New Google Social Network - Google Me

I guess I should also say that Google can't stay out of social because the web is shifting towards personalization (and existing relationships) and they are being left out, but that doesn't mean they will win.

If leveraging their entire gmail userbase and making initially ridiculous privacy decisions in the interest of adoption didn't get people into Buzz, nothing will get people into another social service.

Lets count recent "social" experiment failures

Nobody uses Jaiku
Nobody (in the US) uses Orkut
Nobody uses Google Buzz
Nobody uses Wave
Nobody uses Google Connect

In the grand scheme of social that leaves blogger (bought) and youtube (bought). Not the best track record for creating new social services. Ask yourself also, when is the last time Google made anything game changing? Think about it.

Finally, the fact that Google is investing in Zynga tells you loads about how incredibly desperate they are getting. If Mark Pincus had an Adwords account he would have been banned in 15 minutes.
I just think it's too late, who needs another facebook and another site to find friends and update statuses on, once again they missed the boat, just like with buzz and twitter, does anyone here use buzz?
You just wonder how much Bing are growing now Facebook are showing their search results. They'll be working much more on that search in the future and that is a big threat to Google, which is no doubt why they can't stay out of social.

Lets count recent "social" experiment failures

Nobody uses Jaiku
Nobody (in the US) uses Orkut
Nobody uses Google Buzz
Nobody uses Wave
Nobody uses Google Connect


They are failures on their own, but they may be little puzzles that can come together as one big winner... Google has a lot of room to make something better than facebook, they have the skills, they have the budget, they have individual products that can add on to the big project to give them a great competitive edge, they have some support, but most important they are determined... It may work out this time as it looks like they are going all in... Add gmail, gtalk, blogger, search engine, etc., possibility is definitely there.
I just think it's too late, who needs another facebook and another site to find friends and update statuses on, once again they missed the boat, just like with buzz and twitter, does anyone here use buzz?

There is a lot of negative pr in facebook. Google has a potential to make something bigger. A bit ago there was myspace and facebook... Both making it... Not too many people use buzz as it is not too useful on it's own, but what if its just a small piece for a big project? ;)
I think Google has been long on the road to having their own social network. We already have profiles. To beat facebook, Google is going to have to play it close to the chest. I don't think we will see anything for another six months at least. Google needs to wait for anti facebook sentiment to come back up.

Regarding who needs another social network, these things die all the time. Just as quickly as people will say "Who still uses MySpace?" you can find someone to ask about how many other dead networks? Facebook may be going strong, but can it sustain another four or five years as top dog?
theres a small fire starting to burn with regular internet users about googles data harvesting. I don't think anyone would want google of all companies having any kind of personal information on them. I hope it fails hard. Then I hope googles stock plummets and they send me an email offering me back into adwords with a 500$ coupon... fucking jerks.
I think Google has been long on the road to having their own social network. We already have profiles. To beat facebook, Google is going to have to play it close to the chest. I don't think we will see anything for another six months at least. Google needs to wait for anti facebook sentiment to come back up.

Regarding who needs another social network, these things die all the time. Just as quickly as people will say "Who still uses MySpace?" you can find someone to ask about how many other dead networks? Facebook may be going strong, but can it sustain another four or five years as top dog?

facebook is changing the entire web. you can't compare what they are doing right now with what happened to friendster or myspace.

1) At its peak myspace never had more US traffic than google. Facebook already does.

2) Myspace did not create an authentication system for other websites, and here's the key, the use of Facebook's brings immediate traffic benefits to those sites through social integration. Some of those sites (imdb, cnn, yelp, pandora) already have instant personalization. In a nutshell Myspace is a website and Facebook is a platform.

Google does not have an equivalent product and may not have the means to create one because while your Mom might be on Facebook, that doesn't mean she has a gmail account. Think about it for a second.

3) Social is changing how people search and discover. In terms of social search, Facebook is already way ahead of Google because of their connected and consenting userbase.

