New here, need some feedback...


New member
Dec 4, 2010
Orlando, FL

I'm very new to WickedFire, I just signed up today at the recommendation of a friend. I've been doing SEO for a while and Web Design for over 15 years professionally. I've participated on other related forums around the internet, but never knew about Wicked for some bizarre reason.

Until recently I've only carried out SEO work internally for corporations full time, but my friends keep telling me that I need to offer my services to other people who would find them extremely worthwhile, so here I am.

I have formulated a pretty solid service that I think people here would value, and I wanted to get some feedback regarding it, plus I didn't want to come here straight away and start posting my wares when nobody knows who the heck I am.

I am considering offering a type of tiered backlinking package, which I've outlined below.

I'd be offering 2 100% Unique Articles written for Ezine, which will be part of the front line (tier 1) portion of the service. I would be offering a uniquely randomized linking structure between all tiers, offering as close to a natural link profile as possible. I would then spin those unique articles using The Best Spinner at a very high level of uniqueness (96%+).

Here is a brief overview of my system:

[Main Site] <- [Front Line High PR Web 2.0 Sites] <- [Secondary Web 2.0 Sites] <- [Unique IP Blog Network] <- [Blog Commenting + Profile Links + CMS Links]

I have a proprietary indexing method that I've been using with very high rates of success and I would also include this in my package. I have all of the latest software and I would provide a very detailed, easy to read report of all services with timely support.

I'm located in the US (Orlando, FL) and I am known to be a service-first person and I believe in customer service above all else.

Well, I'd love to hear from anyone who cares to give me some feedback, and it's great to be here!

(PS: Ideas for what to charge would be awesome!)


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Create a graphic to illustrate better, but that seems like a pretty nice system. One thing you have to decide on is pricing though, but I'd definitely be interested assuming the articles/spun content/properties were quality.

Start a sales thread and give some review copies to established members like Bofu2u or erect, etc.. to build your cred.
This has got to be one of the best first posts ever. Asking for advice at providing a valuable service?

This is Madness!

Thank you all for the quick replies, I really appreciate the feedback.

Nvanprooyen: Thank you, I've been looking through them and I think my service fits somewhere in the $150-$200 range. I may end up offering 2-3 varied packages depending on my initial response. One example is that I've been considering also having the profile links and blog comments not only aimed at the blog network, but also go around them and target Tier 2 as well. I'd basically have 2-3 links per profile, randomized in a fashion such as blog/web2.0/web2.0 or blog/blog/web2.0, etc.

HellBlazer: I've included a graphic below of my link structure. Additional services I'd be including with this would be a type of "power-indexing" if you will, of all of the links, as well as pinging and RSS submission of all of the blog feeds, web 2.0 feeds, and bookmark feeds (where applicable)

Nice graphic.

I would also recommend creating a control panel of sorts, which remembers a client's entire history and would allow them to build upon what's already been done. For example once an initial tiered structure's been created, allow an option for the client to send additional profile/blog/cms links to the secondary web 2.0 level or the level below it. That way, they can keep strengthening it so it's not just a one time thing.

And lastly, I would add an option for sending profile/blog/bulk links to the tier 2 links, not just tier 3. I'd say you can safely launder profile links through the 2nd tier without any repercussions from Google.
Out of curiosity, what did you use for that diagram? Designed from scratch or did you do it with an app for flowcharts?
Hellblazer: Thank you very much. Are there other services that are offering this kind of setup? If you have a few you can point me out to, I'd like to take a look at them to see how they're approaching it for some ideas. I've been mulling over different variations and I agree with pointing the profiles at Tier 2 also.

nvanprooyen: Adobe Illustrator... it's by no means a technical graphic, just for looks. If you need one done for your own service, let me know and I'd be happy to help you out.
I don't think anyone provides anything this comprehensive that incorporates Web 2.0, blog commenting, profile links, and bookmarking with multiple levels, but I could be wrong. Closest thing I can think of would be the mininets like onthewayup's, which are definitely high quality, just different animals.

You have a lot of individual services in BST which aren't bad at all, but personally I'd lean more towards a diverse, tiered solution like this simply because it's less hassle.
HellBlazer: Thanks. I think you're on to something with the control panel/back-end area. Almost all of the services I see being offered on forums are person-to-person and it seems like people are usually provided with a text file of their links after the work has been done. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I think what you're recommending is simply improving on this. It would be great for customers to be able to come back and order additional services right from the website, and also keep their links stored in one place for future reference. Great idea!

In relation to this - I've seen a lot of discussion about Drip Feed Blasts, and from what I gather they must have some kind of web interface that all of the services are requested through.

Check me out - 4 posts, I'm almost de-newbified. ;)
HellBlazer: Thanks. I think you're on to something with the control panel/back-end area. Almost all of the services I see being offered on forums are person-to-person and it seems like people are usually provided with a text file of their links after the work has been done. There's absolutely nothing wrong with this, but I think what you're recommending is simply improving on this. It would be great for customers to be able to come back and order additional services right from the website, and also keep their links stored in one place for future reference. Great idea!

In relation to this - I've seen a lot of discussion about Drip Feed Blasts, and from what I gather they must have some kind of web interface that all of the services are requested through.

Check me out - 4 posts, I'm almost de-newbified. ;)

If you want to be fully de-noobed, post tits. That's the only way of reaching level 2.
CP's aren't a new concept for backlinking providers, they're just more professional. Guerrilla's DFB service provides an excellent control panel, along with onthewayup's service. Could be more, those are just two off the top of my head.

Guerrilla has an automated control panel that allows you to set up campaigns and schedule them, set anchor texts, etc.. But to answer your question, yes, if you want to be a premier backlinking solutions provider (anywhere, not just on WF), you would want to evolve beyond the mere text file of created links.

Additionally, I would say Guerrilla's service would be perfect for something like this. I could see myself creating a structure like this and then blasting the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th levels with DFB links.
Hellblazer: Would you happen to know the URL to onthewayup's site? I can't seem to find a site referenced in his posts or signature. Thank you!
nvanprooyen: Adobe Illustrator... it's by no means a technical graphic, just for looks. If you need one done for your own service, let me know and I'd be happy to help you out.

Na, I'm good :) I design stuff too, it just didn't look familiar (mindjet, viso etc) so I figured it was Illustrator or Photoshop but figured I'd ask.