Niche Choppers is Gone?

Boss exit.......

NicheChoppers saved me from buying shitty WSO's and doing article marketing with the peasants on Wafo. Thank you, Norb!

RIP NicheChoppers

Norb is the man, he was my first mentor and I owe him a lottttt. He's had a huge influence on my trajectory in IM, starting with when I was a total newbie on WaFo when he took the time to PM me and warn me about what a shithole that place is and I had to spam 10 comments just to reply and say thanks, to years later when a good chunk of my biz is still done with people I met on NC, still cashing Clickbank checks from DUB, etc etc.

RIP NicheChoppers.

And fuck you OP, all the evidence that I've been presented points to you being a piece of shit. This probabally isn't the place to get into it, but start doing business here on WF, I fucking dare you. Give me a reason...
Norb was generous to me when I was just a year or two into IM, a lowly peasant among a sea of serfs. Gave me a bunch of stuff for free after we just exchanged a PM or two. He is a genuinely legit person. Too bad his forum is gone.
And fuck you OP, all the evidence that I've been presented points to you being a piece of shit. This probabally isn't the place to get into it, but start doing business here on WF, I fucking dare you. Give me a reason...

WTF you talkin' about?

As for this part of your post:
"but start doing business here on WF, I fucking dare you."

What are you some kind of an admin wannabe? Go start your own forum if you want to issue lame threats.
That's unfortunate. I recently found that forum through CCarters site and it looked really decent but I hadn't joined yet although I was about to.

So many mixed feels running through me D:
Forum was dead the last few months.

Only thing irks me is that I woulda liked a deeper look into his 30 day starter program.

(I glanced at it and it looked solid and maybe a good resource for tools, etc..)

Oh well..


Fuck, guys, I haz feels, many good feels reading this thread.

Thanks I didn't really expect to find this here or think anyone would give a shite, been getting some nice Skypes too. "Why this happened?, You ok? Thanks4everything, etc."

In short - just as my 1988 styled page say's, it was just time for it to go. I thought about selling it, don't need the money and my name is all over it so is my history, it's very attached to me and I felt better just putting it to sleep than giving to anyone to look after or monetizing an exit as it was kinda dead. Cherry on the cake was my login going to some paypal payment, and instead of once again fixing it, I logged into the root and just started to delete everything - AND IT FELT FUCKING GREAT WHILE DOING IT!

The knowledge base was awesome, and you can still find content/30 day challenge etc. in cached pages and waybackmachine etc. Niche Choppers VIP Earners Club

*And no didn't cash in my btc, but yes, I'm all over the crypto thing in many ways. I'm sure you guys have seen the DOGE shit flying around ;) I have actually done better with crypto's than with IM (in fact I barely check my clickbank accounts anymore, still many figures but it's so automated and I've learned to just let it run, start other stuff), and I think 2014 is going to be a glorious year for me combining IM/RE/CRYPTO/MISC life moves. Many feels, also another reason why I felt no way about closing it - did what it was supposed to for a lot of people.

I actually also want to take a moment to say THANK YOU TO WICKEDFIRE! I started NicheChoppers shortly after joining about 12 IM forums and thinking I can outdo many of them even though I was noobfag and not ready. I've not gone back to 10 out of those 12 IM forums as I started to get banned, leave, and or just phase away from all of them. This place always kept it real, and kept me straight, and I've made some absolutely amazing contacts on here from top of the chain to noobtards that did it right and now sit pretty.

I'll be around, in spurts, still can't believe I don't have 1,000 posts and it's been this many years, I've been looking forward to dropping that 1,000 knowledge bomb of life too so I might do it earlier, no clue what to ramble about yet but I'll do my best to inspire/epeen a bit, and leave a great last footprint here before the details of my journey/biz start to fade while I'm on beaches :):):).

Much love, many feels, wow.
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