NicheSpotter Services || Spend less time researching for $$$$ and start making it!

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" 3 Niche-related keywords with 2k+ global monthly searches (Medium to Low Competition)"

you mean each of the 3 keywords will have 2k+ search volume or did you mean all 3 combined?

also, how much can I expect to make on average per month if I rank a site #1 for the keywords/niche you give me

Each of the 3 keywords will have minimum 2k search volume. Normally I give out ones with alot more, plus if I see any good related keywords I'll throw them in too to get you started.

And it depends on how smart you are towards monetising it. I'll be honest, this isn't a handholding service, I'm just serving up good info. A few basic ideas for monetising are stuff like adsense, CPA and email submits obviously, but if you're really smart with your niche you can spin a good amount of money out of it. Ranking #1/#2 for any google search will make you money.

Maybe someday I'll charge a 199 service and set up the niche for the buyer. But I'll need some good workers for that. Until then.

Ok, I just got my bronze review and overall I'm happy with it. The keywords get a decent amount of exact match searches, and there is very low competition.

The exact match domain was also available, which I've grabbed.

I don't see myself making money from this directly, the keyword is a 'looking for info' type search term, rather than a looking to buy search term and i'm not sure how I'd be able to get people that are searching for this keyphrase to buy anything, also the Adwords CPC is $0.09 so no go there. BUT, another one of my niches that people do buy from will fit in nicely with this so I am going to build it out into a nice info site and link out to my other niche.

I also think if I whacked a few articles into wordpress and flipped it would sell for $150~. Its a pretty funny niche as well.
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