Neverblue and the incredible 50% less leads I get

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New member
Nov 7, 2007
Someone want to explain this one to me? It's the second time i move a campaign to NB and they are converting at half the rate as the same damned thing on Azoogleads. Half. From .16 epc to .07. No point in luring us with higher payouts if ur system either misses or steals half the leads. Needless to say, Im done with NB.

yeah, i mean, you want to really be sure you have statistical significance to the extreme, especially considering that you might have way different traffic coming through. sometimes it can take a LOT longer than you'd think to give a network a fair shake.

we were testing stuff and two networks didn't even out until the fifth day and, i don't know, 2000th lead. and yes, neverblue was one of the tests.
yeah... neverblue sucks ass.. they are notorious for having a lower amount of leads.. fuck them
Someone want to explain this one to me? It's the second time i move a campaign to NB and they are converting at half the rate as the same damned thing on Azoogleads. Half. From .16 epc to .07. No point in luring us with higher payouts if ur system either misses or steals half the leads. Needless to say, Im done with NB.

funny that people have such different experiences with networks. i think neverblue is very reliable. i actually think their payout is generally lower than other networks too but i use them because they are reliable and service is very good.
Neverblue's interface is so damn clean and user-friendly. They could shave all my leads and I'd still use them. If Neverblue was an abusive boyfriend and I was its co-dependent girlfriend, I'd tell the cops it was all my fault.
Neverblue has been alright for me, I can't complain. What offers are you basing this on, email submits?
Neverblue rock - agree with Mberman and Kingofsp, reliable, great interface and excellent ams.

I actually moved one of my offers across from another nws and noticed a jump in conversions around 25% increase on conversion rates that I had with another nw - same offer, same traffic.
yeah... neverblue sucks ass.. they are notorious for having a lower amount of leads.. fuck them
Since when are they notorious? If anyone is notorious for scrubbing, it's the shady advertisers.
I'm sure that 99% of the time it's the advertiser shaving, not the network. You don't get paid, the network doesn't get paid.
Since when are they notorious? If anyone is notorious for scrubbing, it's the shady advertisers.
I'm sure that 99% of the time it's the advertiser shaving, not the network. You don't get paid, the network doesn't get paid.

This is deff true... I worked at an aff network
Lets see, I ran dating offers on NB. Copeac offered more so I moved over. 7 days later, same traffic, same LP, 2x the leads. 1400 vs 700. Then Yesterday i moved a toolbar offer over to NB from Azoogleads because they were offering a touch more. Guess what. Half the leads. 10k clicks later, move my shit back to Azoogle. A miracle. Back to normal levels. NB is either skimming or there system sucks. Nice interface means shit all if the leads aint coming.
WE experienced something similar, and counted the load time between NB and our other network. NB was 4 times as long a load time for the offer as was the other network. This was for one specific offer...other offers didnt have this issue with NB...
Someone want to explain this one to me? It's the second time i move a campaign to NB and they are converting at half the rate as the same damned thing on Azoogleads. Half. From .16 epc to .07. No point in luring us with higher payouts if ur system either misses or steals half the leads. Needless to say, Im done with NB.

Payout is VERY overrated. Always focus on eCPC. But do keep split testing.
Be real careful about making accusations about networks. I'm not trying to play cop here, just giving you a heads up. That is a big no-no here without solid ass evidence, and the moderators can and will come down hard on you.
Be real careful about making accusations about networks. I'm not trying to play cop here, just giving you a heads up. That is a big no-no here without solid ass evidence, and the moderators can and will come down hard on you.

Bad boys bad boys, what cha gonna do?
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