Quick run down:
I will provide hosting, domain name and assistance for the duration of the project. You provide the talent, work ethic, and money (if doing PPC).
Pretty simple. Right now, things are still being set up and worked out, so I don't have a start date yet, but hopefully it will be soon. Spread the word. If you know of anyone that is on the fence about internet marketing, this is the perfect opportunity to jump in and try it out. I don't claim to be a guru, but you could do worse for a mentor (probably better also, but you're stuck with me.)
A few caveats:
1. they must be a member of Wickedfire. If they aren't currently get them to sign up.
2. ummm...I can't think of anymore at this time that I want to divulge. So for now, make sure they are WF members.