[NEW] Auctionpus.com - Only 16 Auctions Per Month - Premium Domains FTW!

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Gigantic Websites Dot Com
Jul 6, 2007
Rating - 100%
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A lot of WF members have been asking me domaining-related questions on AIM/Skype lately, so I decided to start this thread. Several folks want to invest affiliate monies in domains and a few peeps even want to buy and sell domains for a living.

I hope I'll be able to teach you some of the things I've learned as a domainer through this thread and you'll probably find it interesting if:

1) You want to invest at least like 0.1% or something of your net worth in domains and would be interested in learning a thing or two about the industry

2) You buy exact match domains with the intention of developing 'em on a regular basis and want to find out if you've been overpaying, which domains are worth chasing after and so on

3) You'd be interested in following me on my journey as the owner of an auction site (find out if I'll make monies, find out how much time I'll be investing, bla bla fucking bla)

Alright, here's how I am organizing this post:

Section 1) Why I'm launching an auction site

Section 2) An octopus? Why yes, an octopus!
Section 3) The development process
Section 4) How I'm marketing the site
Section 5) How things stand so far

I'll update this thread on a daily basis and will be analyzing the domains which have been auctioned and sold via Auctionpus.com but for now, let's start with:

Section 1) Why I'm launching a domain name auction site

Here's the thing: all of the domain name auction sites which are currently on the market have one thing in common, the fact that you have to go through a shitload of domains in order to find one worth buying.

What most people don't know is that domainers are actually not lazy at all. Most folks spend hours upon hours looking at lists and filtering out crap, that kind of sucks and that's why I've decided to approach the market with a fresh concept.

Section 2) An octopus? Why yes, an octopus!

Yes, a fucking auctionpus. That's it. One huge-ass octopus which will be pointing at 8 auctions each and every day as of this point. Simplicity taken to the extreme, this is what Auctionpus.com is all about.

I want to make this site a part of the daily surfing routine of each domainer/webmaster. As previously mentioned, each set of 8 auctions lasts 24 hours. If you see something you like, place a bid. If not, move on and come back tomorrow. Since we're only talking about 8 domains per day, you can check them out in less than a minute.

Oh and one more thing: a lot of folks think they're finding "gems" at reg fee. In fact, they're registering crap. There's a reason why some domains are worth more than others and there's also a reason why that "gem" of yours is available :)

Ask anyone who isn't a complete idiot. They'll all agree that it's better to spend $2,000 on a good domain or 3-4 decent domains than $2,000 on shitloads of hand regs. Everyone thinks they're the shit when starting out and that those "other losers" are wrong but in most cases, sticking with the fundamentals is fucking worth it.

It's kind of a never ending cycle of crappy domain sales. Beginners buy awful domains, try to sell them for a lot of money, fail and as renewals come close, they try to liquidate and at least get some of their money back until they actually find a sucker. Then another beginner buys them and he or she also fails, rinse and repeat. That has to stop and Auctionpus.com is my solution.

We'll list 8 kick-ass domains each day and let the market decide. Most auctions will start at $1 (no reserve) and I made this perfectly clear to all sellers right from the beginning: if you don't have the balls to auction great domains at no reserve and let the market do its thing, GTFO!

Section 3) The development process

I'm a complete disaster when it comes to anything that has to do with programming, so I 've contacted Victory and I gotta tell you: this guy knows his shit!

He's been extremely patient and did an amazing job, working with programmers is usually a royal pain in the ass but this guy is definitely an exception. PM him if there's anything you need and I assure you that you won't be disappointed, I will definitely be sending a lot of work his way in the future.

Section 4) How I'm marketing the site

I will be advertising Auctionpus.com through featured headlines over at domaining.com, I'll buy one of those each and every day (they cost $100/day).

Aside from that, I'll be advertising it on two important domaining forums (promoting other forums when I'm on WF is not cool, so they will remain nameless): in one case (the more popular forum), I've bought a paid sticky thread and I've placed a banner on the other one. I'll also be promoting Auctionpus.com via DomainingTips.com and the webmaster blog I bought a while ago.

