NicheSpotter Services || Spend less time researching for $$$$ and start making it!

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Feb 2, 2011
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I'm an idea man. Every day I make it my business to look for new ways to suck money out of the internet. I'm sure you do too. My problems lie with finding the time and the motivation to turn these leads into actual cash. Little known fact about us idea men -- us creative types are rather lazy.


I can find you a low competition niche market & show you ways to profit from it, so you can start making some (more) money. I do this through deep keyword research, market research (on your potential competition & your target market), the only barrier to the amount of research I can do for you is how much you're willing to pay for it!

"If these niches are so great, why don't you work them yourself?"

A very good question. The answer is, I do. All the best niches I come across with ridiculously low competition I have already penetrated. However, it's also a stupid question. I don't have infinite money and/or resources. If I tried to work all the niches I found every day I'd be haemorrahaging money and losing sleep trying to keep up with them all. I earmark the best of the best for myself, and sell the rest of the best on to you. Here's an example of the best of the best that I find (and am subsequently keeping to myself... unless I am offered good money.)




You get:
A 250~ word summary note of your niche, explaining it to you in detail.
3 Niche-related keywords with 2k+ global monthly searches (Medium to Low Competition)
A custom written 500 word article, pre-spun for you 20 times.
A list of all available keyword-oriented domain names in your niche.


You Get:
A 250~ word summary note of your niche, explaining it to you in detail.
5 Niche-related keywords with 2.5k+ global monthly searches (Medium to Low Competition)
2 Custom written 500 word articles, pre-spun for you 20 times.
A list of all available keyword-oriented domain names in your niche
A list of the most relevant and highest ranked discussion sites for your niche


You Get:
A 250~ word summary note of your niche, explaining it to you in detail.
5 Niche-Related keywords with 3.5k+ global monthly searches (Low Competition only)
3 Custom written 500 word articles, pre-spun for you 20 times.
A list of all available keyword-oriented domain names in your niche (With guaranteed .com)
A list of the most relevant and highest ranked dicussion sites for your niche
A shortlist of 3+ promotable products for your niche, with affiliate information and potential conversion rates.


You Get:
A 250~ word summary note of your niche, explaining it to you in detail.
7 Niche-Related Keywords with 3.5k+ global monthly searches (Low Competition only)
5 Custom written 700~ word articles, pre spun for you 20 times.
A list of all available keyword-oriented domain names in your niche (With guaranteed .com)
A list of the most relevant and highest ranked discussion sites for youor niche
A shortlist of 3+ promotable products for your niche, with affiliate information and potential conversion rates.
A Custom 1000~ word eBook on how to monetise your niche, with at least 3 different potential methods, and any potential tips & tricks that can make cracking your niche that much easier.

If you can't make money with the information I'm supplying you, internet marketing probably isn't your field.

Review Copies & Discounts
I know how business is done, and my service is a little hard to quanitfy - so I'm offering out...

...3 Bronze Services at a 50% discount. This is open to anyone as long as you provide a review!

...2 Silver Services at a 50% discount. This is open to anyone above 100 posts.

...1 Free Gold Service Review Copy to any mod who wants one.

Claim them quick, I'm not going to be handing out more.

Like I give you a niche, you find all the other other stuff advertised and i say ok, I want the ebook in the form of a special report that presells a specific offer.
Like I give you a niche, you find all the other other stuff advertised and i say ok, I want the ebook in the form of a special report that presells a specific offer.

Aah, I see. I was actually debating with myself whether to offer that as a service, reverse niche research. I'm very capable of doing it, but it's more work than me picking out the niche myself. For example what do I say to the buyer if a niche really is oversaturated? That I'm keeping their money but here's this useless ebook for this niche that sucks?

Or do I refund them when I find out that there's no real gold to be dug here, losing me hours of potential work?

I decided to just not do it altogether, but we can discuss something on a one-off basis. PM me if you're interested.
Our first order's been completed!

Thanks to Dave for your participation.

Please note, there are only TWO review copies left, and they are bronze & gold.
For anyone looking to get the gold one, I'm willing to open it up to more than just a mod. However, 20+ itrader and at least 200 posts will be necessary.
I'll take the Bronze. PM payment details.

Somewhat related to Grindstone's question: since you're not doing reverse research, can we request a general market/vertical so whatever you send us will fit somewhat with our current endeavors?
Somewhat related to Grindstone's question: since you're not doing reverse research, can we request a general market/vertical so whatever you send us will fit somewhat with our current endeavors?

Tell you what, for a $5 surcharge I'll let anyone choose their own general market.

Thanks for the idea, this applies to anyone going forward (and I'll let them know of the option in the subsequent PM.)

Pmed you.
Sorry for the delay I wanted to take the time to check out the keyword niche that was sent through my own tools and I just didn't have time till today.

So I got one of the Bronze copies at the review price.

Speed - Very fast I believe I received everything within about 5 hours of sending payment. Im sure he probably had some already queued up, but it was still a good response.

Quality - The niche he sent was good and the 3 keywords were exactly as promised in the ad, I ran it through my tools and its something I can use. I already spotted another set of keywords to use with these so it will be worth building out, its got enough traffic and advertisers to make it worth it. Competition doesn't look like it will be too hard to knock off with the right work.

The article he sent was also very well done, it was prespun 20 times (and from the number gaps it looks like he did review the spun articles at least a little) and the original article has the spyntax in place if you want to work/modify it more. The spun articles read pretty well, so I would have no problem using them.

He also included the available domain names, there were a few I might use, but I will probably go with the EMD on some of the other keywords I found doing deeper research.

All in all if you really hate keyword research like I do this is a good service for the price. It gives you a good head start at looking/researching at a niche that is open, and I believe I would have no problem making back the money spent.

Thanks for the review Dave.

To anyone that's placed an order - we're having a little trouble with computers at the minute. We should have everything sent out within the next 24 hours, if you don't recieve yours in that time send us an email and I'll refund you for the time being.
" 3 Niche-related keywords with 2k+ global monthly searches (Medium to Low Competition)"

you mean each of the 3 keywords will have 2k+ search volume or did you mean all 3 combined?

also, how much can I expect to make on average per month if I rank a site #1 for the keywords/niche you give me
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