[NEW] Auctionpus.com - Only 16 Auctions Per Month - Premium Domains FTW!

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All of the "day 267" auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started yesterday (all of them will end at 2 PM EST, ~6 hours left):


GermanFolklore.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

b]PeachSapphire.com [/b]

PeachSapphire.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


DatabaseCatalog.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


PeruvianClothes.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


FamousTeams.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


ReportScheduler.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


IndonesiaCoins.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


JeanBags.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.

The 8 "day 268" auctions have ended, here are the auctions which started yesterday (all of them will end today at 2 PM EST, ~6 hours left):


FeatherPurses.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


RichDudes.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


AmbonHotels.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


EmployeeContests.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


ProductionSchedules.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


ReindeerLights.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


ProcrastinationTips.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


AudioLaptops.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
All of the "day 269" auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started yesterday (all of them will end at 2 PM EST, ~5 hours left):


BegoniaFlowers.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


MulcherBlades.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


WeatherizationGrants.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


LinoleumPrint.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


JapaneseChairs.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


MandarinWords.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


LifeCoachingHandbook.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


GuerillaMarketingStrategies.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
The 8 "day 270" auctions have ended, here are the auctions which started yesterday (all of them will end today at 2 PM EST, ~5 hours left):


OrganizationalHierarchy.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


ChineseCurtains.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


AnonymousInternetProxy.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


InternationalTravelMaps.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


RetroMopeds.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


AzaleaShrubs.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


DistanceEducationCertification.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


DistanceEducationAccreditation.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
All of the "day 271" auctions have ended, here are the 8 auctions which started yesterday (all of them will end at 2 PM EST, ~5 hours left):


BrazilianDresses.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


FencingTechniques.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


BasicBiomechanics.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


PanamaMountains.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


EuropeanSheets.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


MessengerBlocker.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


CharlotteCompanies.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.


AssemblyDrawings.com has a minimum bid and a reserve of $45.
Important Information

Auctionpus.com has switched from daily to bi-monthly auctions. In other words, only 16 auctions per month, two sets @ 8 auctions each.

One set will start on the first Monday of each month at 2 PM EST and end on the third Monday of each month at 2 PM EST.

The other set will start on the third Monday of each month at 2 PM EST (in other words, as soon as the previous 8 auctions have ended) and end on the first Monday of the next month at 2 PM EST.

Rinse and repeat


The situation is quite simple: domains are selling through the Auctionpus marketplace but as far as our 8 daily auctions were concerned, practically nobody was dropping by each day in order to buy through them.

Why? Probably because domainers/webmasters are only willing to buy top dollar domains individually. In other words, they’re not willing to drop by and analyze our auctions each and every day if we’re selling <$100 domains exclusively, even if the domains in question represent good buys.

Our marketplace, on the other hand, was well received because we've made it easy for them to buy in bulk: they simply visit our marketplace page, analyze the domain list (~700 domains at the moment of writing) and if they're using a keyword analysis tool, they can simply copy/paste the keyword list we've put at their disposal.

The Conclusion

Our marketplace will remain intact (affordable exact match dot com domains at $65 each) and as of this point, we will only auction 16 domains per month (2 sets, 8 auctions each). By implementing this change, we're able to focus on top dollar domains (mid-high 3 figs at the very least) exclusively and that way, everyone is satisfied.

If you want to buy domains worth mid-high 3 figs or more, check out our bi-monthly auctions. If you want to buy cheaper domains, simply purchase 'em through our marketplace.

Current Inventory

People wanted quality and we implemented changes accordingly.

To be perfectly honest, there’s no way we would have been able to put ~250 top dollar domains priced to sell on the table each month at 8 auctions per day but with only 16 spots available, we can definitely do just that as of this point.

The 8 auctions you're seeing on Auctionpus now started last Monday and will end on Monday at 2 PM EST (~6 days left), here’s a bit of information about the 8 domains we’re auctioning atm:


One of the best domains on the market at this point, registered back in 1996 and with its first page indexed back in April 1997. Intentions.com has a reserve price between $5,000 and $7,500.


