, so that's why the FDA is pushing this through... they have to clear the way for the drug companies and eliminate competition.

So far none of the other racetams are targeted, but it's a shame, because piracetam is the most affordable one.

Thanks for the positive recommendation. I've always been pretty paranoid about consuming things that I don't know a lot about, and I've been really worried about buying something online that may be contaminated. If this is a legitimate store I think I'm going to buy some before the 15 days is up.

How are current piracetam users (people in this thread) planning on getting it once the 15 days are up?
Seriously, WTF is wrong with you guys? You need to take nootropics or adderal or whatever shit just to get some work done?

Getting fucked up on your drug of choice to have a good time - I can see. But this?!!! C'mon now...

(BTW: Not judging - just trying to understand).
How are current piracetam users (people in this thread) planning on getting it once the 15 days are up?

My serious answer is: idk.

I've had success in the past ordering banned supplements from overseas, but I don't plan to try anything like that nowadays. Especially not for piracetam, I'll just rotate it out of my stack and start using another racetam such as Aniracetam.

Really, piracetam is one of the weaker racetams, however it's dirt cheap and sold (was, at least) at a lot of places.
Seriously, WTF is wrong with you guys? You need to take nootropics or adderal or whatever shit just to get some work done?

Getting fucked up on your drug of choice to have a good time - I can see. But this?!!! C'mon now...

(BTW: Not judging - just trying to understand).

I can work perfectly fine without supplements. However, I work better with them. Plus, the feeling of well-being I get from many nootropics is pretty awesome.
i don't see anything in that FDA letter saying that piracetam is banned.

it sounds like they only had a problem with the way smartpowders was marketing them
I've tried the 800mg tablets but I really would like to give the liquid form a try.


You can just get this stuff over the counter here in Europe. It's not nearly as cheap as the bulk powder form but I like that it's proper branded pharmacy quality in sealed blisters.

It kind of just made my head hot but I was only taking 1600 to 3200 mg at a time. I think I need to give it another try sometime.
Damn, thanks for this. I've been using 2g piracetam 2-3x a day and like it. It DOES make me a bit nervous, but in a way that I want to get work done or I'll get mad at myself or something. Kind of hard to explain.

Even tried mixing it with Jack3d for pre-workout focus/endurance, but that didn't seem to help, so I'm sticking with it during brain time.

Primaforce is the bomb. You can get it even cheaper at Amazon, and it's on Prime/SuperSaver.

The taste is awful, but I add it to anything really and don't care, it's worth it. Or you can put it on the tip of your tongue and slam it.

Never saw the need for choline. I don't get headaches from it, and studies don't show choline giving cognitive effects to healthy people.

Contacted PrimaForce to see for sure before hitting the panic button.
gawd, next thing you know they ban jack3d.

Jack3d is just creatine + caffeine marketed as something new and awesome. It's shitty, 90% of the hype for it is viral marketing and the other 10% is from noobs that don't know how to read ingredient lists or have never been on any sort of stimulant before.

RE: piracetam, creatine is a nootropic too, and there are plenty of others. I'll still be stocking up, but this isn't too big a deal for nootropic users.
i don't see anything in that FDA letter saying that piracetam is banned.

it sounds like they only had a problem with the way smartpowders was marketing them

It's kinda in between. Piracetam is being marketed the same way you would market drugs, and it's technically not a supplement (food). The crack down is most definitely as a result of Efficacy and Safety of Piracetam Taken for 12 Months in Subjects Suffering From Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) - Full Text View - So someone wants to make it a drug and the FDA is clearing out competition, but they are somewhat justified in doing this. So both are in the wrong. There's been no actual ban and this news is 6 months old at least. The FDA stopped by some suppliers 6 months ago but they haven't pulled shit. So take it with a grain of salt.

Mike (smart powders) is legit and probably the best in the industry. He started bulknutrition back in the day before selling it off, been around for a long time.