Need your votes to get $250k from Pepsi for a Skateplaza

Mike Panic

New member
Jul 22, 2009
A close friend of mine and local skateshop owner has been working with the city here to get a skateplaza built for nearly 8 years. The project is being built with zero tax-payer dollars and will be free for anyone to use. Through a small grant and lots of donations he's helped the city secure enough money to break ground this past January and complete the first of three Phases for a late spring launch of part of the plaza. More money is needed to to continue phase II and III. This project has the full support of the mayor, city and residents, it just needs more funding.

Pepsi is running a campaign now called the Refresh Project and they are giving out $250k grants each month to the cause that gets the most votes. Right now, the Skateplaza is in 5th spot and since March 1st has been as high as 3rd. Voting takes 5 seconds, simply go here: Complete a skateplaza in our community. | Pepsi Refresh Everything and click Vote for this idea and login with your Facebook info, you won't be spammed and nothing shows up on your Facebook page, although it would be nice if you could post it (icons provided for FB and Twitter, and widgets to embed on sites). You can vote every single day.

Full information on the current status of the Skateplaza, including groundbreaking photos & videos and the architect's renderings, along with the back story of how this got started can be read here: bethlehem skateplaza – Homebase Skateshop | 610 | Bethlehem PA

Let me be clear, I'm not asking anyone to donate money, just a few seconds to click a link, vote and help the Skateplaza get this grant money.


The local skatepark was where I spent alot of my high school years. Hope you guys get it finished