Need your votes to get $250k from Pepsi for a Skateplaza

Thanks for all the help! More info / background can be found here: Randomn3ss Your Help Is Needed To Help Win a $250k Grant From Pepsi To Complete a Community Skateplaza

Looks like Steve Berra / Berrics crew will be in town hopefully this weekend to record a spot to push through their site.

Slipped to 8th place (of 1054 total entries) - we're promoting through Twitter / Facebook / MySpace / forums / etc - but if anyone else has ideas on how we could get more people to vote every day I'm all ears. The local media isn't really picking this story up yet.
Voted and blasted out to facebook / twitter people. Our largest clients are in the action sport industry, so love the idea!
voted. too bad you have no clue how many votes you'll need for those top 2 positions.
I voted to finish building the camp for kids with cancer. There's NO way a skate park comes before kids with cancer.