Neverblue Files For Bankruptcy!!?!

Man, that 10 male-only kayaking trip sounded soooooo good.

It seems like contests are bad luck:

- Tatto's Lambo giveaway?
- CX's Roll Like a Billionaire
- Chris Hansen's To Catch ChrisS
- Epic's Playboy Mansion
- Copeac Rewards

Considering their mobile side is extremely profitable, and that Neverblue is part of the Canadian side (and technically wouldn't directly be subject to a US bankruptcy liquidation claim if it came down to that), I doubt there is too much reason to be scared about getting paid commissions. Neverblue's biggest risk probably isn't the actual bankruptcy filing itself (which is just a parent company re-org right now, Not a liquidation) is one of perception; if the people that make the money for NB (pubs and merchants) get scared and move traffic away, then perception becomes reality, and they really could be put in financial distress pretty quick.

I talked to several people that do a lot of business with Neverblue at Adtech, and it seems that nobody had any payment issues, NB still has the same contracts and offers in place, their mobile division at least is still printing money, etc. It probably didn't help that the news came up unexpectedly right in the middle of a conference, and none of NB's top employees were made aware of the bankruptcy until that morning, but right now, this looks nothing like the financial problems that shut down other networks in the last year.
I received two of these in the mail today. I assume one for my Neverblue account and one for my AKMG account.

If Neverblue is a profitable part of V2V couldn't the court order that it be sold to satisfy debts? Or worse, dismantled and it's hard assets sold to satisfy debts? Either way seems like shaky ground to be on if you're pushing traffic at them.
In the case of a parent company's bankruptcy filing, what does it mean that NB and AKMG are "guarantors of the parent company's debt"?
Can they actually pull liquid cash out of the companies to help pay the debt?
I received two of these in the mail today. I assume one for my Neverblue account and one for my AKMG account.


Haven't logged onto wickedfire for months but got the exact same letter today. I don't work with both of them though. So no problem.
I've noticed that the names at the bottom of the emails have changed, have people already started jumping ship?