New Verified Auto Approve Scrapebox Blast Service

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Brand New Scrapebox Auto Approve Blog Blast Service
  • 5,000 verified backlinks: $6
  • 10,000 verified backlinks: $10
  • 20,000 verified backlinks: $18
  • 50,000 verified backlinks: $40

I will offer 3 review blasts of 5,000 verified backlinks to WF members with an iTrader rating of 20+ and 250+ posts.

You can use as many different URL's and anchors as you want!

Once your project is completed, you will receive a list of the URL's containing your live verified backlinks.

All orders completed in 3 days or less, though most will be finished in 24 hours or less.

How To Order:
Send the payment via PayPal to:
Send me a PM containing the following information:

  • PayPal Transaction ID#
  • The URL's & anchor text you want to use
  • Email address to send the final report to



Well i was given a 5000 review package. I am not normally one to complain but there was a few things not so good


quality-2/5-In a 5000 blast you should not have to use duplicate domains
totla blogs in list-5980
unique domains-3094 :(
links found-2624 :(

Honestly i think the op should recheck his list alot of no links found as you can see.
also op when you are offering bigger packages then 5000 then when you get those smaller orders you should be using unique domains NO duplicate domains would have been nice.

Other servcies on here give you duplicates when you order like 100,000 and they usually give unique with smaller orders.

Another issue i found but this may only be me that cares about this but there was alot of porn in this list i little is normal but this list had quite a few. They sometimes are not the best becasue alot of those sites are bad neighborhoods to be linking with. Again others may not care i am just picky with things like that.

Overall-6/10 i would order again if the op can assure i would get the 5000 i paid for and more unique domains. If not i dont think i would order again becasue the service the way it is is not really worth it based on the mutiple urls on the same domain.

Itrader given for the communication and turnaround time but needs to work on his level of service a bit in the quality aspect.

Thanks for letting me review your service i hope you take this the right way and make corrections :)
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