NEW Facebook Ads

Hello Jon,
Overall, the information and additional features that we have gotten through Facebook updates are beneficial.
A summary of the ad review process serves as a nice reminder for people who are unfamiliar with how the system works and the implications of attempting to trick it.
Thank you for the great information.
And I believe that this Giant of the net that is Facebook has pushed the bar even higher. I wasn't a user at the time, but I didn't know that these conditions were put in place at that time.
It's so interesting to find old threads like this and analyze how things have changed over time, and with FB and social media in general that was especially the case. Thirteen years earlier ads were just started to appear and now you can't even imagine posting anything without boosting it with some type of paid campaign.
Unfortunately, Facebook's algorithms have changed a lot, and the rules and conditions have become more complicated and unclear.
Wait wha?

@Wildrow , are you saying that the advertising rules for a social media site can change in what is currently 15 years! Preposterous!
Are you serious? You want to say that’s not true? Oh for sure, Facebook's ad rules have changed a ton over the years—more restrictions, less detailed targeting, and way stricter moderation. Feels like every year they tweak something new! Or do you disagree with me?