Neverblue Tracking Issues?

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I just went back over all my NB testing and can't believe how horrible their tracking is... wow.

I have THOROUGHLY tested several offers on NB and can say with 100% confidence that their tracking is way off.

I agree. I have been with NBA for awhile. Their tracking
has always been off. I know the ROI and EPC for every
keyword I'm bidding on for a given ad, lander, offer combo.
For many keywords, this ROI and EPC has come from
thousands of clicks (a reasonably significant sample size).
I have run the offers on NBA and other networks. The NBA
ROI and EPC for the same keyword, ad, lander, offer combos
are significantly lower than expected (i.e. 50%+ off).

These variances can only be explained by tracking issues.
Recently, this was admitted by my AM on one particular offer
I'm running with NBA. Of course, with my data, my AM's
admittance was unnecessary.
I agree. I have been with NBA for awhile. Their tracking
has always been off. I know the ROI and EPC for every
keyword I'm bidding on for a given ad, lander, offer combo.
For many keywords, this ROI and EPC has come from
thousands of clicks (a reasonably significant sample size).
I have run the offers on NBA and other networks. The NBA
ROI and EPC for the same keyword, ad, lander, offer combos
are significantly lower than expected (i.e. 50%+ off).

These variances can only be explained by tracking issues.
Recently, this was admitted by my AM on one particular offer
I'm running with NBA. Of course, with my data, my AM's
admittance was unnecessary.

Makes me want to move some traffic away from them...
Well, I retract what I said about the issues being fixed, as it appeared they just blew smoke up my ass. They told me they were going to fix all the tracking issues. Over a week ago. They haven't. The test leads I send through don't track. I'm about done with Neverblue, and I suggest anyone promoting Neverblue send a few test leads through and see for yourself their tracking is fucked.
I don't know about tracking, but their new interface seems incapable of basic math. First "Revenue to date" was overstated, and now it's understated.

I like Neverblue, I really do. I like the interface, the Postback capability and the selection of offers. I just wish they would get their shit together with tracking.

I couldn't log in last night either, it works now.
I don't know about tracking, but their new interface seems incapable of basic math. First "Revenue to date" was overstated, and now it's understated.

I like Neverblue, I really do. I like the interface, the Postback capability and the selection of offers. I just wish they would get their shit together with tracking.

I think originally they had referral commissions combined with total revenue to date originally. No idea about the tracking. Everything has worked well for me so far, as far as i can tell.
This past weekend I registered the impressions but not the conversions but this morning it it seems to be reporting them. I am going ot let my AM know so they can look into cause I don't think the conversions were reported for the weekend?

Now I am assuming that the weekend reports are updated on a timely matter if not live like the week right? or do they do a batch update Monday AM?
You may want to point your respective NBA AM's to this
thread. That will let them know that multiple people are
seeing the issue and are discussing it (some with an intent
to leave the network and encourage others to do the same).
The only tracking issue I have is with zip/email submit, but the issue is widespread across networks. I'll have to do more testing.
From what I hear from the buzz around the industry and from inside sources there, it's nothing done on purpose (duh!). It's just a bit of a mess in terms of integration it seems. Which is actually normal when a network launches a new platform. They are always bound to have shit go wrong, aka buggy. Azoogle went through the same stuff. DT goes through it all the time. Shit happens ya know?

My advice to everyone is just slow down your stuff, don't jump to conclusions, give them as much feedback as possible (like if you get weird errors or something isn't loading correctly) and since their affiliate support is actually better than most in the industry (definitely best in top 5 networks), they will shoot you an answer back in time.

Just another day and another issue... what can ya do ya know?

God I miss affiliate marketing and all the drama it brings... hahahahaha... no not really.

Goodluck kids!
NeverblueAds reporting was delayed yesterday Dec. 2. All issues have been identified and corrected. All statistics have been restored today and reports are now reporting accurately for the month of December.

Again, we appreciates any feedback or heads-up about issues you may be having with the new NeverblueAds interface as some of the kinks are stil being ironed out.

If anyone continues to have tracking problems, or is experienceing problems loggin in, please shoot any neverblue rep on WF a PM or call your AM directly. Thanks,
Now I am assuming that the weekend reports are updated on a timely matter if not live like the week right? or do they do a batch update Monday AM?

NeverblueAds reporting is real-time through weekends. If there are ever tracking problems over the weekend feel free to call your AM on their cell phone.
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