Networks Lowering Payments

The only reasons I've ever dropped payouts that low would be to slow volume to the merchant, quality problems, or truly the merchant did drop the payout. Sometimes it's a mix of all three.

The only reasons I've ever dropped payouts that low would be to slow volume to the merchant, quality problems, or truly the merchant did drop the payout. Sometimes it's a mix of all three.

Cool story bra, now pay your affiliates on time.
The only reasons I've ever dropped payouts that low would be to slow volume to the merchant, quality problems, or truly the merchant did drop the payout. Sometimes it's a mix of all three.
oh really you ugly cunt all your network did was broker offers, dont even trust this sicko Ryan Eagle he's just trying to makeup stories but in reality the WF knows what kinds shit you offer to your pubs and BS you make up.
I'm new to affiliate marketing. Aren't advertisers required to pay in advance? It's results driven, after all; i.e. only pay for results/leads etc. Wouldn't everything still work, albeit more slowly, without credit(s) being given and networks not servicing as banks?

Maybe I am totally off, but most of the problems that I read about either involve FTC/compliance issues or people/companies not paying.

Hi bro,

Advertisers required to pay in advance ? No bro. With abundant of peasantries network competitions, networks will not only give advertisers credit but also lick their ass.

Here's what happens in Aff. Marketing in a Jist.

Advertiser makes shitty product/service/offer which is free for day 1 and then you get charged 150$ every three days until you cancel, and cancelling is very tough. It's written in very small font about recurring payments of $150 somewhere on page with font size this and color which you can barely see.

Advertiser banks on rebillings, Networks bank on rebillings, then FTC comes and bust both of them and networks are labelled as broke and advertiser becomes poor when his wealth gets confiscated. Some Network owners are smart and buy Phantoms and Ferarri's when all this happens and accumulate a lot of wealth, and when they get busted, they don't pay their affiliates and vanish away.

Shitty industry ? Yes. If you want to do some solid business, work with CJ which has plenty of legit offers.
How about this: I had a special dog that kept winning dog crapping competitions. No matter what, it would totally shit on the competition. It made me so much money. But one day I wanted a holiday and became a tight ass and started shaving three quarters of the prize money. Afer a couple of months the dog realised and it escaped and went to shit without me and made a great success of itself.

How about this: I had a special dog that kept winning dog crapping competitions. No matter what, it would totally shit on the competition. It made me so much money. But one day I wanted a holiday and became a tight ass and started shaving three quarters of the prize money. Afer a couple of months the dog realised and it escaped and went to shit without me and made a great success of itself.

When he was constipated would he still shit on niggas?
Giving advertisers credit is not the problem. Its that networks don't look into the business side of the offer. If the company is doing the offer at an immediate loss, in hopes of profit later, the company should be checked out to make sure they can pay, or get payment up front. Many offers create profit immediately but without credit, they could not exist due to bank holdings so the cash needs to float. If all advertisers needed to pay up front, 50% of offers would be gone that same day. POOF!

Secondly, as an advertiser, lots of affiliate networks burn you if you pay up front. How? Company A has $15k marketing budget to spend in 30-60 days maybe, and affiliate network B requires $10k up front. But then the publishers there only move $1000 in sales per month. Now that money is parked and it seriously hurts the companies cash flow. Now if they ask for it back, they get delays etc maybe even have to wait 30 days to get it back, or they get charged $750 bucks in 'holding fees'... or some nonsense...
The solution is to work directly with an brand, or to build your own branded product.

I moved away from CPA networks years ago because I realized that I would never receive benefit from happy customers or word of mouth promotion that would be generated through all of the advertising I was paying for.