New Laptop.. Mac or PC?

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Rise And Grind!
Apr 6, 2008
I want to buy a new laptop and I will use it mainly for business/AM. Is there a better choice for affiliate marketing, mac or PC? I always wanted a Mac because its so much easier to use. Is there a advantage or disadvantage of the PC or Mac for a laptop?

I want to buy a new laptop and I will use it mainly for business/AM. Is there a better choice for affiliate marketing, mac or PC? I always wanted a Mac because its so much easier to use. Is there a advantage or disadvantage of the PC or Mac for a laptop?

It really all comes down to what you like, some people say pc's are lame, other says macs are crap. I personally rock both, my main computer is a mac pro which I use for editing video as I think Final Cut Pro is a way better than Adobe Premiere. Most of my reasons for having a mac have nothing to do with AM. I got into AM way after I was into filmmaking. You could run you AM empire on either.

The main reason I have a mac is I am a video editor and make short films and macs imo are way better for editing, mixing audio, that sort of thing. I have a pc to run certain programs for me and I test sites on it as well. I would say check them both out, choose which one you like best and can afford. It really comes down to personal preference as just about everyone has a differing opinion.
I switched to macs years back and I quickly learned why the people that used them loved them so much. I work on an iMac 24", and have a macbook, but have owned just about every line at one point or another.

I couldn't be happier with it, right now I have 14 windows open through 8 different programs and probably about 30 tabs in Firefox, along with Windows XP running in the "Parellels 2.0" program which is amazing by the way, and the thing is running as quick as ever.

I only have windows on it for my quickbooks and a keyword tool, but it really does run quick and smooth even if you have other stuff running if you do need windows.

I've had this computer about 1.5 years and its been running basically that whole time since I do AM full time during the day and it just sleeps at night.

Good luck with your search
Mac or PC with XP. Buying a PC with Vista on it is like buying overly expensive toilet paper, because all Vista is good for is wiping your ass with it.
If you're just using it for AM stuff, and don't require the capability to do graphic work on it, then just get a 7" EEE with Linux.
It's smooth, it's fast, and it fits into a large coat pocket.
Perhaps most importantly, it's harder to waste time on it because it doesn't pack enough grunt to play any decent games, and you'll hurt your eyes trying to watch movies on the tiny screen.
Oh yeah, and they're cheap enough now that if it's broken, it's no biggy, so you can just waltz into a shop and buy another one while you wait for insurance / warranty shit to be sorted and keep on going.
I want to buy a new laptop and I will use it mainly for business/AM. Is there a better choice for affiliate marketing, mac or PC? I always wanted a Mac because its so much easier to use. Is there a advantage or disadvantage of the PC or Mac for a laptop?

I've got two macs, a 24" IMac and a MacBook.

Love 'em both, and I was formally a die hard linux boy.

Go with the mac. You can run windows using parallels or vmware so it's a no brainer to me.


Get one of them new macs with 8 processors... fuck yeah
8 Processors, with them I can run VPS on them.
I would suggest go for PC as I has cheap software's as well open software's for it and parts are easily available for PC Laptops.
rockin a sweet imac. before that i had a powerbook g4 laptop which is still going strong. you know what they say.... once you go mac.... you never go back.
Windows XP or Linux...

I personally dislike Macs after having used one for a year at a web dev company I worked for.

XP is still an awesome OS and beats the shit out of Vista every god damn day of the week.

Linux is the best option in my opinion, but again, as other people it depends on what your doing. For instance, I do web development, so running linux I get to setup my LAMP stack just as I would on my VPS - I get all of the tools I need, etc. The only thing I dont have is Photoshop which is why I dual boot XP & Linux...
i have a macBook pro from my current job. If i quit, which i hope to soon, i would def buy my own. It's pretty sweet. Plus the new wired had a review, says it even runs Windows better than a PC does....
PC with Linux ftw. You can run a lot of windows programs from it, and it's free and quicker than windows. Plus if your dong web dev stuff its perfect!
I lean towards PC, but thats only because in school we had those old G3s (i think thats what they were) and they made my life hell. They were a hoot!
minesweeper r0x you

haha Fat Tom, n1!

Im a Windows Vista guy myself, I got my dual monitors setup all nice and pretty, its better than a mac :) ...although I would kill to get the Mac explorer "Folder Color" functionality in Windows Explorer

You need to have a sweet setup though, I just built me a 3.1 Ghz Rig (Intel mobo/chip) / 4 GB RAM and Vista 64bit...sooooo, ya

The new HP's are very nice...I've worked on a couple
Linux would be my last choice. It has the fewest tools out of any of these if you want to get deeper into AM and start dabbling in development or in depth webdesign. And the tools you will find will be harder to install and maintain.
Screw Linux, you really need to know what your doing to use that. I would suggest you go ahead and get a brand new vista and save the money u would spend getting a mac and buy a second monitar. Best setup!
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