Neverblue down

Do you honestly feel you should be compensated because their GUI goes down for an hour or two?

i didn't say that. i said if it were their policy to compensate us, the reason that you provided wasn't plausible enough to nullify the policy.

what kind of compensation do you need? Do you want them to give you time back? cuz thats not possible...
in a perfect world, they should be comphensated. Even tho they claim that their tracking didn't go down, who really knows? who's analyzing every single click every second....

but too many reasons not to comphensate, so uncomphensation remains the reality
Even tho they claim that their tracking didn't go down, who really knows? who's analyzing every single click every second....

I know because I track stats outside of the network like everyone else with half a brain and the numbers ended up being the same meaning the tracking never went down.