NickyCakes Dramafest Feb 2010


You created a lot of the environment for this forum. Such as your post on Shoe Money and calling Amit Mehta a super affiliate camel.
So now you are mad at the type of posts that the members make and the vulgarity they contain???

Give me a break dude.

At this point I would like to congratulate NickyCakes for one of the best set up self-promotion campaigns I've ever seen.

Using the drama to make such a huge fucking deal out of nothing was great work and I bet traffic to his blog and his LPThing rose by at least 50% over the last 3 days.

Nicely done! Cheers!


damn dude the blonde is niceeeeee. well done.

@jon: agree. blogs= drama. WF= drama.
At this point I would like to congratulate NickyCakes for one of the best set up self-promotion campaigns I've ever seen.

Using the drama to make such a huge fucking deal out of nothing was great work and I bet traffic to his blog and his LPThing rose by at least 50% over the last 3 days.

Nicely done! Cheers!

How is this in any way good advertising?

His service got ripped to shreds, anybody that reads any of these threads or posts and still buys LPLockdown is a fool.
Just for the record, Wankenheim has personally been an asshole to me (as a self proclaimed newb, back in the day) and continues to act like a super snob know it all - even today.

That guy earns his rep.
How is this in any way good advertising?

His service got ripped to shreds, anybody that reads any of these threads or posts and still buys LPLockdown is a fool.
My opinion is that anyone who bought that to begin with is a fool. Props for pointing out the flaws, but at the same time, no thanks for ruining an exploit that some of us had figured out and were going to try to take advantage of...
Selling Rule #1: Don't sell people what you got. Sell them what they want.

Props to cakes for putting something out there that people want, even if by wanting it they are defining themselves as fools. He's the one making $50/PMPM x how many members?
I will probably get banned for this but what the hell.

Most of the people on this forum are hypocrites. Yes at times I am as well.

People complain about selling fools gold to the make money online markets but have no problem putting up fake blogs selling magic weight loss pills. You know the only thing that will help the fatties is diet and gym. Regardless, you want to make the monies and get paid.

So now you go ripping into a guy that is selling shit to your industry and look at the shit flying. lol

Either way, I don't personally care. There are two types of people. The one type will work their asses off and get paid. The second don't really want to get paid but dream of their lives changing which is why they are buying the magic pills.

It is their own problem if they keep buying the magic pills and nothing changes.
How is this in any way good advertising?

His service got ripped to shreds, anybody that reads any of these threads or posts and still buys LPLockdown is a fool.

His service wasn't ripped to shreds. Some weak points were pointed out but it still is a valuable service to most people that don't want to bother to build their own custom tools. Also, less then a week ago nobody had even heard of it. Now every idiot knows that it's out there and how they could be using it.

On top of that the gain in traffic to his blog must have been huge.
I will probably get banned for this but what the hell.

Most of the people on this forum are hypocrites. Yes at times I am as well.

People complain about selling fools gold to the make money online markets but have no problem putting up fake blogs selling magic weight loss pills. You know the only thing that will help the fatties is diet and gym. Regardless, you want to make the monies and get paid.

So now you go ripping into a guy that is selling shit to your industry and look at the shit flying. lol

Either way, I don't personally care. There are two types of people. The one type will work their asses off and get paid. The second don't really want to get paid but dream of their lives changing which is why they are buying the magic pills.

It is their own problem if they keep buying the magic pills and nothing changes.

damn,you're SOO gonna get banned for THIS!
I will probably get banned for this but what the hell.

Most of the people on this forum are hypocrites. Yes at times I am as well.

People complain about selling fools gold to the make money online markets but have no problem putting up fake blogs selling magic weight loss pills. You know the only thing that will help the fatties is diet and gym. Regardless, you want to make the monies and get paid.

So now you go ripping into a guy that is selling shit to your industry and look at the shit flying. lol

Either way, I don't personally care. There are two types of people. The one type will work their asses off and get paid. The second don't really want to get paid but dream of their lives changing which is why they are buying the magic pills.

It is their own problem if they keep buying the magic pills and nothing changes.

ohhhh mang, banhammer coming down soon.

wait, no. no-one gives a shit about you.
I would like to say thank you to Jon. He has some good points about this forum... even though I am a "Junior Member" I must admit some of the stuff that goes on here is pretty crap considering that everyone has been too worried about making money than working together as a collective.

Work together and you can make more... work alone and you make only half as much....
I would like to say thank you to Jon. He has some good points about this forum... even though I am a "Junior Member" I must admit some of the stuff that goes on here is pretty crap considering that everyone has been too worried about making money than working together as a collective.

Work together and you can make more... work alone and you make only half as much....

Wow Looks like you've been upgraded to Member! Must be quality posts like these!
Attention feeds drama....DON'T FEED THE BEASTS!

Ignoring and not responding to those who wish to stir up drama is the most affective. They don't want to listen to reason, they will just twist it to create MORE drama and get even MORE attention and so the cycle continues!