This one-word product name dot net domain (the term “transistors” has 135,000 broad monthly searches and 12,100 exact match monthly searches) has been registered back in 1998. Transistors.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.


The best possible domain for an Internet Marketing forum (as pretty much everyone knows, “IM” stands for Internet Marketing). The term “forum” has 110,000,000 broad monthly searches and 1,000,000 exact match searches, need we say more? Forum.im has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.


Peru (.pe), with a population of 28,836,700, is definitely NOT just some random tiny island. On the one hand, N.pe is the shortest domain on the market at this point and that gives you a HUGE edge if you want to start an URL shortener. On the other hand, it represents an amazing ccTLD investment. Everyone wants a piece of the .pe market, find just one business owner who wouldn’t want this baby: we dare you! N.pe has a reserve between $1,500 and $2,000.


The best LLL dot net domain on the market at this point (all three letters are vowels!), IIO.net has a reserve between $1,500 and $2,000.


Ping pong (a term with 1,500,000 broad monthly searches and 135,000 exact match monthly searches) is one of the world’s most popular sports and since Mexico has a population of 106,350,434, let’s just say that you can easily find MILLIONS of fans there. The possibilities are endless. Do you want to launch an online ping pong game? PingPong.mx would represent an amazing domain for something like that! Do you want to launch a website about ping pong (advice, merchandise, maybe even a forum)? Look no further, the domain of your dreams is right in front of you! Do you want to invest in one of the best .mx domains out there? PingPong.mx is a no brainer! PingPong.mx has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


The best possible domain for a business-related blog that money can buy at this point, we dare you to find a domain that comes close to BusinessWeblog.com on the market! BusinessWeblog.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


Wedding arbors are extremely popular, so this exact match product name dot com domain registered back in 2,000 really is a no brainer. WeddingArbors.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.
~10 hours left, the 8 auctions will end at 2 PM EST and as mentioned previously, another set will start right away (those auctions will end on the 2nd of May at 2 PM EST).

In other words, there are 2 sets (8 auctions/set) each month:

1) one set starts on the first Monday of each month at 2 PM EST and ends on the third Monday of that month at 2 PM EST

2) the other set starts on the third Monday of each month at 2 PM EST and ends on the first Monday of the next month at 2 PM EST
Our second bi-monthly event (8 auctions) started last Monday at 2 PM EST and will end on Monday (May 02) at 2 PM EST, so in about 5 days.

We're auctioning some amazing dating domains, there has never been a better dating portfolio priced to sell on the 'domainer to domainer' market IMO. Here are the 8 domains we're auctioning atm:


Dating will always be one of the Web's most lucrative industries and by purchasing Dating.biz, you're automatically branding yourself as a major player. We bought Dating.biz in order to turn it into a dating website for entrepreneurs but ultimately ended up deciding to list it on Auctionpus because we are focusing on projects related to niches we have more experience with. Dating.biz has a reserve between $20,000 and $25,000.


What better domain for a dating website... than DatingWebsite.com? The singular is worth considerably more than the plural given the fact that the plural is only suited for a dating review website. DatingWebsite.com has a reserve between $10,000 and $15,000.


We'd recommend buying MeetingWomen.com together with MeetingMen.com because as a pair, they are insanely valuable from a branding perspective. If you're reading this, we'll assume you've been around the block for a while, so we're sure we don't have to explain why the MeetingWomen.com / MeetingMen.com pair is extremely valuable. MeetingWomen.com has a reserve between $7,500 and $10,000.


We'd recommend buying MeetingMen.com together with MeetingWomen.com because as a pair, they are insanely valuable from a branding perspective. If you're reading this, we'll assume you've been around the block for a while, so we're sure we don't have to explain why the MeetingMen.com / MeetingWomen.com pair is extremely valuable. MeetingMen.com has a reserve between $7,500 and $10,000.


We'd recommend buying ManSeekingWoman.com together with WomanSeekingMan.com. As a pair, they represent an amazing solution if you're interested in launching personals websites with inter-connected databases. As everyone knows, "man seeking woman" and "woman seeking man" are the two most widely used expressions when it comes to both online and offline personals. ManSeekingWoman.com has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.


