NeverblueAds Reporting Delayed?

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Waste of e-space
Aug 1, 2006
My stats haven't updated since about 4:40pm pacific time...anyone else having this issue?

EDIT: Never's updating again.

Yep, they were delayed for about 4.5 hours. I was worried for a sec til it just came back about an hour ago.
Wierd, but stats I see on report of NeverBlueAds are 10% of actual ones.
Example - it shows 7 impressions a day (what the banana !) while I got at least 100 unique visitors with IPs and browser details (not search bots, no).
Either I'm being "shaved" which is not a big deal - just switch to another one, or the stats on NBA are right and all of mine are wrong (which is impossible).
Wierd, but stats I see on report of NeverBlueAds are 10% of actual ones.
Example - it shows 7 impressions a day (what the banana !) while I got at least 100 unique visitors with IPs and browser details (not search bots, no).
Either I'm being "shaved" which is not a big deal - just switch to another one, or the stats on NBA are right and all of mine are wrong (which is impossible).

The visitors could be bouncing before the ad loads...check your bounce rate/time.
You could use statcounter. They have a "visit length" statistic that has a nice little pie chart.
I am wondering.

For leads in general ( i tried dating ones ) , is there a delay for the conversions (until the end of the week-end kind of stuff ) ? or should it be automatic/real time?

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