Niche Choppers is Gone?

RIP, It was a very good forum some years back. I am going to miss it for sure.

you the man Norb! Always extremely nice and never asked anything in return when you were always so helpful. I hope nothing but the best for you in 2014.
WTF you talkin' about?

As for this part of your post:
"but start doing business here on WF, I fucking dare you."

What are you some kind of an admin wannabe? Go start your own forum if you want to issue lame threats.

Tread lightly bitch. You fuck with Pheasant, you fuck with all of QLC.


PS: I joined NC about 2 years ago, and Norb was kind enough to exchange a few PM's with me and give me some pointers on Copywriting and offer design. Great guy and great forum!
Tread lightly bitch. You fuck with Pheasant, you fuck with all of QLC.


PS: I joined NC about 2 years ago, and Norb was kind enough to exchange a few PM's with me and give me some pointers on Copywriting and offer design. Great guy and great forum!

made a few contributions but didnt contribute as much knowledge there as I would have liked. Best of luck in your future ventures and kill it with your Crypto IM rampage in 2014!

See you @ asw 2014 perhaps
Still can't believe NC is gone...So many great memories, epic threads, discussions, loads of come ups, amazing journals...

It was very quite lately, but I would still check it out daily and see what was new.

Now I know what I want for Christmas - BRING BACK THE NC FORUM!
I remember first joining NicheChoppers - some obscure forum about making money online, a concept that was totally new to me....

If i hadn't come across Nichechoppers, to be totally honest, I would not know where i would be today - Most importantly, NC taught perseverance and motivation, (aside from revealing all the bullshit on the internet ........oh and boobies!):banana_sml:

It opened up a new world to me, and through it I discovered new passion (namely programming and blogging)......

The community was by far the best (albeit a bit small ;) that i could probably find on any marketing forum-------Not to mention i remember being greeted by Ncmedia in my welcome post --- it turned out we both had Polish roots!

Do widzenia ncmedia; i powodzenia.