Last but not least, I've rented the sidebar of my favorite gay webmaster forum, Stanley will add the banner shortly ;)

Section 5) How things stand so far

8 domains are currently being auctioned (a starting bid of $1 and no reserve), here are the descriptions (taken from Auctionpus.com):


A one-word category killer product name dot net with 33,100 exact match global monthly searches and 110,000 broad global monthly searches: need we say more?


A premium pronounceable CVCV dot com domain which has been registered back in 2010: an amazing choice for a Web 2.0 business!


The best possible domain for an Internet Marketing forum (practically everyone refers to Internet Marketing as “IM”, the extension definitely works in its favor) and as for the term “forum” with its 1,500,000 exact match global monthly searches and 124,000,000 global monthly searches, “huge” is an understatement!


An excellent programming-related domain and since Mexico is the world’s #10 economy, the possibilities are endless (this domain would be a dream come true for any programming company from Mexico, a lot of potential end users)!


SnookerBlog.com has “credibility” written all over it. It represents the best possible domain for a snooker-related blog and since we’re talking about a sport with hundreds of millions of fans, you can easily earn a living just by developing and monetizing it!


With 8,100 exact match monthly searches and 60,500 global monthly searches as well as an estimated CPC of $1.73, it’s a no-brainer: turn this baby into a minisite and watch those profits roll in!


This one’s for all you geo domain lovers out there, we’ll let the facts speak for themselves: 4,400 exact match monthly searches, 14,800 global monthly searches and an estimated average CPC of $1.04!

Funny Mistakes.com

With 3,600 exact match monthly searches and 27,100 global exact match monthly searches, we are convinced that you’ll have a hard time finding a humor domain that will come close to this one on the market!
The first set of 8 auctions ends today at 2 PM EST and that's also when the second one will start. In other words, each set of 8 auctions will end the next day at 2 PM EST.

Alright, that's it for now. If you have any questions, feel free to post 'em here. I hope you'll find the thread useful and will try to update it on a regular basis.
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That looks pretty promising Charlie. I like your ideay because of your concept: KISS :) Keep us updated, please...
Interesting idea to have one day long auctions. It adds a nice touch of "you must act now", but I wonder if you won't miss some "very interested" sellers in the process. Good luck to you.
What your domain name makes me think about

I do really like it though its like a woot for domains
nice idea, hope it goes well!

I do really like it though its like a woot for domains

Thanks guys!

Interesting idea to have one day long auctions. It adds a nice touch of "you must act now", but I wonder if you won't miss some "very interested" sellers in the process. Good luck to you.

There are always risks associated with selling domains at reseller prices and yes, you might just find out that the buyer ended up selling the domain to a motivated end user a few weeks or even days after the auction ended :anon.sml:

Thanks for the coding review charlie.simm you got a lot of hustle in you and with any luck at all auctionpus will be a success. You have a great attention to detail which i find important when dealing with IMers.

You're a great coder and I'm pretty sure that you'll be extremely busy as of today ;)
....Nice domains. Hopefully you can keep the quality at this level!

Most people own domains that aren't worth shit and those who actually own quality domains are usually afraid to let the market decide how much they're worth. Fortunately, I can afford to be selective given the fact that I'm only auctioning 8 domains per day.
charlie.simm - I found this wonderful place thru one of your ad on other forum
and I thank you for that as I am learning tons of things from this forum already.

I will be watching how you are doing and I may submit few of my domains :D
I love the idea, but I think you would do better with higher quality domains. Don't take that as a knock on you, I just think to make it work under your model (which is pretty cool actually), they should at least be $x,xxx level domains. That might require more of an investment from you but I think the idea might work better that way.
I love the idea, but I think you would do better with higher quality domains. Don't take that as a knock on you, I just think to make it work under your model (which is pretty cool actually), they should at least be $x,xxx level domains. That might require more of an investment from you but I think the idea might work better that way.

Hopefully, a few months from now, at least 6 domains will fetch $x,xxx each day.
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This is a very good idea. I remember surfing around for domain names and 99% of them are crap. Your site should get bookmarkers from other domain name forums very quickly. Good job!
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