NickyCakes Dramafest Feb 2010


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
This is a response to both drama threads about LPlockdown and Nicky's ask him anything thread....

I don't really get how you guys can go from hating on Nicky to bashing Uber in the span of a few minutes. The two threads aren't all that similar. One is outting him for what some people think view as a violation of their privacy and trust and the other is him outting himself with all of the details of his drug and criminal past.

Uber has every right to be vigilant and pissed off, I mean can you really blame him? If I were him I would have smacked the shit out of him a long time ago, but instead he took the patient route (he was also really really depressed, but he didn't come out and say it, but you had to be BLIND not to see that!) and jumped on the chance to do just about the same fucking thing Nicky did to him.

Then again, Nicky does have a pretty turbulent past as he's shown by posting above and it does take a lot of guts to come out and openly admit to some of the really fucking stupid things he did, but he did the jail time and he's obviously learned his lesson, the hard way.

I'm not going to take sides at all here. Just calling it how I see it with the same information you guys have.

I think Uber is 100% justified for being pissed and milking this for what its worth, Nicky sure as hell didn't hold anything back when he would wail on Paul for the weird shit he blogged about, and certainly turned almost an entire community into a "fuck you uber" fest for a hell of a lot longer than just a few days. It dragged on for MONTHS. Some of it was funny and amusing, but you can't really believe that it didn't go on and on for too long, and that Nicky doesn't deserve a lot of this shit now.

He's right, many of you are sheep if you can't see that this is a sorta desperate or last ditch PR stunt type of thing. Its no coincidence that Nicky posted this to try and divert attention away from the shit fest in that other thread, and sure, maybe Paul is being a bit trigger happy, but he was kicked when he was down, and that's a fucked up thing to do to someone, and you would do the same fucking thing if it were done to you.

Look at it this way, you guys are constantly fucking with people left and right and not taking into consideration that there are ALWAYS consequences. Like the Waggenheim threads. Aside for being really creepy and just your average liar, what has he really done to any of you? Nothing. But here you guys are quick to forgive and forget and just target the guy more convenient and fun to pick on? Well, I'm not going to just sit by and keep quiet about this shit anymore. Heads are going to roll.

The reason I've been keeping quiet about it thus far is I was really hoping things would take its course, unfuck itself, and eventually blow over. Lessons would be learned, and harmony and lulz with plenty of hurr-durr and fails would assume its daily role. But this drama fest is getting out of hand.

As soon as the other admins and mods taking their investigative approach and have submitted their findings we'll post our report on it and ultimately our decision, and then I don't want to see anymore of this shit afterwards, or I will take action against you personally.

Overall, this is a FUBAR situation and I've had enough. Stop treating eachother like shit all the time. Hazing the new guys or joking around is fine, but lately you fuckheads have been going too far. So either you stop yourself, or I'll stop you.

Leave your smart ass comments to yourself this time, because you know I'm right about this.

Now unlike most of you faggots, I have work to do to make monies, so when I am good and ready I'll post everything up. Until then, quit fighting eachother and go do us both a favor and make yourselves money.

Kids these days...

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I think you're holding back, you need to tell us how you really feel and this time please dont hold back.

the thing is people like drama, it's like highschool.

sometime i wonder what happen to being a man...

edit- it's not like high school, more like middle school.
Well, I'm not going to just sit by and keep quiet about this shit anymore.

I'm curious... why have you just sat by and kept quiet for so long? You have a fucking creep Mod post the passport scan and entire life details of some kid who made a stupid mistake and your forum is completely polluted by hurr-durr losers. Why is Nickycakes raping the last straw?
Yeah, cakes is a fucking hypocrite, we all know that now. I was fine with Uber bashing cakes. But then he just kept spamming cakes' thread.... He just seems like a drama queen. Personally, judging from their posts, one is not better or worse than the other.
This whole thing is a learning experience, and a prime example of Karma. Watch who you attack, the whole thing can come back at you, justified or not. Unnecessarily burning bridges is never a good thing. :)
Sorry, wasn't trying to start drama coming in that other thread. Just couldn't believe how funny it was that all you people fell for that. Not my fault you all took it personally and decided to flip out on me...hence making it drama.
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Why did all of super's posts get deleted in nicky's thread?

Exactly, along with my post questioning the thread manipulation. I don't necessarily agree with everything that was said but I believe Super has the right to call Nicky out for his motives instead of having them moved to another thread where they are no longer in context.

What gives?
Exactly, along with my post questioning the thread manipulation. I don't necessarily agree with everything that was said but I believe Super has the right to call Nicky out for his motives instead of having them moved to another thread where they are no longer in context.

What gives?

Pissed me off too. Burn the torches.

200th post!!!! Woot Woot
Exactly, along with my post questioning the thread manipulation. I don't necessarily agree with everything that was said but I believe Super has the right to call Nicky out for his motives instead of having them moved to another thread where they are no longer in context.

What gives?

I saw what you said fatbat! Your post was deleted completely though!

EDIT: Shit, sorry! You already knew that!
Exactly, along with my post questioning the thread manipulation. I don't necessarily agree with everything that was said but I believe Super has the right to call Nicky out for his motives instead of having them moved to another thread where they are no longer in context.

What gives?

^ QFT. What a complete and utter clusterfuck. A Mod (or his bestest chums) allowed to edit crowd accepted criticism of himself.

Sorry, wasn't trying to start drama coming in that other thread. Just couldn't believe how funny it was that all you people fell for that. Not my fault you all took it personally and decided to flip out on me...hence making it drama.

Whatever, you both look like ass clowns right now, Cakes slightly less so because he took a fucked up situation (some fuckhead posting his criminal background on an indexed forum is total fucking bullshit, that guy should get Theimed beyond belief) and went full disclosure mode rather than letting that fuel the other shitshow he stepped into.

Get over it and get to fucking work, since you've obviously got the skills to reverse engineer Cakes's tool (LOL), why not build a better one and sell it for what you think it's worth than waste your time looking like a douch?
Whatever, you both look like ass clowns right now, Cakes slightly less so because he took a fucked up situation (some fuckhead posting his criminal background on an indexed forum is total fucking bullshit, that guy should get Theimed beyond belief) and went full disclosure mode rather than letting that fuel the other shitshow he stepped into.

I'm sorry I have no criminal record for people to bring up so I could make a thread explaining how I came out of it a hero. I guess that makes me a huge ass clown.
Exactly, along with my post questioning the thread manipulation. I don't necessarily agree with everything that was said but I believe Super has the right to call Nicky out for his motives instead of having them moved to another thread where they are no longer in context.

What gives?
Moved a bunch of irrelevant posts to the drama thread where they belong. Please stay on topic or don't bother posting.
From the other thread.