No Bump Rule = Annoying Sellers

Big Joe

New member
Apr 18, 2011
Am I the only one getting emailed, skyped, etc by sellers begging for reviews?

This is so fucking annoying and these assholes are relentless.

Im going to start being much more careful of who I buy from here on WF to prevent these time wasters from messaging me like were fucking golf buddies.

Tips; You want more business? Lower your prices on your dog shit services. Make sure your offering something of value. Don't beg for reviews from your buyers!!


Seller: Exellent Great to see you sir
so you are happy with our Service?

Me: there was a mistake, but it was fixed

Seller: ok
so you not help to add review?

Me: why would I need help?

Seller: in our thread to help us in our new busienss

I once had a random seller refuse to send over a completion report without a review. Told him to fuck off. Annoying? Yes.
I once had a random seller kidnapping my daughter for not providing report. Told him to fuck off. I made a new baby.

Don't out me tommy. And, she was not your daughter. She was your wife's daughter though.
I once had a random seller kidnapping my daughter for not providing report. Told him to fuck off. I made a new baby.

Post of the century.

I've always wondered why we treat children like mystical beings from another planet when I have the raw material needed to create 10 million kids sitting in my balls 24/7.

Maybe the Austrians aren't right when it comes to supply and demand.
I'll review anything from anyone, but it'll cost ya

Im going to start being much more careful of who I buy from here on WF

To be fair, this should be the guiding principle of anyone who does business, buyer or seller, here or elsewhere.

Regarding SBT, I yearn for the good 'ole days, when rules were few and the place was like the wild west. There were problems, of course. But a lot of us figured out very quickly who to do business with, and who to avoid. Quality sellers tended to rise, and the miscreants tended to go away, or they failed to gain traction in the first place.

But cry me a river. Jon's house, Jon's rules. :)
A copy of the Skype logs from my writer today (I was writing him an email, because 10 seconds earlier, he'd told me to)

[14:45:35] Writer: did you think about the next order?
[14:46:54] Writer: 30k words $0.7 50k words $0.65 100k words $0.575 200k words 40.5
[14:46:56] Writer: $0.5
[14:46:58] Writer: okay?
[14:47:00] Writer: let me know :)
[14:47:02] Writer: is that fine?
[14:47:15] Writer: u dere?
[14:47:18] Writer: are you upset with me?

(and no, he's not a seller on here, it's got nothing to do with the bump rule)
A copy of the Skype logs from my writer today (I was writing him an email, because 10 seconds earlier, he'd told me to)

[14:45:35] Writer: did you think about the next order?
[14:46:54] Writer: 30k words $0.7 50k words $0.65 100k words $0.575 200k words 40.5
[14:46:56] Writer: $0.5
[14:46:58] Writer: okay?
[14:47:00] Writer: let me know :)
[14:47:02] Writer: is that fine?
[14:47:15] Writer: u dere?
[14:47:18] Writer: are you upset with me?

(and no, he's not a seller on here, it's got nothing to do with the bump rule)

You should tell him "Yes, I'm upset with you. I ask you for content and you send me to this website Google Hammer - Marketing Information So Good It'll Spin Your Head Right 'Round why would you do that?"
A copy of the Skype logs from my writer today (I was writing him an email, because 10 seconds earlier, he'd told me to)

[14:45:35] Writer: did you think about the next order?
[14:46:54] Writer: 30k words $0.7 50k words $0.65 100k words $0.575 200k words 40.5
[14:46:56] Writer: $0.5
[14:46:58] Writer: okay?
[14:47:00] Writer: let me know :)
[14:47:02] Writer: is that fine?
[14:47:15] Writer: u dere?
[14:47:18] Writer: are you upset with me?

(and no, he's not a seller on here, it's got nothing to do with the bump rule)

Are you sure he's not selling here also? It's funny that a guy i bought a few articles from, keeps asking me the same thing every day... Are you upset with me sir? :))
I really don't see why there's a need to beg. Granted I love reviews because every time one is posted I make several sales, as compared to me bumping a thread myself which ads no credibility.

They *Could* just buy another thread, or 10.
yes very annoying shit went down on my pdf thread earlier today (see sig)

but then again i dont care about the bumping, i hated the free for all bumpage last year