We'd recommend buying WomanSeekingMan.com together with ManSeekingWoman.com. As a pair, they represent an amazing solution if you're interested in launching personals websites with inter-connected databases. As everyone knows, "woman seeking man" and "man seeking woman" are the two most widely used expressions when it comes to both online and offline personals. WomanSeekingMan.com has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.


This one-word product name dot net domain represents the best possible fit if you want to launch a website about pitbulls. As you probably know, people are always willing to pay a lot of money for their pet, so it should come as no surprise that making money with this baby will be a piece of cake. Pitbulls.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.


Let's face it: email is here to stay. Facebook didn't and won't change this, Twitter didn't and won't change this. Need we say more? EmailProviders.com has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.
The 8 auctions you can see on Auctionpus.com now started on the 2nd of May and will end on Monday (May 16) at 2 PM EST (~3 days and 4 hours left at the moment of writing), here are the domains:


Need we say more? As you guys know, we own one of the best dating portfolios out there and out of all dating domains, DatingBook.com is the one for which we have received the most offers by far. In fact, we received an offer which represented 2x the reserve we're listing it at approximately one year ago but we were not interested in selling our dating domains back then and the offer in question is no longer valid, c'est la vie. Our loss, your gain. DatingBook.com has a reserve between $20,000 and $25,000.


The best possible domain for an "online personals" site which caters to the needs of entrepreneurs and business minded people in general. We wanted to develop Personals.biz as well as Dating.biz initially but ended up focusing on projects not related to dating instead, which is why we ultimately decided to sell. Personals.biz has a reserve between $10,000 and $15,000.


"PUA" (which means Pick Up Artist) is the most popular seduction-related term by far. Since more and more Pick Up Artists are focusing on videos these days, dot TV represents the ideal TLD for a PUA website. This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. PUA.tv has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.


Let's just say we're 100% sure that each and every person who reads this knows at least one Daniel. According to official statistics, over 1,000,000 people are called Daniel in the US alone, an insanely popular first name. This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. Daniel.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


What better domain for a fashin site that caters to the needs of men... than FashionForMen.com? FashionForMen.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


People will always spend LOTS of money on engagement jewelry, this much is certain, and it should come as no surprise that your average earnings per click will be impressive to say the least. EngagementJewelry.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


Do we really have to explain why the gold jewelry industry is extremely lucrative? Of course not, so we'll just limit ourselves ot saying that GoldJewelry.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.


A diamond ring is not exactly cheap. In fact, lots of people spend a small fortune on one and your average earnings per click will reflect that. DiamondRing.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.
Less than 6 hours left, all of the auctions will end today at 2 PM EST.

Here are the 8 domains we're auctioning atm:


Need we say more? As you guys know, we own one of the best dating portfolios out there and out of all dating domains, DatingBook.com is the one for which we have received the most offers by far. In fact, we received an offer which represented 2x the reserve we're listing it at approximately one year ago but we were not interested in selling our dating domains back then and the offer in question is no longer valid, c'est la vie. Our loss, your gain. DatingBook.com has a reserve between $20,000 and $25,000.


The best possible domain for an "online personals" site which caters to the needs of entrepreneurs and business minded people in general. We wanted to develop Personals.biz as well as Dating.biz initially but ended up focusing on projects not related to dating instead, which is why we ultimately decided to sell. Personals.biz has a reserve between $10,000 and $15,000.


"PUA" (which means Pick Up Artist) is the most popular seduction-related term by far. Since more and more Pick Up Artists are focusing on videos these days, dot TV represents the ideal TLD for a PUA website. This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. PUA.tv has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.


Let's just say we're 100% sure that each and every person who reads this knows at least one Daniel. According to official statistics, over 1,000,000 people are called Daniel in the US alone, an insanely popular first name. This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. Daniel.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


What better domain for a fashin site that caters to the needs of men... than FashionForMen.com? FashionForMen.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


People will always spend LOTS of money on engagement jewelry, this much is certain, and it should come as no surprise that your average earnings per click will be impressive to say the least. EngagementJewelry.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


Do we really have to explain why the gold jewelry industry is extremely lucrative? Of course not, so we'll just limit ourselves ot saying that GoldJewelry.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.


