Networking With Other People - This one was weird

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
So I was at a bookstore looking at books about marketing. This college student came up to me and asked if I could make any recommendations. I said no, and asked why he needed a book about marketing. He said he was a marketing major, blah blah blah. He asked me why I was there, I told him about IM. He asked if I had a business card, told him no so he asked for my number blah blah. Said he wanted to talk business with me at his office (to rape/kill/rob me I suppose), and just walks off. Doesn't even attempt to look for a book - which is why he was there in the first place.

So, wtf just happened? Is he going to try and sell me something? He's called me twice in two days but I wasn't around to answer the phone. Should I block his number or what. Maybe one of you guys have heard of something similar where it ended up being some sort of scam. Fucking weird...

So I was at a bookstore looking at books about marketing. This college student came up to me and asked if I could make any recommendations. I said no, and asked why he needed a book about marketing. He said he was a marketing major, blah blah blah. He asked me why I was there, I told him about IM. He asked if I had a business card, told him no so he asked for my number blah blah. Said he wanted to talk business with me at his office (to rape/kill/rob me I suppose), and just walks off. Doesn't even attempt to look for a book - which is why he was there in the first place.

So, wtf just happened? Is he going to try and sell me something? He's called me twice in two days but I wasn't around to answer the phone. Should I block his number or what. Maybe one of you guys have heard of something similar where it ended up being some sort of scam. Fucking weird...

Call him back. You have an 89% chance of getting laid.
Yeah Amway was the other 11% chance. Either way, you're getting fucked.
Haha fucking amway

Call him back, tell him you'll sell him the perfect marketing book (by marketing book I mean shitty e-book) about making money in the interwebz. It will teach him everything

Hey... a $97 sale is a $97 sale
Haha fucking amway

Call him back, tell him you'll sell him the perfect marketing book (by marketing book I mean shitty e-book) about making money in the interwebz. It will teach him everything

Hey... a $97 sale is a $97 sale

I second that... obviously he's trying to sell you something. Test your skill level, and see if you can turn the tables. hahahahah:D
Was this the guy?

Yea thats him.

I'm just going to block his number. This whole situation sounds gay as fuck.
Yea thats him.

I'm just going to block his number. This whole situation sounds gay as fuck.
Nah, you should at least find out what he wants and end it. What's the worst that can happen? He calls spews some bullshit and you say "No Thanks, I'm not interested."

Don't fall into Passive Aggressive Behavior, it's for bitches. (Literally and figuratively)
lol it's prolly amway. if he calls you ask him straight up if its amway. if he says yes tell him to go fuck himself. if he says no, tell him to go fuck himself

The "district managers" of amway/quixtar/vector tell everyone in their downline to recruit at the business section of bookstores and near college campuses. You should call him, arrange a meeting somewhere thats really far from so he uses up his gas and then not show up. Then call and say your sorry but you can meetup now at another location and ditch him again, just for kicks.
Answer the damn phone...he can't rape over the telephone! Find out what it is first...but I agree that it is likely Amway or Gay...but you never know. And Knowing is Half the Battle.
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