New here, need some feedback...

I appreciate asking the community for feedback on your service, but I would recommend that you do some research. Whenever an entrepreneur launches a new business/product/service, part of launching that service should be performing competitive research.

Go to the BST forum. Look at the other threads out there and see what those people are offering, and for how much. Read the reviews, and see what people are saying about the service.

Place a few orders for some of the services that get good reviews. What do they do well? What could be improved upon? Take this information and use it to mold your product. Perform SWOT analysis.

I hope this helps, I'm just kind of tired of people pimping out their services in STS. Take some initiative and do some research. You will get more valuable information than anyone is going to post in this thread (except for this post, of course).
Guys, I can't tell you how much I appreciate the feedback, thank you very much for taking the time to respond in such a positive manner.

blog8491: Thank you! I'm glad to have started things off on a good note here.

Magic Hat: I highly appreciate your feedback. I'm definitely not trying to sell anything in this thread, my only hope is to gain some feedback from established members like yourself. Thank you again for such a productive and positive response!
I havent been around here that long either, but wanted to chime in that I personally know the OP and his skills are top-notch...and he's a genuinely nice guy that actually CARES about his customers - not one of these guys on BST thats in it for a quick buck. One look at my iTraders will tell you Ive spent a shitload of $$ here, and I can sniff out the "give me your money - I don't care about you after your report is delivered" providers.

Aaron actually "gets off" on watching his services work (he gets off on tits, too...but SEO is a close 2nd...)

In any case, I firmly believe, in time, his skills and customer-oriented service will be well-known here.

Good Luck Aaron!

Why is there no hazing going on here???
No swearing from the OP???

You guys really are going soft. You greedy selfish motherfuckers....

Aaron... Let's test them skills out then...

Let's have a contest. Your best site/strategy vs WickedFire in a duel for a tough as shit keyword... or to rank for your full name on Google.

If you can beat us, or even come close, then you don't have to go through the typical n00b process here I suppose, plus it will help your street cred and probably services ultimately.

If you fail, then we'll know right away you were a crock of shit from the start, and the kid who just vouched for you above can be banned too for helping a scammer.

I think that's fair. So Aaron.. what's your full name?
Aaron... Let's test them skills out then...

Let's have a contest. Your best site/strategy vs WickedFire in a duel for a tough as shit keyword... or to rank for your full name on Google.

If you can beat us, or even come close, then you don't have to go through the typical n00b process here I suppose, plus it will help your street cred and probably services ultimately.

If you fail, then we'll know right away you were a crock of shit from the start, and the kid who just vouched for you above can be banned too for helping a scammer.

I think that's fair. So Aaron.. what's your full name?
With the speed WF ranks for some of the most random shit, you could probably take a random collection of letters/numbers and rank for it within a fucking hour.