A diamond ring is not exactly cheap. In fact, lots of people spend a small fortune on one and your average earnings per click will reflect that. DiamondRing.net has a reserve between $2,000 and $2,500.
Here are the 8 auctions which started on the 16th of May at 2 PM EST and will end on Monday (May 30) at 2 PM EST:


One of the best domains we've ever auctioned, it speaks for itself and represents the best possible choice for a viral/humor site. Jokes, funny images, something like the "Epic Fail" concept and so on, the sky is the limit when it comes to possible uses. Dullard.com has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.


The seduction industry is extremely lucrative to say the least. Millions upon millions of men are interested in becoming better with women and this will never change. For this reason, the seduction niche will always be in the spotlight. This is one of the most video-centric industries out there because, now more than ever, visitors want to see video case studies, video presentations and so on. For this reason, the .tv TLD repesents an excellent fit! Seduction.tv has a reserve between $2,500 and $3,000.


The Internet is maturing but some things such as email and forums will never change, at least not fundamentally. There will always be demand for forum posting services and this domain automatically helps you brand yourself as an authority. ForumPosts.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


Millions of people are called Ian, definitely one of the world's most popular first names. Out of these people, at least a few thousand are interested in launching a video-related website (a vlog, for example), at least a few thousand are local celebrities and at least a few hundred are international celebrities. In other words, there are thousands upon thousands of potential end users (people called Ian who are interested in launching a video-related project - for them, Ian.tv represents the best possible choice) and only one Ian.tv domain! Ian.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


Peru (.pe), with a population of 28,836,700, is definitely NOT just some random tiny island. On the one hand, Q.pe is the shortest domain on the market at this point and that gives you a HUGE edge if you want to start an URL shortener. On the other hand, it represents an amazing ccTLD investment. Everyone wants a piece of the .pe market, find just one business owner who wouldn’t want this baby: we dare you! Q.pe has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


A niche which is just waiting to be dominated, need we say more? RetroHelmets.com has a reserve between $200 and $250.


AudioCabinet.com has been registered 11 years ago and represents an excellent product name dot com domain. Furniture-related keywords always have impressive CPCs and this gem is just waiting to be turned into an ecommerce store or even an AdSense website. AudioCabinet.com has a reserve between $400 and $500.


With a population of 106,350,434, the Mexican market is definitely extremely attractive and let's just say that people would not be surprised if a domain like MiniGolf.mx will be sold to an end user for a record-breaking amount in the future. MiniGolf.mx has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.
did diamondring.net and engagementjewelry.com sell?

Nope, only one jewelry-related domain was sold but the seller was a fucking douche and didn't go through with the transaction even though the reserve we agreed upon was met ($2,500).

I never accept submissions from "suspicious" sellers (the industry is not exactly huge, so it's usually fairly easy to determine if someone's legit or not) and in this case, the seller was an experienced investor (he owns ~3k domains), which makes this situation even more frustrating. Oh well, the buyer didn't want to go public and I respect his decision, c'est la vie.

The following 8 auctions started on the 30th of May and will end in about 7 days (so on Monday, June 13):


Peru (.pe), with a population of 28,836,700, is definitely NOT just some random tiny island. Oh and in case you didn't know, "y" also means "and" in Spanish. Y.pe has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


SnookerBlog.com has “credibility” written all over it. It represents the best possible domain for a snooker-related blog and since we’re talking about a sport with hundreds of millions of fans, you can easily earn a living just by developing and monetizing it! SnookerBlog.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


The best possible domain for a bobsleighing-related site. Tips, interviews, maybe a forum: do your thing! Bobsleighing.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.


Ashley is one of the world's most popular first names, as millions of women can confirm. Out of these women, at least a few thousand are interested in launching a video-related website (a vlog, for example), at least a few thousand are local celebrities and at least a few hundred are international celebrities. In other words, there are thousands upon thousands of potential end users (women called Ashley who are interested in launching a video-related project - for them, Ashley.tv represents the best possible choice) and only one Ashley.tv domain! Ashley.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


What's the best possible domain for a car repair forum? We'll let you answer than one! CarRepairForum.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.