Bing never caught up to Google in search, Google cannot catch up to Facebook in social. Google is going to need something radical and I don't see what it could look like.

Its sure not going to be some open auth - buzz - google profiles combo that gets no adoption.
facebook is changing the entire web. you can't compare what they are doing right now with what happened to friendster or myspace.

- Okay, fair enough. But does this mean that the web is finished growing / innovation and social is over? Facebook changed the game, but that doesn't mean it is over.

Google does not have an equivalent product and may not have the means to create one because while your Mom might be on Facebook, that doesn't mean she has a gmail account. Think about it for a second.

Bad example, I've been fighting to get Mom off her AOL e-mail address for years. ;) I get what you're saying though. Facebook and Google are both juggernauts, I don't see why Google couldn't come up with something that would get Mom to sign up. That being said, it's not like Facebook went from 0 to 60 over night. The last two / three years have been big and they've grown a lot. I think if done right Google could slowly grow their own network just as well.

3) Social is changing how people search and discover. In terms of social search, Facebook is already way ahead of Google because of their connected and consenting userbase.

Ugh. Everyone goes on about social changing search. Social is influencing search, curving the path it's growing on. Search is still search. I don't go into facebook to search for something. I check Google / Bing. And yeah, Bing has not yet caught up to Google, it doesn't mean it never will. (it's possible)

Google can not catch up to Facebook in social over night. That doesn't mean it can't do it in the next four years. I agree with you 100% that they'll need something radical.
The whole open social thing with Google is already there. It's just not popular. (guess that proves your point :) )
better if G acquires a working model than develops from scratch and pray for signups.

They must have talked to twitter. Wonder what they'd pay. Nice project to monetize.
Bad example, I've been fighting to get Mom off her AOL e-mail address for years. ;).

thats my point. Ask yourself , what does the service look like that my mom and someone's grandpa will sign up for. So far, thats basically email and facebook, maybe a little twitter, and definitely not buzz .

My point is I can't even figure out what it looks like. So can google have 10% of social? sure, just like bing can have 10% of search.
theres a small fire starting to burn with regular internet users about googles data harvesting. I don't think anyone would want google of all companies having any kind of personal information on them. I hope it fails hard. Then I hope googles stock plummets and they send me an email offering me back into adwords with a 500$ coupon... fucking jerks.

the vast majority of internet users don't give anywhere near a flying fuck about privacy, data harvesting, or anything of the sort. Techies made a big deal about the Facebook privacy shit while 99.99% of users didn't even know there was an issue.

People are dumb, Google's not going anywhere
theres a small fire starting to burn with regular internet users about googles data harvesting. I don't think anyone would want google of all companies having any kind of personal information on them. I hope it fails hard. Then I hope googles stock plummets and they send me an email offering me back into adwords with a 500$ coupon... fucking jerks.

I tried Buzz for about 30 seconds. Shit was fugly and overcomplicated. I knew pretty much instantly that no one would use that shit.
Even if Google create a superior product to Facebook, people still won't move to it. But then again, MySpace to got fucking steamrolled by Facebook.

Just like Gmail, in my opinion the best E-mail service paid or unpaid. A lot of the people I know personally don't have a Gmail account and are stuck with Yahoo, Hotmail (fuck has anybody logged onto this piece of shit lately, can you say BLOATED?), AOL etc. etc.

It's only the people who have businesses to run, tech savvy nerds or people with decent mental capabilities that have Gmail accounts.

I don't have a Facebook account because I thought it was 'gay' and nobody had it when I deleted it in 2007-8. Now its bigger than fucking Google and I don't have the energy to hop on the wagon this late again. I only have an account for FB Ads now.

People rave on and on about how much time they spend of Facebook and I doubt you can get those people to hop on the Google bandwagon just for the sake of it.

The only way I think Google can beat Facebook is to develop a better or more interesting way of stalking the crazy down-to-fuck skanks in your hood.

And I just saw that "What is a browser?" video and thats the prime reason why motherfuckers here at WF be ballin' off AM.