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New member
Feb 14, 2009
Is anyone's NeverBlueAd's Affiliate Manager online right, if they are, can you please tell me who, it's a really urgent issue. Thank you.

Neverblue is falling apart.. they use to be on top it seems to be going down hill hope they pull out of this shit whole there falling into asap
I have never once seen my neverblue am online and they take 1-2 days to respond to email
I love NeverBlueads. All you need to do is give your AM a call and they give you a rise. Scrubbing is around 2 - 3 % for them which is not a problem for me. Also they offer exclusive offers a lot of time.
I actually like NeverBlue when everyone seems to be hating on them. The only thing I don't trust is that they're on a proprietary system - it screams "WE'RE SCRUBBING LIKE A BRILLO PAD"
Hmm, this went downhill. Never said I didn't like Neverblue - was just commenting on their support. They're a great network aside from the AMs' availability.

I've seen better conversions on their network than Azoogle on my split tests.
The Affiliate Managers are not affiliate friendly and hardly ever reply to my emails....
What have we learned here?

Nb has the best conversions Nb has the worst conversions
Nb scrubs like a mo fo NB has a low scrub rate
Nb never responds to emails Nb always responds to emails
Nb rocks! Nb sucks.

Good thread, would read again.
The Affiliate Managers are not affiliate friendly and hardly ever reply to my emails....

Having lived in Victoria, BC where NeverBlue is headquartered for nearly 20 years before moving to Vancouver about 16 months ago, I can share with you that it's just the island way.

If you've never been, the city is extremely sleepy and lazy, as are much of its inhabitants. Buses run late, everything is slow, everyone drives 10km/h under the speed limit, and I could never count on my friends to show up on time for anything.

I moved out of the city because I was so frustrated with the snail's pace of everything. So, it doesn't surprise me at all that the AMs are unreliable.

NeverBlue is a far cry from the company it was before Todd and the other founders sold it off. A shame, that.
What have we learned here?

Nb has the best conversions Nb has the worst conversions
Nb scrubs like a mo fo NB has a low scrub rate
Nb never responds to emails Nb always responds to emails
Nb rocks! Nb sucks.

Good thread, would read again.

I think the level of service boils down to how much volume you're pushing.

Throw a bit of traffic, and the payouts they'll offer are hard to match.
Having lived in Victoria, BC where NeverBlue is headquartered for nearly 20 years before moving to Vancouver about 16 months ago, I can share with you that it's just the island way.

If you've never been, the city is extremely sleepy and lazy, as are much of its inhabitants. Buses run late, everything is slow, everyone drives 10km/h under the speed limit, and I could never count on my friends to show up on time for anything.

I moved out of the city because I was so frustrated with the snail's pace of everything. So, it doesn't surprise me at all that the AMs are unreliable.

NeverBlue is a far cry from the company it was before Todd and the other founders sold it off. A shame, that.

Reading this actually makes me want to move there, lol. I hate the pissy/hurry atmosphere of places like NYC, I imagine it's because of the endless stream of tourists, but the atmosphere there just felt inhumane. I like to see a smiling person once in a while..
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