Spyware.mx + AntiSpyware.mx

Two domains (Spyware.mx and AntiSpyware.mx) are being sold as a package, with a reserve between $250 and $500.


One of the best insurance domains on the market at this point. TraditionalLifeInsurance.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.


There will always be a lot of demand for FLY + CCTLD domains. Leaving the $1,500,000 sale of Fly.com aside, the other examples speak for themselves: Fly.co.uk ($181,042), Fly.co.za ($65,000) and so on. Fly.com.co has a reserve between $4,000 and $5,000.
The following 8 auctions started on the 13th of June and will end on Monday at 2 PM EST:


The best tech/gadget domain on the market BY FAR! We promised that you'll see insanely valuable domains priced to sell on Auctionpus.com and kept our promise: Fanboys.com has a reserve between $12,500 and $15,000.


This one’s for all you geo domain lovers out there, SwallowFalls.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.


One of the world's most popular first names, need we say more? This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. Emily.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.


An extremely catchy two-word dot com domain which would represent an excellent choice for a gossip website, a humor website or anything that has to do with funny rants. PureDrivel.com has a reserve between $150 and $250.


There will always be a LOT of demand for movie review websites and this gem is the best possible domain on the market for a movie blog. There's a lot of competition out there and you need credibility. Fortunately for you, the domain MovieWeblog.com provides just that. After all, you can't expect to be taken seriously if you own opinions-are-like-you-know-what-but-please-read-mine.museum! Watching movies, reviewing them and making money through affiliate programs such as Blockbuster.com and Netflix: sounds like a great way to earn a living, wouldn't you agree? MovieWeblog.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.


Politics -> Buzz -> Traffic -> Revenue. RepublicansVs.Democrats.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.


HUGE CPC, one click and bam: the US is no longer in debt! LowLimitCreditCards.com has a reserve between $500 and $1,000.


Aged domain + expensive product = ? We'll let you figure that one our yourself, ChineseGongs.com has a reserve between $250 and $500.
Here are the 8 auctions which started on the 27th of June and will end tomorrow at 2 PM EST (~28 hours left at the moment of writing):


Watermarks are an insanely important part of the Internet and their importance is on an unstoppable upward spiral. You create a video, include an image which contains your URL (that's what watermarks are) and then profit once/if it goes viral. This concept is extremely simple yet effective: people see the video and because you made watermarks work in your favor, they notice the image which contains your URL as well and decide to visit your website. This business model is here to stay and by owning the category killer domain Watermarks.com, you're ready to dominate! Watermarks.com has a reserve between $10,000 and $15,000.


This one-worder is a branding success story just waiting to happen, need we say more? Convoys.com has a reserve between $750 and $1,000.


This is the last time we're offering EarringRack.com via Auctionpus.com. The reserve has been reduced and if it doesn't sell now, we're putting it back in the vault. EarringRack.com has a reserve between $100 and $150.


This is the last time we're offering SlingbackSandals.com via Auctionpus.com. The reserve has been reduced and if it doesn't sell now, we're putting it back in the vault. SlingbackSandals.comhas a reserve between $100 and $150.


This is the last time we're offering PlasterMixers.com via Auctionpus.com. The reserve has been reduced and if it doesn't sell now, we're putting it back in the vault. PlasterMixers.com has a reserve between $100 and $150.


This is the last time we're offering IvoryGifts.com via Auctionpus.com. The reserve has been reduced and if it doesn't sell now, we're putting it back in the vault. IvoryGifts.com has a reserve between $100 and $150.


This is the last time we're offeringRetroHelmets.com via Auctionpus.com. The reserve has been reduced and if it doesn't sell now, we're putting it back in the vault. RetroHelmets.com has a reserve between $100 and $150.


One of the world's most popular first names, need we say more? This domain USED TO have a mid-high 3 figure premium renewal fee but after Verisign's March 2010 policy change, it is now a STANDARD RENEWAL domain. Erica.tv has a reserve between $1,000 and $1,500.
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