no more weeklies on epic...


New member
Sep 9, 2008

Anyone want to clarify this further? Is this due to FTC? Lawsuits? Weak harvest?

It's due to them liking the interest compounded they get on holding your money.

Also it sounds like they let a lot of scammy affiliates into their network and now the rest of their affiliates suffer for it.
After Mike B left I found little reason to do business with them, but that pretty much puts the nail in the coffin.
Edit: not meant to slander them... And To my am who just called: I'm at the mall I'll hit you up when I get back home brah!
every single network offers weekly payments, now azoogle/epic is taking a big step back by changing his payment terms. I think this will hurt the number of pubs running offers with them.... I mean why would you want to wait an extra week for your payments when there is a tons of reputable networks out there that will pay you faster??

I run with ML, NB, Copeac and they pay me always on time every time. I will start running with EWA and they also will pay me on a weekly basis. Threshold is even lower with all those networks ($1,000/week). with azoogle is $1,000/day....

I was happy with azoogle and with my AM, but now that they will delay payment even more Im seriously thinking about moving my traffic to another network that is willing to pay me faster.
I am sure they will still offer their publishers they have worked with for awhile weekly payments, however that is a huge set back for them seeing as every network offers weekly payouts now.
every single network offers weekly payments, now azoogle/epic is taking a big step back by changing his payment terms. I think this will hurt the number of pubs running offers with them.... I mean why would you want to wait an extra week for your payments when there is a tons of reputable networks out there that will pay you faster??

I run with ML, NB, Copeac and they pay me always on time every time. I will start running with EWA and they also will pay me on a weekly basis. Threshold is even lower with all those networks ($1,000/week). with azoogle is $1,000/day....

I was happy with azoogle and with my AM, but now that they will delay payment even more Im seriously thinking about moving my traffic to another network that is willing to pay me faster.
Why wait an extra week? Theoretically, their quality will be better, payouts higher, and greater offer longevity. In reality, who knows if that would be the case, but if a network can really shape its base into a higher quality base, that's the network that will succeed in the long run.

My largest campaigns right now are run directly from the advertisers' agencies - Net 30-40 is a bitch, but my payout is ridiculously higher than any network that's ever had the offer, and while I've seen these offers get pulled left and right from networks, or regularly hit volume caps, I'm still going, at insanely higher payouts. Sitting on $100k receivables was nerve wracking at first, but if you have the bank reserves and credit lines to float it yourself (oh, and I forgot the most important part - really high quality traffic), it's worth it. Had I just taken my first direct offer from Epic, Neverblue, or Direct Agents instead, I would have settled for $8-12 lead payouts, and the offer eventually getting pulled. I'm now at $25/lead direct, net 40... I'll take my net 40 payout, 3 years running now.

I just signed up with a net 30 network that takes quality so seriously, they even require trade references. Net 30 payment, but the quality of the offers, and the payouts on these offers is miles beyond the typical CPA network. If you're only concerned with CPA networks and getting paid quickly, you're ignoring good, long-term business opportunities.
LOL @ affiliates who need weeklies... get a credit card

Tell that to an 18 year old kid who's scaled his first campaign so that he can make $1000/day, is making 100% ROI, has no credit history so he can only get a $500 credit line (that requires you to wait 3 days after a charge has been made before you can pay it off), and only has $1000 in the bank.

I was in that position only a couple years ago, and weeklies made a huge fucking difference.
Tell that to an 18 year old kid who's scaled his first campaign so that he can make $1000/day, is making 100% ROI, has no credit history so he can only get a $500 credit line (that requires you to wait 3 days after a charge has been made before you can pay it off), and only has $1000 in the bank.

I was in that position only a couple years ago, and weeklies made a huge fucking difference.


If a network cant at least front weeklies thats already knocking one thing off a small list of benefits of running with a network.