Need Wickedfire Advice/Insults/Gay


New member
Jan 7, 2012
I do local SEO. A guy contacted me and a web designer and wants us to work on a project together. I do not do web design generally, I mostly focus on ranking local clients websites.

So, three people involved, me, web designer, boss guy.

The deal is, if I rank this new project locally for web design, for every job that lands I get $300. Every website costs $3700. The web design guy is doing the website building and I will only be ranking our site. I don't know how much "boss guy" is making but I get the feeling he is going to make money off of us doing work and he is going to do nothing.

Take into account this guy is pretty smart, ivy league grad blah blah and has some major connections, and has very "high hopes" for this project...But I just dont think $300 is enough for every job and I'm wondering where all the money is going.

So what should I do? Any advice is appreciated. I dont need this really but I dont like the deal so far, wondering if anyone has had a good experience with team work.

If the amount exceeds the amount you'd normally charge for a client why not? On the other hand you already feel that you aren't receiving adequate compensation for the work you're going to provide, why do it than?

Edit: If you do decide to take the job get a contract.
Let me see if I understand.

You are ranking their web design firm for leads, and each lead that comes in and closes you get a piece.

Who controls the domain?
They are obligated under contract to pay?
How do you verify a job has closed?
Sounds like that guy is straight pimping you on a commission basis. IF you can rank for "city webdesign" why not just cut out this boss guy? There are plenty of hungry web designers that would love to do some sort of partnership. You have to watch out for flakes but this boss guy doesn't seem to be paying out of pocket for anything and yet get's a big chunk of profit from all of it?
Sounds like that guy is straight pimping you on a commission basis. IF you can rank for "city webdesign" why not just cut out this boss guy? There are plenty of hungry web designers that would love to do some sort of partnership. You have to watch out for flakes but this boss guy doesn't seem to be paying out of pocket for anything and yet get's a big chunk of profit from all of it?

Yeah thats what I'm thinking. Initially he wont be doing shit and he's definitely making a chunk of this change though I'm not sure how much. I think I'm just going to up and ask who's getting what pieces of the pie. Not sure why I didnt do this to begin with.
Yeah thats what I'm thinking. Initially he wont be doing shit and he's definitely making a chunk of this change though I'm not sure how much. I think I'm just going to up and ask who's getting what pieces of the pie. Not sure why I didnt do this to begin with.

It is human nature to look at what kind of effort he is putting in and how much return he is making off of it, but the bottom line is that he is the one with the "vision" putting this monkey circus together and hustling.

He deserves whatever he can squeeze out of this life and no one should begrudge him for it.
He deserves whatever he can squeeze out of this life and no one should begrudge him for it.

Thanks for your replies. I dont begrudge him for it. I just think I should make more money than him if he's doing jack shit nothing.
For every action(signup) type thing, you get $300.

You don't feel you can drive enough traffic to make that profitable?

Some people believe work smarter rather than beating the crap out of people that aren't making that much to begin with. Or something like that.

Where's BGBL? I'd be searching her posts if I was looking at local.
Are you under the impression that sweat equity is the only kind?

Can you elaborate please.

Your boss is pretty smart, ivy league and has connections?

Fuck that.

lol not really my boss, I run my own SEO shaboozy locally. More of a partner thing.

For every action(signup) type thing, you get $300.

You don't feel you can drive enough traffic to make that profitable?

for every landed deal/ website of $3700...possibly it just depends. I made this thread to get some new ideas/ angles for this type of thing and was/ am curious if anyone else has had success with something like this but I havent heard any success stories. I had a company I partnered with in 2011 and I made them about $3000 and they made me $50, so it was bullshit. On top of that, when I brought them in for a couple clients work they blast the shit out of the clients with upsells, so when I went to offer more with SEO etc. the client was tapped, that kinda pissed me off.

Thanks for all of your replies.
The question really is how do you verify that a lead came via you?

If you can.. fuck that $300 buys a lot of local advertising

Adwords, bing, billboards, posters, local TV, radio stations..
