Niche Marketing on Crack

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Jul 11, 2006
OK so I've read Jon's latest blog entry, he said he will post about Rich Jerk & Niche Marketing on Crack.

well basically Niche Marketing on Crack is a crappy ebook selling at $47. I can summarize the whole ebook as followed:

1. First you identify a niche, then you find hot products within that niche that has affiliate programs. Sign up to them.

2. Build one mini site on the product, with the product name as main keyword. Do some on basic on page SEO and drop your aff link accordingly. You can write review, FAQ, success stories... etc etc.

3. Submit few articles to articles directory to generate back links to your mini site.

4. Since and repeat.

Aint a bad idea, but certaily do not worth $47.

the way I see it, even the guys behind the book know that it's bullshit.. but if there's idiots out there to buy it, then why stop selling it?
IMHO there's nothing unethical about selling people shit that they don't need
If idiots like those at WarriorForum want to spend their money on get rich quick schemes, then so be it.
I guess we have different opinions. It's not exactly bullshit, he's just described what I've been doing for years. It works for me.
Ok here's my comments on the rich jerk. No fuck I didn't buy it. Free at nearest, you know where...
I basically looked trough it very fast. It mostly just tells you WHAT you can do online to make money. Not HOW to do it. There's a few good things in there. But nothing you wouldn't learn from wickedfire. So if you are are totally stupid and don't know what ebay or ads is. Then it's probably worth the ten bucks.
the way I see it, even the guys behind the book know that it's bullshit.. but if there's idiots out there to buy it, then why stop selling it?
IMHO there's nothing unethical about selling people shit that they don't need
If idiots like those at WarriorForum want to spend their money on get rich quick schemes, then so be it.

Amen, brotha. I agree 100% to the nth power.

Ebooks are information. Is the information going to make you a million dollars? Well, it's all relative.

In theory, that information COULD make you a million dollars. Because if you had never heard of IM before and that ebook was your introduction to the industry, whetted your appetite, and you learned the basics that led you to go on and make those millions...then would that $47 be worth it?
Yeah Juicify, there's a shit-ton of ebooks that describes what you can do online. There will never be a book that says
- OK, this is my top 10 markets.
- This is the products I found to return the best ROI for thsse markets.
- This is what I use to sell those products (marketing, ie. PPC, arbi, link building).
- These are my websites that close the sale.

If people would realize an ebook like this doesn't exist in true honesty from a "super affiliate," they would quit buying the shit.

If Jon put something like this out, I'd pay $997 for it.

Hell if Jon made a new forum that went into this sort of detail (he is retired right?) I'd pay a huge monthly fee for it.

I KNOW the method. I NEED ideas. :)
Read the entire post before flaming me. Read it twice maybe.

Yeah Juicify, there's a shit-ton of ebooks that describes what you can do online. There will never be a book that says
- OK, this is my top 10 markets.
- This is the products I found to return the best ROI for thsse markets.
- This is what I use to sell those products (marketing, ie. PPC, arbi, link building).
- These are my websites that close the sale.

If people would realize an ebook like this doesn't exist in true honesty from a "super affiliate," they would quit buying the shit.

If Jon put something like this out, I'd pay $997 for it.

Why? Do you have proof that Jon did everything he said? Do you have proof that he is really spilling the beans in an ebook (if he would write one)?

Hell if Jon made a new forum that went into this sort of detail (he is retired right?) I'd pay a huge monthly fee for it.

Again - why? Did you meet Jon in person and know that he really retired loaded with money? Did Jon mentioning anything here that cannot be found in other forums, blogs, books, or (even) ebooks? Are you trusting some funky looking testimonial?

I KNOW the method. I NEED ideas. :)

You don't know shit. You don't know the method otherwise you would not be in need of ideas. Are you waiting for someone to present you the final piece to success?

Nobody is spilling the beans in an ebook and NOBODY (not even Jon) is spilling the beans in this forum or a blog. If you are making a ton of money and have it all figured out, you are not going to cut of your own income by creating more competition for yourself. You maybe throw some pieces out here and there, but nothing that threatens your income.

