New Azoogleads Account Manager all of the sudden

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New member
Oct 22, 2006
Talked to my AM via email today. Normal stuff. Just logged into my account and see a generic icon instead of the picture and a new name and new contact information. Strange stuff. I wonder why the AM did not say anything earlier.

We'll see if this is a permanent change and how the new guy will work out.


I've been with them for a few years now and this happens every so often. People leave, people have too much work load so have to leave affiliates they have been assigned to, etc.
also if you start making more money, they move you up to someone that handles bigger accounts.
We've been hiring affiliate managers in our New York office, so its possible you may have been assigned one of the new recruits. Just because they're new, however, does not mean that they have never done this before. The new hires we have brought in are experiences affiliate managers from other companies in the industry and will do a kick-ass job for you.

I wouldnt say ours is the nicest in the industry, there are a whole lot of nice offices out there, and certainly much bigger companies than ours. Our new office to which we are going to be moving sometime in late March/Early April, however, will be gorgeous.
Talked to my AM via email today. Normal stuff. Just logged into my account and see a generic icon instead of the picture and a new name and new contact information. Strange stuff. I wonder why the AM did not say anything earlier.

We'll see if this is a permanent change and how the new guy will work out.


This is actually quite common, I have not had a AM in months, which is really no big deal, im not a huge earner and I dont use Azoogle for to much other than throwing up a few banners here and there. Though what is a problem is that in the last few months I have sent a number of emails to "" and NOT ONE HAS SEEN A REPLY! Im sure If even half of those emails were replied to I would be using Azoogle for much more than what I am now.

In fact im really quite pissed, do I need to be pushing thousands of dollars in conversions before I qualify for some sort of response?

I really hate to post shit like this on an open forum, and if I thought an e-mail would make it through I would have gone that route.

Im not trying to make Azoogle Ads look like shit here, thats not the case. I can see not assigning me an AM, dont waste your resources on me untill im pushing more promotions through your company, but please give an up and coming Affiliate Marketer enough respect to reply to his or her e-mails, as simple as they might be. The answers to those simple questions are the determining factor in whether or not I promote or not.

At one stage I used to bypass my affiliate manager and talk to Alex directly on AIM. I doubt I was even a 'big affiliate' in those days when I made about $5000 a month with them, but then again they were much smaller, I think I was within the first 2000 affiliates they had. I've since neglected marketing offers from AzoogleAds to the extent I once did because of change in focus of my company (from more arbritage (before it was popular) work to more large-website work).

PM Alex if your not getting response from their help desk, he'll find out why and get you the help - AzoogleAds have always been very open and friendly compared with other ad networks.
Though what is a problem is that in the last few months I have sent a number of emails to "" and NOT ONE HAS SEEN A REPLY! Im sure If even half of those emails were replied to I would be using Azoogle for much more than what I am now.

Same problem here.

Only response I got was when I e-mailed that's about my W9. But I guess that's really important.
Thanks for the posts guys. Early Monday morning, we are going to look at why emails sent to help@azads aren't being responded to, that should not be the case. In the meantime, if there's something important that needs to be addressed, don't hesitate to reach out to myself,, or calling us. We are probably the easiest company to get in touch with, just by the sheer size of our affiliate team alone. If that is not what you experienced, please accept my apology.


Same problem here.

Only response I got was when I e-mailed that's about my W9. But I guess that's really important.
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