Non US Credit For USA Direct Site Buys


New member
Mar 7, 2008
I have $5k to test some direct banner buys. I have an offer I have managed to get profitable. I understand I can do a $5k buy. And I can also set it at $100 a day for an initial test. But I don't fancy dropping the entire $5k then waiting 3 months for $4.5k to be returned to me. This will slow down my testing.

So I'd like to work on credit terms. I would simply pay the $500 in full at the end of a test (of say 5 days at $100 a day). But I'm not in the US. So I would need to be extended US credit terms for sites based in the US.

So how do I go about getting extended credit in the US? I'm really stuck with this so would really appreciate some help pls.

i doubt you will get extended any credit for direct buys... for a network maybe...

5k is peanuts to display networks... prob not even worth the time to set it up if you can't prepay 5k

Another option would be put it on your credit card if they allow paying through paypal

good luck bros
i doubt you will get extended any credit for direct buys... for a network maybe...

5k is peanuts to display networks... prob not even worth the time to set it up if you can't prepay 5k

Another option would be put it on your credit card if they allow paying through paypal

good luck bros

Yeah this is the prob. I'm too small fry for networks yet I have a profitable offer with wide appeal!

Do you know if it is possible to pre pay the $5k then have the refund time mentioned in the IO?
Yeah this is the prob. I'm too small fry for networks yet I have a profitable offer with wide appeal!

Do you know if it is possible to pre pay the $5k then have the refund time mentioned in the IO?

Can you not get paid weeklies so at least you get some cashflow?
just setup even delivery and get an outclause and pull out.

This will make you look like a total douche though.

And wtf do you think you would test with $500 on a managed buy? I will tell you what you can test - if your adserver is setup correctly.

Just stick to selfserve.
I'd love to go self serve, but the offer is promoted by a lp that a lot of places don't allow. So I'm basically stuck with going direct, right? But my budget wont let me play there. This is the situation I'm trying to dig out of...