Let's assume Jon knows it all and puts it extreme detail into a book or forum. Do you think you would be the only one buying it and putting it into production? Thousands of people would do the same thing and the entire nice handbook/manual is worth not a single dime anymore.

Never ever blindly follow a single person without having seen proof with your OWN eyes. Never ever stop questioning someones motives and the reason behind something they do. Never ever rely on a single source to make up your opinion. You are setting yourself up for failure over and over again.

Many ebooks are crap. Some actually have usefull and good content - just not in their entirety. You have to be able to recognize what pieces of an ebook actually are good and which ones are crap. The same is true for forum postings and blogs. People here were brown nosing chrislingle and (eventually) it turns out he was a fake. But how many people followed his arbi methods and other tips he shared without raising a single concern?

This posting is not against Jon. It is not against ScottdaMan. What I am trying to say is - stop following blindly. Stop waiting for someone else to tell you what to do and how to do it. Question things. Question them again and again. Learn to read between the lines when someone "shares" knowledge. Learn to identify what the real information is and how you can use it.

I give you an example. Shoemoney. All we know he is great in what he does. But that was not always true. He had to learn it somewhere and then make it work his way to perfection. Go to DP and search for Shoemoney's postings from the very beginning. No, he does not spill the beans, but if you read it with open mind and pay attention you can identify bits and pieces that made him big WITH EASE. Just keep in mind - it took him a while to get where he is today.

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Read the entire post before flaming me. Read it twice maybe.

Why? Do you have proof that Jon did everything he said? Do you have proof that he is really spilling the beans in an ebook (if he would write one)?

Again - why? Did you meet Jon in person and know that he really retired loaded with money? Did Jon mentioning anything here that cannot be found in other forums, blogs, books, or (even) ebooks? Are you trusting some funky looking testimonial?

You don't know shit. You don't know the method otherwise you would not be in need of ideas. Are you waiting for someone to present you the final piece to success?

Nobody is spilling the beans in an ebook and NOBODY (not even Jon) is spilling the beans in this forum or a blog. If you are making a ton of money and have it all figured out, you are not going to cut of your own income by creating more competition for yourself. You maybe throw some pieces out here and there, but nothing that threatens your income.

Let's assume Jon knows it all and puts it extreme detail into a book or forum. Do you think you would be the only one buying it and putting it into production? Thousands of people would do the same thing and the entire nice handbook/manual is worth not a single dime anymore.

Never ever blindly follow a single person without having seen proof with your OWN eyes. Never ever stop questioning someones motives and the reason behind something they do. Never ever rely on a single source to make up your opinion. You are setting yourself up for failure over and over again.

Many ebooks are crap. Some actually have usefull and good content - just not in their entirety. You have to be able to recognize what pieces of an ebook actually are good and which ones are crap. The same is true for forum postings and blogs. People here were brown nosing chrislingle and (eventually) it turns out he was a fake. But how many people followed his arbi methods and other tips he shared without raising a single concern?

This posting is not against Jon. It is not against ScottdaMan. What I am trying to say is - stop following blindly. Stop waiting for someone else to tell you what to do and how to do it. Question things. Question them again and again. Learn to read between the lines when someone "shares" knowledge. Learn to identify what the real information is and how you can use it.

I give you an example. Shoemoney. All we know he is great in what he does. But that was not always true. He had to learn it somewhere and then make it work his way to perfection. Go to DP and search for Shoemoney's postings from the very beginning. No, he does not spill the beans, but if you read it with open mind and pay attention you can identify bits and pieces that made him big WITH EASE. Just keep in mind - it took him a while to get where he is today.


All of this is 100% true. However, the one thing you you aren't remembering about Jon is that...

HE ISN'T TRYING TO SELL YOU ANYTHING. Hense, I seriously doubt that he would care if you printed his advice out on paper and wiped your ass with it.

But yeah, everything else in your post is true. +rep.
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