Need ideas for adding an ecommerce section to my website

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Jun 24, 2006
Boston, MA
Hi everyone- I run a website that helps students do better in their classes by providing outlines, notes, vocabulary terms, practice quizzes, etc for social science classes such as US History and European History. Right now the site is completely free for the user. I make all my money through ad revenue. With that said, I would like to keep the site the same, but add a new paid section or an online store.

I was thinking maybe setting up an Amazon store on my site with products directly related to the classes I have content for i.e. study guides, test prep books, etc.

What else could I do to not become so dependent on ad revenue in case one day that goes to crap?


I would go with what you were saying about the study guides and the other books. Try some stationary as well, some people could be interested in them.

If you are getting enough traffic there will be people who will buy the products and you should make a nice income. :)
Study guides would be a good idea, things like Cliff Notes. For college students maybe a place to buy sell their books with each other and you could take a listing fee?
Cliff Notes for sure, everyone used those when I was in high school
Keep the free content the same, and start offering yearly plans where the students who sign up get extra benefits. Maybe disable all ads for paying members, add a forum to discuss things, etc.
Why not set-up a Cafepress store and create shirts that appeal to students? Busted Tees has done quite well targeting the college market, so you should be able to cash in as well.
Start a paid content section, outsource their homework to overseas workers... i kid i kid, although I won't be surprised to see this one day
Payton said:
Start a paid content section, outsource their homework to overseas workers... i kid i kid, although I won't be surprised to see this one day

I actually think there's a site that does this. It works because foreigners trying to speak English is not far from most high schoolers grammatical faculties.
Thanks for all the ideas guys. I dont think CafePress would be best- it would much cheaper to order the shirts and mail them out myself. However, I would really like to minimize the amount of day to day work so having it be an automated process.

I'm thinking Amazon would be the best way to do it. I also have a partnership in place to sell additional content membership at a monthly fee.

donn said:
I actually think there's a site that does this. It works because foreigners trying to speak English is not far from most high schoolers grammatical faculties.
I wouldn't be suprised. There is a lot of quality articles coming out of the philipines for dirt cheap. No reason they couldn't write essays.
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