NickyCakes - CLIFF NOTES PLZ for NickyGate 2010


Staff member
Jun 21, 2006
New York City
Can someone please do me a huge favor and take 20 minutes out of their day/evening of doing absolutely nothing but pretending to be looking busy and make a WF Cliff Notes montage of the drama fest, covering both sides and all of the sensitive opening up crap too?

Winner gets $100 from me via Paypal!

Make it good. Plenty of good pics!

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1) Nickycakes makes THIS POST on his blog bashing Uber's "Goober Camp".
SUP3RNOVA is mad.
2) Some time later SUP3RNOVA Makes thread exposing LPLockdown as a crappy way to protect landing pages.
3) Curiousity over how Nickycakes got 150k affiliate ip's.
4) Eli reveals all!

5) Thread keeps going with mindless banter, minimal response from Nickycakes
6) Nickycakes makes This thread
7) Nickycakes starts moving/deleting some posts, pisses some people off
8) Uber says Nicky started said thread only to divert attention from his LPLockdown drama fest
9) Jon intervenes and tells everyone to settle the fuck down.
10) Lulz Ensue
uber - i have a bloody vagina look nickycakes is as much of a scam artist as me.
nickycakes - fuck you uber
mob - oh we hate you nicky we're clueless fucks and don't understand that nickycakes didn't abuse his mod powers.
uber - you tell em guys
nickcakes - i'm a hardcore thug w/ felonies
mob - oh we love felonies! we love you nicky. you suck ass uber.
aojon - wtf did you guys just flip flop like that?
nickycakes == win b/c ppl love felonies & feel sorry for him
uber == a failure as always
mob == win for entertainment - fail on productivity
aojon == gets good drama on his forum. win.

sidenote: no thx on entering the contest.
lol well done johnny. That took much less than 600 posts to accomplish.
Missed one though:
11. No good boobies were posted. blog comments if you want my UberCamp defense. (in UberCamp v. LPLockdown Case #001WF 022010) Actually here ya go :

UberAffiliate said:
Well the thing was, even though Cakes “destroyed” UberCamp, I still had quite a few members that paid $200/month. Once the forum activity really seemed to die off I canceled everyone’s subscription and just shut her down.
Ultimately was it a botch? Yeah probably, I ran out of information to divulge that would be worth $200/month so I just shut it down. Did I ever rip people to shreds about their internet marketing products and then go make UberCamp? No. Did I overcharge people for the information? I can’t decide that myself, but I had many many members that paid the subscription until I canceled it all. I think if someone was a newbie, which was my market, the information is worth that money. Not because they couldn’t learn it from me, but because it was correct info and it was all in one place and confirmed.
I didn’t try to make a tool for “my peers” and then grossly overcharge for it. I put a lot of time into UberCamp…months of writing (which I released for free) and then months of forum posting. Nicky charges $50/month for a tool multiple programmers told me would take a couple days to build. And the design looks like they spent a day on it.
Anyway that’s just my reason why LPLockdown is such a bigger fail than UberCamp was. So am I upset that Nicky “pwned” UberCamp? Haha. No my friend, this is just justice at work.

Just sayin' even though ya'll think I was the pissed off emo boy...I was never upset by Cakes in the first place. Just was kinda like "whoa, this guy is ripping people apart left and right what did I do". Moved on, next thing you know Nicky and I are posing for pictures with the Volkmeister.
My only request is that if you use Paint, try and make me look like Anakin Skywalker in Episode III.
No one but mods have a way to get members IPs anymore, and Nickycakes is selling a product where the key selling point of the product is the collection of affiliate marketer IPs. So you have to decide:
-whether to take away mod privileges
-ask him to not to use his mod powers for exporting
-do nothing.

Even if he has his powers taken away someone would probably sell or give it to him anyway, so it's kind of a moot point. Well that's not really the cliff notes of what happened, but it's what's next. I think most of the posts here, myself included were because people were bored, not outraged/surprised. blog comments if you want my UberCamp defense. (in UberCamp v. LPLockdown Case #001WF 022010) Actually here ya go :

Just sayin' even though ya'll think I was the pissed off emo boy...I was never upset by Cakes in the first place. Just was kinda like "whoa, this guy is ripping people apart left and right what did I do". Moved on, next thing you know Nicky and I are posing for pictures with the Volkmeister.

Learn how a guy and some other guy make uber dough (dough, cakes, get it?) on the intertubes. You only have to pay a couple of bucks for shipping and handling. I lost $67 the first month and by the time the second charge hit I was down more than $150!!

I definitely recommend you to get both products for best results.

Step 1. FREE Ubercamp Trial*
Step 2. FREE LPLockdown Trial*

Update: omg I just found a coupon that drop the s&h to only $0.95, just enter 'omgz' during checkout!!!!

*only pay $2.95 shipping and handling


do it.