New Laptop.. Mac or PC?

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Screw Linux, you really need to know what your doing to use that. I would suggest you go ahead and get a brand new vista and save the money u would spend getting a mac and buy a second monitar. Best setup!

How does a second monitor work? Its still working on the same PC as the first monitor, right? But what does the screen show? Does it just show bigger/wider and you put them right next to each other so you can use multiple programs without having to minimize another?

Screw Linux, you really need to know what your doing to use that. I would suggest you go ahead and get a brand new vista and save the money u would spend getting a mac and buy a second monitar. Best setup!

It's really not that much different form windows or mac os. If you can use either one of those you'll have no problem using something like Ubuntu Linux, and Linux has a slew a features that are better than windows.

Sure there is a small learning curve, but you'll cover most of it in a weeks time and there is a hell of a lot of documentation, forums and the such. I have solved any problem just typing it into google, not too hard. I think you forget how long it took you to learn how to use windows, a linux distro like Ubuntu is a breeze.

patrick24601 said:
Linux would be my last choice. It has the fewest tools out of any of these if you want to get deeper into AM and start dabbling in development or in depth webdesign. And the tools you will find will be harder to install and maintain.

Actually many windows tools [like photoshop, and dream weaver] work on linux thanks to wine. If you do php Zend Studio or Eclips is great. It also sets up much better than windows for web development, because it's just like your server. Distros like OpenSUSE have more os tools than I have ever seen in windows and I have been using microsoft operating systems hard core since dos.

In fact is pretty easy to install tools and they will automaticaly update [if there are linux tools and in the "repository"]. That's something you don't see on windows. Windows also tends to really slow down bad after a while.

On top of it - it's free and you no longer have to be a total nerd to use it, but you can get as deep as you want. But hey, keep eating that shit microsoft throws at you. :xmas-smiley-016:

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it's free and you no longer have to be a total nerd to use it
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it's free and you no longer have to be a total nerd to use it
^^ I'm not sure if your an asshat or trying to prove my point. Either way fuck off.
Your retarted, you'd have to do almost all that stuff when you install windows too. So what's your bitch?

Oh yeah Google Earth and Picasa, yeah you really need that. :rollseyes:

Indeed. Plus, if the writer wasn't a bitch, why not put that into a basic shell script and allow download? One run, multiple installs, ta-da! Easier than fucking winblows!
Indeed. Plus, if the writer wasn't a bitch, why not put that into a basic shell script and allow download? One run, multiple installs, ta-da! Easier than fucking winblows!

That's the damn truth!
If you go PC stay away from Vista, it's the biggest piece of shit. Unfortunately my laptop is a PC with Vista, but my Desktop is a MacPro which has XP running with Parallels. I've been using Macs since '90 though.
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