Networks!! Im hungry for spanish offers/landing pages!

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New member
Feb 8, 2008
Austin, TX
I've been looking for offers/landing pages to market in spanish! But cant seem to find any! Im sure I can send good volume if I find the right offer!! But there is a huge lack of spanish offers.

The hispanic market in the US/World is huge! So if you have a good spanish lander/offer please post here or PM more details.

Im hungry for this type of offers!!!!

wow this is bad. only one AN contacted me with spanish offers/landing pages.... Im sure there used to be more just a year ago.... whats up with that?

I checked with Neverblueads and they have a couple but one is for the webfetti offers which I really dont like. Market Leverage none :( and Copeac couldnt find any either.....
Well, I said it to someone else, so I'll say it to you:

We've got a Spanish landing page for our download program: ArchivosCompartidos (dotcom). I even ironied* out the bug that had it referring to the English payment gateway.
It pays out at $20USD per sale, and you can have a two tiered downline from it as well, with $1.25 and $0.50 respectively. And if you do sustained traffic at a decent rate, we can talk about a pay increase.
Payouts are weekly by cheque or wire/EFT from trigger, after two weeks in arrears. IF you do decent sustained traffic, we can move to PayPal (new policy... ugh). We hold 10% in escrow for 180 days to pay for late refund and chargebacks. After that time, the money's rolled back into your pay outs.

Sign up is through my sig.
Tell me if you're joining because we've got manual approval now after a rash of fraud in the last few months.

Any other questions PM/Email me.

*Not a typo
I've been looking for offers/landing pages to market in spanish! But cant seem to find any! Im sure I can send good volume if I find the right offer!! But there is a huge lack of spanish offers.

The hispanic market in the US/World is huge! So if you have a good spanish lander/offer please post here or PM more details.

Im hungry for this type of offers!!!!

i think click booth has a few LP's that are in spanish. maybe copeac too, but not sure..
Well, I said it to someone else, so I'll say it to you:

We've got a Spanish landing page for our download program: ArchivosCompartidos (dotcom). I even ironied* out the bug that had it referring to the English payment gateway.
It pays out at $20USD per sale, and you can have a two tiered downline from it as well, with $1.25 and $0.50 respectively. And if you do sustained traffic at a decent rate, we can talk about a pay increase.
Payouts are weekly by cheque or wire/EFT from trigger, after two weeks in arrears. IF you do decent sustained traffic, we can move to PayPal (new policy... ugh). We hold 10% in escrow for 180 days to pay for late refund and chargebacks. After that time, the money's rolled back into your pay outs.

Sign up is through my sig.
Tell me if you're joining because we've got manual approval now after a rash of fraud in the last few months.

Any other questions PM/Email me.

*Not a typo

Im interested and everything sounds good but one thing:

"We hold 10% in escrow for 180 days to pay for late refund and chargebacks."

10% could mean a big chunk of the profits. I usually make a ROI 120% TO 140% on most campaigns so holding 10% wouldnt work for me.
Dumb me (I'm sure) have you filtered the Clickbank marketplace by Language, it's not fully accurate, I was scouting it out for bilingual friends, here are the number of entries with the offer in spanish.
Business to Business 14
Health & Fitness 8
Home & Family 5
Computing & Internet 4
Money & Employment 11
Marketing & Ads 7
Fun & Entertainment 2
Society & Culture 5

There's a "Guru" Sebastian Saldarriaga (who got his start employing his natural knack for mis-spelling keywords). He has some bilingual thing going on, probably suited to my rookire friends.
(Lifted from his page
Co-Founder of :
The first Bi-Lingual, 2 tier Internet Business Opportunity. This Program was co-created with my partner Michel Spire. Abunza is making history in the internet business opportunity industry.
XY7 emailed me asking for spanish traffic. But he said it's a 'holiday' offer. try aim xy7seanw.
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